The Owensboro Messenger from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)

PAGE TWO THE MESSENGER, OWENSBORO, SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 3, 1923 the rules of the United States Rail Labor board. Big Moonshine Plants Are Captured 575.078. making the total today $22,082,208,901. The reduction during October, 1923. were 42.403.286.

Another Claim Is Paid To Turner P. Coons LOUGHER CANCELS PflQUCAH ADDRESS By Federal Agents Near Louisville plaint stated that there was continual ttream of automobiles to and from the places. NATIONAL DEBT IS CUT A BILLION DURING YEAR Washington, Nov. 2. The public debt of the United States has been reduced nearly a billion dollars, during the past year, the treasury department announced today.

Since October 31," 1922, the reductions has amounted to According to the officers making pATARRH I cf bead or throat Is usually benefited by the vapors Vapo rub Omt 17 Million Jan Um4 Yrrly the raid, one of the stills was lo cated on a tract adjoining a farm Louisville, Nov. 2 (By the A. Two large moonshine stills equipped with steam boilers on farms in the neighborhood of Bardstown road and Fegenbueh Lane, were destroyed Thursday afternoon by federal prohibition agents acting on complaint of church people and residents of the neighborhood, reported the strong scent of stills. The cm- of Deputy Sheriff James E. Mulli Presence of Eighteen Cops Deters Klan Orator's Purpose In Western Town.

gan. 'Murrell Kurtz and Dal Hart were cited, through Mrs. Kurtz and Mrs. Blanton, to appear today be fore XJ. S.

Commissioner Joseph A Craft on charges of manufacturing 1 EMPRESS BLEICH tsxti JkKxfaa Afriitnvt SiasMtswrt M5SWBqi i TODAY PRICES: Children. 10c Adults, 40o Paducah, Nov. 2. After standing under the surveillance of eighteen policemen for over an Hour In front of the locked and guarded union tabernacle, a crowd of about 350 persons was told that Dr. E.

H. Lougher. speaker for the Ku Klux Klan, would make no attempt to deliver the address he was scheduled to give here tonight i 7- A a Turner P. Coons, R. P.

D. Xo. 1 Thilpot, has received check for $10 from the North American Accident Insurance' company, of Chicago, in settlement of one week's disability, being the second claim paid to Mr. Coons within thirty days on account of accidents. This was made possible through the Slesscnger's travelers insurance department.

3 Acts of Uaudeville because "the organization for liquor. The raiders reported that on the MORTUARY 3 farm of Kurtz they found a 800 KARMINO A Big Time Vaudeville Entertainer. gallon still, M00 gallons of mash, a large quantity or which he speaks" was not ready for open conflict with city authorities. The building was locked and policemen placed on guard under an order issued by Commissioner of Public Safety C. C.

Pace, but lz was said that the keys for the TTuildlng had been given to Dr. Lougher and his party by opera 000 pounds of meal, 500 pounds of sugar, a one and a nair norse pow Jesse R. Bratcher, one year, old son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bratcher, died Friday afternoon at their home on the Leitchfield road.

Besides his parents, five brothers survive. er motor used to pump water, and Cameron Doll Comedy, Singing, Talking and Darning can start a nice savings account with the money you ILL CELEBRATE ARMISTICE DAY Greenville Post American Legion Making Great Plans For Nov. 10. a steam boner, liuriz was not at home and the citation for him to appear before tne commissioner was left with his wife. tors of the tabernacle, and up until the time the crowd was asked to disperse It was rumored that Dr.

Lougher had jsaid he would The officers said that a beaten TODAY ppYpFC. Children, 10c rrvivco AduILSf SOc. Thrillsl Thrills! Thrills? ALL ABOARD TJestbound Limited" Starring Ralph Lewis YOU'LL rido upon the crest of towering thrills A whole staggering Niagara of thundering opI-oUoit myriad scenie marvels culminating In a scries of emotional smashes that will leave yon bewildered by ihelr stark power! ALSO-r "WHY PAY 1 RENT" A FOX IMPERIAL COMEDY GLENNY AND FORD path from the first still led to a make an attempt to enter the SAVE shed on the farm of Mrs. Blanton, where they found a 100-gallon still and five thousand gallons of mash. They quoted Mrs.

Blanton as say building. Policemen under the direction A Comedy Novelty Act. of Chief Charles B. Whlttemore FATHER OF HIS COUNTRY SUGGESTED AS SAINT Washington, Nov. 2.

While with the heralded beatification of Elizabeth Anne Seton, of New England, a movement has been started in Rome American circles to have George Washington declared a saint. Members of the pontifical assembly see little hope of the movement succeeding, fop two principal reasons: George Wash ing she had rented the shed to Dal guarded the doors of the building Hart for $10 a day. and there was no disorder In the crowd, which was greatly enlarged by excitement seekers from a circus In progress across the street. buying at these pries: Mrs. Stokes Says She Greenville, Nov.

2. Everything Is In readiness for the annual Armistice Day celebration to bo held In Greenville Saturday, November 10. Under of Post 80, American Legion, Greenville promises the people of Muhlenberg Regretted Wedding Day New York. Nov. 2.

Mrs. Helen Elwood Stokes testified today at PICTCRE PROGRAM Win. Hackett IX "Perils of the West" ALSO The First Kpisod Of tlie Finest Serial Ever Shown In the City. the retrial of the divorce suit brought by W. E.

D. Stokea that LARD her married life with the wealthy hotel owner had been unhappy Union Sues Pennsylvania System For $15,000,000 Philadelphia, Nov. 2. (By the A. System federation No.

90, representing shop crafts on the Pennsylvania Railroad system, today brought suit in the. federal court for $15,000,000 against the Pennsylvania Railroad to make up alleged underpayment In wages which resulted, according to the from the first. She declared under cross-examination of Max D. ington was an English, not- a Roman, Catholic, and there 13 evidence to prove that the father of his country was not precisely a saint, but that he had his share of the wholesome sins of other men." Elizabeth Seton will be the first American saint, but-she was originally a Puritan. She immigrated to Italy to give her nick husband the chance of treatment by Italian specialists.

At the end of the Eighteenth century, during the French revolution, she became a Catholic. "Santa Fe Trail county and the surrounding territory who will be here on that day, the greatest event of this kind ever conducted in Western Kentucky. The activities of the occasion start promptly at 8 a. m. and the day's program will be concluded at 4 p.

m. "Not a dull moment during the entire day," is the-slogan of. those who have charge of the arrangements. The Owensboro band of seventeen pieces has been secured to bill of complaint. from the 7.50 Pennsylvania's refusal to abide by No.

5 Pail No. 10 Pail No. 50 Can Calla Hams, lb r. Spare Ribs, lb Shoulder Bones, lb. Pork Steak, lb.

CHINESE GOVERNMENT REFORESTS BIG AREAS Steuer, counsel, that" she could not recall happy day with Mr. Stokea since their marriage. "On the day' you. married Mr. Stokea you regretted it?" asked Mr.

Steuer. "I did," she answered. Mrs. Stokea continuously denied she had ever been at the Thirty-fifth street apartment of Edgrar Wallace, named by Mr. Stokea as a co-respondent.

Mr. Steuer caused something of a sensation when he produced several photographs of Mrs. Stokes and men in pajamas. But Mrs. Stokes did not lose the coolness that marked all of her testimony.

She calmly said she did not remember the circ*mstances when her husband's attorney asked htr to tell about one of the pictures. In the Heart of the Season Sale Pork Chops, lb. r. 18c OFFERS make the music, and there will be notables here who will speak at the court house. Moving pictures of the crowds In tho streets will be taken and shown later at the Queen theatre.

Mr. Isaac Oser, 65 years old, died at a hospital in Louisville at midnight Monday. For a year he had been In a serious condition, suffering from general debility, and had recently returned from Mayo institution, where he spent several monthsl His had again grown seriouu, and last Thursday he was taken to his old home at Pork Sausage, 15c; 2 lbs r. Pork Roast, lb. r.

t. 7 10c 6c Sport teef Roast, lb. leef Boil, lb. Paris, Nov. 2.

Not content America is using more lumber annually than it is producing and 'Jfrnoring the pressing need of reforestation, the Chinese have recognized the value of reforesting and are applying the principle, to advices received by the department of commerce. The Shansl government has inaugurated a Bureau of Forestry with six branches and tree planting on government land is going ahead steadily. in addition, private land owners are also planting trees on all available land. It is estimated, the report states, over 100,000,000 trees are being planted annually. The Shansl government hopes to reforest some 30,000,000 acres of land.

Ui3 teef Steak, lb Aerial Cop Pursues Air Law Violators To Ground Akron, Nov. 2. After chasing Pilot Howard Calvert and his passenger, Frank O'Neill, prominent Akron clubman, through the skies in an airplane today, Harold Kullberg, volunteer aerial policeman and former World war ace, made what is believed to be the first" arrest of a violator of air traffic rules in this country. Bacon, Whole or Half Side, lb. Louisville, where he was placed in a hospital.

Mr. Oser came to this city twelve years ago, engaging in business in a small way, but he' had developed the enterprise into a targe store, and was one of the Today Dale Bacon, lb. A Smoked Jowls, lb. WIFE BOBS HER HAIR; CHASED WITH BAYONET AT MIMIC $1.00 r.i Calvert and Neili were rested after they landed at Aviation Field. They charged with stunt flying the city In violation of an nance passed recently by ar-Stow were over ordi city leading men in his line.

Mr. Ottc A. Rothert, secretary of the Filson club, Louisville, author of an authentic history of Muhlenberg county and well known in Greenville, has written a new book, "The Outlaws of Cave-in-Rock." which is an historical account of the famous highwaymen and river pirates who operated in pioneer days upon the Ohio and Mississippi rivers and over the old Natchez Trace. The oook throws much light on the dangers and Hams, Half or Whole, lb. Eg-ffs, Doz.

3Doz. Oysters, Pint, 35c; Quart council. Arraigned in municipal court both entered pleas of not guilty and were released on their personal bonds pending their hearing tomorrow. O'Neill was charged with dropping hand bills from the air. Kraut, Quart 15c ReinharoTs Famous Treble Blend Los Angeles, Nov.

2. It was a matter of jazz, bobbed hair and red shoes that broke up the home of Margaret Nicassio, who has been granted a divorce by Judge Clock from Tony Nicastlo. according to the wife's complaint. Nicassio served in the Italian army during the World war. He believed his wife should conduct herself as matrons of Italy did, particularly in the matter of hair and shoes, she declared.

Her shoes, he said, should be black, her hair should be- done back straight, tied In a Bmall knot behind. "I want my hair bobbed." she said. "I also wanted a pair of red Shoes. I pot what I wanted, but he chased me out of the house with a byaonet." rough life, of flatboat navigation, upon the taverns located upon these highways, and upon the events leading to the opening of the Great Miseljsippi Valley to settlement and commerce. Laet Saturday night Deputy Sheriffs Cobie Johnston, Buck McAdoo Visit To Capital Brings Flurry of Rumors Washington, Nov.

2. (By the A. William G. McAdoo, who 35c Coombs and Ed Bandy raided the la spending a week here, today Coffee. 3 lbs.

Channel Catfish, lb. Creamery Butter, lb. Nut Oleo, lb. 5 lbs. Here are the newer types of Winter Sports wear, that have the dashing snap and dear-cut lines so much sought by those who spend their leisure Winter da3's in outdoor enjoyment Thejr come in all the season's styles, colors, such as checks, plaids and stripes.

Some have fur collars, others pithout. Today Special, take jxmr choice at one-half price. renewed acquaintances with personal and political friends, in cluding several of his associates in the Wilson cabinet. Yesterday he and Mrs. McAdoo visited i home of Mills Taylor at Graham and arrested Taylor and Harrison Marshall, both negroes, on a charge of having liquor in their possession.

Taylor acknowledged guilt before Judge Rii a and was fined 175 and thirty days in jail. He paid tna fine and is serving his tern, with the county jailer. Mar Mr. Wilson at his street home. Parasols with fringe or of black $1.00 The arrival of the former velvet with white or bright linings treasury-secretary at the capital are great vogue at the fashion resorts.

started a new flurry of reports Bread, 3 Loaves Sunbrfeht Cleanser, 6 Cans that important developments were Impending In connection Rector Johns Jury Fails with his presidential boom, but he Indicated today that he would A To Agree; Is Discharged liave no public statement to make for several days at least. shall put up a cash bond for his appearance next Saturday. Mr. Wallace Malone, local contractor grivnd this week for the new wholesale house of J. Zinsmeister Sons.

The concrete walk was made nd l.e expects-to go right ahead with the erection of the building. It is supposed to be ready for occupancy by the first of the year. Mr. S. C.

Bais-. who has charge of the building of the Association wraehouse hree, and an assistant. NANZ 'CLOTHING CO. FOR BETTER VALUES MURDER HEARING AT 1 Libert? 1 larfcet o. PRINCETON PUT OVER Nov.

2. The Jury trying Rector Jones, Louisville, on the charge of conspiracy to rob the Bank of Canmer, this county. In June, 1922. reported a disagreement tonight, and was discharged. The jury was reported to have stood ten to two for con- Prlnceon, Nov.

2. On mo tlon of the attorney for the defendant, the case of Harry Davis under Indictment for the wilful I The White cition. anitary Market murder of his brother, Elwood Davfs, October 18, was continued This was the second mistrial. At a previous hearina- lvn In circuit court here Thursday, until the March term of court. The jurors voted for conviction and one for acquittal.

Corner Main and Allen case of Henry Newton, under in dictment for rape, went on trial IT Thursday. 5 y.C-&l i HEAR The Gospel Preached and Sung J. R. Qoker, both of Bowling Green, arrived in the cit Wednesday and Immediately began work on the building, which will be pushed with all possible speed until It is completed. Mrs.

Robert Wickliffe Is In the hospital at Louisville, where she underwent an operation for gallstones. She is reported a doing nicely. Mr. wnd Mrs. Harry ISaves and son, Harry, are in Louisville, where Harry, will undergo an operation for appendicitis.

Mrs. Earl Wood and sister. Miss Ellers, are moving back to Owensboro, their former home. MAY SAVE EYE AFTER NAIL PIERCES BALL Princeton, Nov. 2.

The eye hall was pierced and part of the Iris penetrated when J. Harvey Toombs, superintendent of the Prudential Insurance company here, drove a nail a glancing blow and it hit his eye. Sight of the eye will probably be saved. "No, No, Nora" GRAND THEATRE AT. NtcHT HOlf.


McGOWAN The Columbians fox-trot it across on Columbia Song Leader Boonville, Nov. 2. George Au- First Christian Church To Include Henderson farmer, living west of this city. Schools In Catalogue BRINGING UP FATHER ON BROADWAY was thrown from his wagon when it was hit by an automobile and Matinee At 3 p. m.

25c, 50c and a few at 75c. Take tho kiddies to pee Jigjrs and Maggie It will bring joy to their little hearts. Henderson, Nov. 2. Super turned over.

He was not Injured intendent of county schools, N. O. Kimbler, has received a letter from NOVEMBER 4-16 I Jigg 1 J. V. Chapman, supervisor of the Hundreds of taxpayers rural schools of the state, asking for a photograph of the consoli Sees Beauty Chorus TWO GREAT SERVICES SUNDAY At 1 0:45 A.

M. and 7:30 P. M. are without water for fire protection and domestic use. Will you not help them get this service? No increase in taxes.

Vote "YES." See right hand column on ballot. dated schools of the county. A catalogue of accredited schools of the state is being prepared. Three accredited schools of Spottsville, Hebbardsville and Niagara and the approved school of Cairo will be Included in this catalog. i and a tew at $1.50, plus tax.

On sale Saturday. IF YOU CAN'T IiAUGH AT THIS SHOW, SEE A 1 I -T.

The Owensboro Messenger from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)
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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

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Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.