The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)

Shopping Center" setter CORRECT AND SMART ATTIRE OW PARIS NEW YORK "The House of New Ideas" 512. FOURTH AVENUE Never Mind Why But EVERY Charmeuse Dress in our stock MUST be sold within one week Prices? Well, we are sure we will be able to interest you. Just two more words. Come Early Correct Corsets Properly Fitted Greatest Nerve Vitalizer Known A 50-CENT BOX FREE A Recent Discovery. Kellogg's Sanitone Wafers, the Most Effective Nerve Strengthener for Men and Women Ever Found by Science.

revitalizer, brain awakener, body strengthof niedicine. It brings about a chango do from ener, without equnl in the world's history that awful, dull, weak, lazy, don't-give-abang feeling to brightness, strength clear headedness and courage which 14 remarkable This is the world's newest, safest. most reliable and effectiro nerve invigorator, No. more need of dieting, diversion. travel, tiresome exercises, dangerous electricity; massage or anything else--Kellogg's Sanitone Wafers do the work for each and all.

give you nerve force and you love to live. All first-class druggists have Kellogg's Sanitone Waters in stock, a.t $1.00 a box, or they will be mailed direct upon receipt of price by F. J. Kellogg, 1389 Hoffmaster Block, Battle Creek, Mich. No free trial boxes from druggiats.

A 50-cent trial box this great discovery win prove that they do the work. They are guaranteed-every Send coupon below to-day for free 50c trial box of Kellogg's Sanitone Wafers. Sanitone Wafers Make Tou Feel Fino Al! tho Time. Bellogg's I FOR MEN-Nerve force gone! You are what your nerves are, nothing else. If you feel al: run-down from overwork or other causes, If you suffer from insomnia, feeling, brain fog, extreme nervousness, peevishness, gicominess, worry.

cloudy brain. loss of ambition, energy and vitality, loss of weight and digestion, constipation, headaches, neuralgia or the debilitating effects of. tobacco or drink. send for a 50c free trial box of Kellogg'3 Sanitone Wafers, and soon you will he well. atrong and happy.

FOR WOMEN-If you suffer from nerv. ous breakdown. extreme nervousness, "blue" apel's, desire to. cry, worry, neuralgia, back pains, loss of weight or appetite, sleeplessness, headaches and constipation; and are all out of sorts, Keilogg's Sanitone Wafers will make you feel that there is more to life than you ever realized before. Send to-day for the 50c free trial box.

FREE TRIAL BOX COUPON J. Kellogg 1389 Hoffmaster Block, Battle Creck, Mich. Send by return mall, free of charge, 50-cent trial box of the. wonderful discovery for nerves, Kellogg's Sanitone Wafers. I Inclose 6 cents In stumps to help pay postage and packing.

Name Street R. F. The regular $1.00 size of Kellogg's Sanitono Waters are for sale in Louisville at T. P. Taylor Co.

(Incorporated), 216 S. Fourth; 458 S. Fourth, Drug and Fourth (Incor- and Taylor and Jefferson; BuscheChestnut; meyer Fourth Rosenham and Drug Green. Third 433 W. and Market.

Broadway: No free boxes from JO STOP DANDRUFF. This Homemade Mixture Stops Dandruff and Falling Hair and Aids Its Growth. To a half pint of water add: oz. Bardo small box Bay Rum These are all, simple ingredients Glycerine that you can buy from any druggist at very little cost, and mix them yourself. Apply to: "the scalp ence a day for two weeks, then cad every other week until, all the vilxture is used.

A head half of pint dandruff should and enough to rid the germs. It stops the hair kill the dandruff relieves itching and from out; Although It Is not a dye, acts scalp diseases. upon hair roots and darken streaked, raded, gray hair in growth ten of or the fifteen hair dayg. and makes: harsh hair soft and promotes the Leroy-Beaullou, the well-knowr M. French economist, proposes, repopulating among other radical measures for offices be France.

that all. public and mothers re- of served for the fathers or more familles comprising three would have children. This provision becoming -Emkept peror but Napoleon probably from Leroy-Beaullou cares nothing for "la gloire." LOUISVILLE, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER-24, 1918. SECTION THE COURIER-JOURNAL, Kansas High School Girl Voted Second Prettiest Girl In the United States MISS JESSIE SMITH. Jilss Jessie Smith, an 18-year-old high school girl of voted.

second offers for prettiest professional training. Soon after her girl in the United States. Miss many school, which will be next May, Miss Smith will enter upon OFFICIAL VOTE Wilson's Plurality Over Taft In Kentucky 104,072. LEADER'S TOTAL 24,508 BELOW BRYAN'S 1904 SHOWING. SHERLEY RAN AHEAD OF PARTY'S ELECTORAL TICKET.

RESULT OF CONGRESS RACE Frunkfort. Nov. Woodrow W'ilgon carried Kentucky by a of 104,072 over William H. Taft plurality November election, according to the tabulation Just completed by W. C.

Elliston, of the Secretary of State's office, and had a majority over. Taft and Roosevelt of 1,302. The total vote in the State was as follows: Wiison. Taft, loosevelt. Debs, Prohibition, 3.233; Socialist Labor, 956.

The vote In Jefferson county was: Wilson, Roosevelt, Taft, Debs, Prohibition, 210: Socialist Labor, 161. Wilson fell 24,598 below. the total vote for Bryan four years ago, and the com-bined vote: of Taft, and Roosevelt was 17,433 lower than Taft's in 1908. In Jefferson county the Democratic vote fell off 2,086, and the combined vote of Taft. and Roosevelt wis 155 less than Taft's' in 1905.

Only the Socialist can take comfort In the size of the total vote, Increasing from 4,060 in. 1908 to 11,047 this year. "Congressman Swagar-Sherley leads the Wilson electors 1,279 in the Fifth district. and won by. 1,650 votes over Henry I.

Fox, Progressive Judge C. C. Turner, Democratic candidate for Judge of the Court of Appeals in the Seventh district, defeated A. J. Kirk, the Republican candidate, 1,246.

The result in that race was: Turner: Kirk, 26,687: J. D. White, Progressive, 14,077. Appellate Judge John D. Carroll, Democratic candidate for re-election in the Fifth district.

had no opposition, and received 34,747 votes. The State Board of Election Commisstoners will meet Monday to canvass the vote. The vote for Congressmen by districts follows: FIRST DISTRICT. Counties. Barkley.

Ferguson. Ford. Ballard 1.686 563 197 Caldwell 1,229 1,261 173 Calloway 2,219 510 251 Carlisle 1,335 331 76 Crittenden 1,203 1,358 35 Fulton 1,606 512 55 Graves 3,501 85t 184 Hickman 1,548 357 Livingston 1,008 769 82 1,000 566 Marshall. 1,675 613 85 McCracken 2,951 1.594 443 Trigg 1,261 1,316 155 Totals 10,661 1,787 D. Brown 1 in Lyon.

SECOND DISTRICT. Counties. Stanley. Hawkins, Fox. Christian 2,779 166 712 Davies 4,505 755: 76 1,661 57 673 "Henderson.

3,092 331 713 13opkins 3,151 333 1,621 1,220 107 3:22 Union' 2.258 313 Webster 1,979 90 441 1.462 6,500 for F. Pentrose In Henderson. for E. in McLean. for Magill in Union.

THIRD DISTRICT. Daven- DunCounties. Thomas. Dixon. port.

can. Allen 1,736 1,201 11 Butler SS1 1.005 61 338 Edmonson 2,650 72:) 63 359 Logan 2,650 1,615 9G 533 Wake Up! You Lazy Stomach! Make Your Stomach Cheerfully Do Its Work--Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Digest Your Focd and Assist the Stomach. People who complain they are worn to a frazzle are nearly always dyspeptic and are recommended to use Stuart's Dyspepsla Tablets. The stomach gets lazy, food ferments and sours, gas belches up, there are symptoms of bloating, the blood becomes thick and sluggish, 'the liver Is blamed, the head is heavy, the mind blank the dining-room is a chamber of One of the greatest evils of our modern life is the quick lunch, To this evil, as much or more than any other, the may stomach be troubles of our times. Instead of traced the preponderance of taking time to thoroughly masticate the food before swallowing: It, the average person rushes through the meal, while biting it the food, only deglutition taking with place and only is haif partially mixed leaving saliva, the stomach masticated, thus teeth should have done.

to do the work the Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets contain digestive elements, 8,000 single grains grain of being food, cap- inable of digesting cluding. meats, grain, vegetablez, sterches 'and mineral matters. They prepare every particle of food by thorough digestion for the ready lacteal absorption which and pass by it is conducted to It Into the blood, when parts of the system, rebuilding and revitalizing It. Every druggist has: Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets in stock and. seils them: at 50: cents a Thanksgiving Day RUGS the housekeeper's particular pride and joy to have TIS besides her snowy linens a nice floor Rug, when she presides at the table at Thanksgiving.

It is our wish to help in this respect and thus we offer these rare and opportune specials. Cawnpore Rugs Apollo Rugs Durable and attractive looking. Floor Rugs, made Japanese Grass Rugs of tough texture; attracor cocoa fiber and dyed in red, green and brown, tively decorated; colors green, blue, tan and brown; plain colors with band borders; a nobby and very perfectly a splendid Rug for dining-room 9x12 desirable rug; a good $15.00 value; $10.00 wear; assortment 9x12 feet; broad $9.00 feet; special EXTRA Brussels Rugs Axminster Rugs Highest grade in an unequaled assortment of A of exquisite, high-class Rugs--a true new styles, small effects predominating; recomshowing mended for very hard wear. and tried quality--backed by our organization. 9x12 feet ($27.50 $22.50 at Size 9x12.

feet, $17.50 feet ($35.00 values), $30.00 at Size feet, $22.50 at Our Thanksgiving Special For Next Week and surely our expression of gratitude to the good people of Louisville. Truly Choice of Our Grand Assortment of Ina Axminster Sizes 27x54 inches and Rugs--- 27x60 inches $1.50 The regular price of these Rugs is $2.25 at our store all the time and by our way of giving thanks, choice at HUBBUCH BROS. WELLENDORFF (Incorporated) 522-524 West Market Street. The Store Insures You Safety In Buying HAS VERY BUSY DAY ANSWERS SIX ALARMS, BUT DAMAGE IS TRIVIAL. CHILDREN TOYING WITH MATCHES CAUSE ONE FIRE.

AUTO CREATES EXCITEMENT FIRE DEPARTMENT Six fire: alarms were 'turned in yesterday, keeping the fire department busy nearly all day. 'None of the Ares was serious, the. highest: damage, done amounting was caused in Fourth to $200. Excitement street shortly after 4- o'clock the Baird engine of the big. at touring Fourth and Chestcar of W.

J. Fire shot out from benut the auto and for time, traffic was neath stopped. An alarm was telephoned ty the fire and engine: conipany No. 2.and nook-and-ladder No: 21 answered the alarmine Tho, blaze from firemen reach- sucing coded the in gasoline tank. There wire' no in the machine when it caught occupants fire.

The touring car was damageu but slightly. with matches were Children responsibte for toying a fire in the residence of J. street, Foster, shortly after 2 o'clock yes211 Twentyfirst terday afternoon. An: alarm was sentin arrived from the box. sitting room was In fames.

240, and when the firemen hard work the firemen managed the rear to confine the conflagration By of to the extent of about $200. the house. The residence was damaged An alarm was turned in from box at 4:50 d'clock when the sign 428 establishment of E. Miller painter's 424 West Market was discovered: In a. for blaze.

a time that the It would reach a room In the' rear: was: feared the paint was stored, but the blaze where prevented this when they arrived on the whenra blaze painter 13 thought carelessly threw a' lighted match among to have started A frame shed in the rear of the The damage. wa' trivial. derce 'of C. M. Bagley.

East. St. Catherine street, was: destroyed ashes by. being fire which ignited from hot pcured Into ash barrel near. the shed shortly after yesterday afternoon.

An alarm was sent in from A defective flue caused a Are which box 716.4: damaged the residence of E. V. Harvin, Chanute, has Sm'th already has graduation from a theatrical career. Metcalfe 882 595 2,090 1,055 Simpson 1,604 544 1.467 1,536 3,446 1,346 Totals 11,181 1.172 for John Rhea in Muhlenberg. H.

W. Jay wood in Todd. for J. W. Wheeler in Warren.

FOURTH DISTRICT. ThompCountics. Johnson. son. Logsdon.

Breckinridge 1,979 1,156 Bullitt 1,258 203 Grayson 1,684 1,054 57 Green 1.118 682 10 2,728 624 103 Hart 1,663 587 118 Larue 1,268 191 Marion 1,898 13S Meade 1,144 333 Nelson 2,318 60G Ohio 2,556 1,152 345 Taylor 469 1,136 723 Totals ....27.168 6,713 862 for J. Lewis in Washington. FIFTH DISTRICT. Swagar Sherley, Democrat, Asheraft. Republican, 3,823: Dobbs.

Socialist. 1,493: J. H. Arnold, clalist Labor. 506; Henry I.

Fox, gressive, 23,115. SIXTII DISTRICT. BrinkCounties. Rouse. Wallace.

man. Boone 1,751 381 244 Campbell 1,713 2,315 1,263 Carroll 1,574 310 cal Gallatin 901 158 Grant 1,558 831 Kenton 7,091 2,379 1.102 Pendleton 1,317 6S1 80 Trimole 1.176 162 5 Totals .20,690 7,256 2,489 SEVENTH DISTRICT. Cantrell. Bourbon 2,345 2,310 Estlil 859 3,995 Franklin Henry 2,281 Lee 721 Oldham 1,153 Owen 2,429 Powell 646 Scott 2,331 Woodford 1.572 Totals 24,617 for John R. Allen and 1 for Bullock In Fayette.

EIGHTH DISTRICT. Counties. Helm. 1,420 Anderson Boyle 1,794 Casey 1,103 Garrard 1.239 Jessamine Lincoln 1,887 Madison 2,993 Mercer 1,738 Shelby 2,163 Spencer 1,033 Totals 18,690 $12 for W. R.

Gallberry, 1 for W. A. fee and 1 for Dr. F. C.

Neel In Adair. NINTH DISTRICT. WilCounties. Fields. Bailey.

liams. Bracken 1,310 GOI 87 Rath 1,472 1,006 5 Boyd 1,763 1,298 344 Carter 1,618 1,133 18 Elliott 1,002 400 Fleming 1,910 1,409 20 Greenup 1,174 942 241 Ilarrison 2,473 1,215 Lewis 1,012 1,227 Lawrence 1,649 200 Jiazon 1,560 eMentfee 647 250 Morgan 1,792 813 Nicholas 1,531 703 Robertson 505 1,440 Rowan 744 493 Wolfe 883 421 1,619 707 1,682 503 Totals ..27,415 16,008. 1,148 TENTH DISTRICT. Counties. Langley.

Floyd 1,417 Jackson 1,007 Johnson 1,555 Knott 491. Letcher 1,001 191 MagotHn 1,284 Owgler 869 Pike 3,605 Perry 677 Totals 12,200 ELEVENTH DISTRICT. Counties. Smith. Powers.

Seavy. Bell 855 1,352 1.671 Clay 621 1,354 255 Ciinton 208 803 54 Cumberland 552 1,068 60 Harlan 312 910 583 Knox 861 1,764 939 Legile 115 826 227 Monroe 816 1,187 540 Puiaski 2,048 1,466 Russell 714 929 129 Rockcastle 838 1,260 332 Wayne 1,432 1, 209 Whitley 891 1,669 1,301 Laurel. 1,097 1,305 782 McCreary 282 648 Totals 18.631 9,041 BELL COUNTY TO VOTE ON $350,000 BOND ISSUE Middlesboro, Nov. Advisory Board, appointed by the Fiscal Court, has called an election to vote on. the proposition to issue $350,000 road bonds, the election to be held on Tuesday, March 4, 1913.

The 'Advisory Board also mapped out the various roads to be, built in Bell county. The longest will reach from Middlesboro to the Knox county Inc. splitting Bell county in two, and following near the trail first traversed by Daniel Boone, the pioneer of this section. FOUR ACCUSED OF BREAKING INTO FIREHOUSE AT LYNDON Russell Howard, aged 18; John McCubbin, aged 18; Will Taylor, aged 14, and Jim Hamilton, aged 20, respectively, were arrested yesterday by Patrolmen Oehler and of larceny destroying private property. It is alleged that the four broke into the at Lyndon, stole, the brass and other fixtures from the premises and Are apparatus, and were trying to dispose of the Oxtures at a second-hand store when apprehended by the police.

been rehigh 438 1,602 418 152 1,635 7,456 SAMUEL GWATHMEY TYLER DIES AT SARANAC LAKE LOUISVILLE MAN WENT TO NEW YORK IN HOPE OF OVERCOMING TUBERCULOSIS. A telegram announcing the death of Samuel Gwathmey Tyler, youngest son of the late Isaac H. Tyler, at Saranac Lake. was recelved here yesterThe telegram was sent by Owen Tyler and said Mr. Tylermlled at 12:30 o'clock yesterday He succumbed to tuberculosis from which he had long been a sufferer.

Mr. Tyler left here last August for Saranac Lake in an effort to regain his health. He, showed signs of Improvement until last Friday. when he had a His family were sent for. His wife, his sister.

Sirs. Harry Smyser, and Owen Tyler, all Louisville, were at. the bedside when death came. Mr. Tyler wa3 31 years old.

He was Louisville and was a graduate of born in the Louisville Male High School. He was widely known among the his younger illness social he set of connected Loulsville. with the Snead ArchitectBefore WaS ural Iron Works. In April, 1911, ho ried Miss Limonia Robinson, his wife daughter of A. H.

Robinson. Besides he is survived by a. 6-months-old child. three sisters, Mrs. Mary Mockridge, Mrs.

Harry Smyser and Mrs. Charlton Messick, of St. Louts. The body will Funeral arrive here to-inorrow morning. arrangements will be made later.

John W. Grubbs. The body of John W. Grubbs. who died morning.

at was placed In Its grave in the the Confederate Home yesterday afternoon. Confederate. Grubbs Home had been a resident cemetery yesterday the home since July and had been 111 of of the time. He joined the Second most Kentucky Cavalry In. 1864 and gerved native tintil the end of the war.

He was a af Walton, where his only Fields, surviv- lives. ing relative, Mrs. Mary F. Funeral of John M. McIlhenny.

The who funeral died at his home. 610 South "of John M. McIlhenny, 82, Floyd street, of a complication of diseases will be held to-morrow afternoon at burial 2. will o'clock be at in Cave Hill. Mr.

Mcthe residence and the Ilhenny had been engaged in the he furniture business In Louisville since came to this country from Ireland fifty years AgO. He is survived by three sons and a daughter. Funeral of Theodore Koerner. The funeral of Theodore Koerner, 21 years age, who died: Friday afternoon Koerner, the on residence the Taylor boulevard, will nt of his father. George be held at the residence this afternoon and the burial will be in the Eastern cemetery.

of The Robert J. young Frick, man the was an druggist, at ploye Seventh and Main streets. John H. Burns. News of the death In Buffalo yesterI morning of John H.

Burns, South father of Mrs. J. T. Moran. of night.

1324 Brook street, reached Louisville last Death occurred after a short illness. Mrs. Moran left Louisville for the afternoon. bedside She of father Inst Friday arrived In Buffalo half an hour after he had died. Interment will be in Holy Cross cemetery In Buffalo to-morrow.

August Gugel. The body of August Gugel. aged 58. arrived In Louisville yesterdav afternoon from New York and was taken to the Moss chapel. where the funerol will be held this afterncon at 2:30 o'clock with burial in the Eastern cemetery.

Mr. Gugel was horn and reared in Louisville. leaving this city twenty-five years R20, going to New York, where he resided until his denth last Thursday. Ie WAS well known here at one time and was 2 plate pless- molder: by trade. One sister.

Mrs. Lille Gugel Orth, of Columbus, 0.. survives him. Mrs. Florence F.

Crowder. Pneumonio an Illness of nine: days resulted 'in the death at 1 o'clock yesterday nfternoon of Mrs. 2223 Florence Bunk F. Crowder. Ten 63, at her she residenre.

became ill of street. heavy cold. which ago ranidly developed days Into pneumonia. She WAS an ardent church worker, being a member of the Cavalry Presbyterian church for many years. She is survived by four daughters, Mrs.

Isabel Willenburg. and Mrs. Mary Anette CathAtz and Misses Florence erine Crowder. Three sons. Ned Crowder.

a member of the Zonesville haseball club: Lawrence and C. B. Crowder also survive, The funeral will be held from the residence at 0:30 o'clock to-morrow morning and at 10 o'clork from the Cava niry Preabvtorian church. Interment will be in the cemetery. ENGINEFR W.

H. BAILEY REPORTED CRITICALLY ILL Winchester, Nov. reached here of the critical illness of W. H. Balley, chief work engineer! it railroad construction being done near Winchester-Irvine extension.

Mr. Ealles had returned from a hunting trip and WAR suffering. from neuralgia. Ar affected tooth was, extracted, and it was while returning from. the dentist's that he was stricken.

He fell apparently lifeless on the street at Irvine, and much uneasiness is felt on account of his condition. Hand Is Amputated. Dud Taylor, 24. a laborer, was inJured yesterday afternoon when, while at work on the canal, at Thirty-frst street. his right arm became caught between a rock and a giant.

scoop. His hand was terribly mangled and he was removed to Sts: Mary and Elizabeth. Hospital, where the Injured member was amputated. Bassett. 1,282 461 1.130 650 1,283 1,295 556 603 487 656 1,801 837 900 11,907 E.

J. Charles SoPro- Blackman. 106 2,450 207 105 174 2,176 344 136 6.761 Jones. 425 1,252 161 478 471 6,841 F. A.

Dinsmore. 995 423 916 790 1,011 406 878 973 610 210 7,631 Col- Hitchn. 263 257 1.302 1,244 128 458 849 220 1,010 529 527 300 250 260 437 124 330 836 8.903 Stafford. 713 E3) 1,091 691 397 490 281 815 121 121 Jackson. 141 10 75 10 112 111 22 577 Spring, street, yesterday afternoon.

Box No. .93 was. sounded. blaze was extinguished after a few minutes' work on the part of the Fire of unknown origin was discov: ered. In the.

shed' in rear of, the nome of J. Wilkerson, .852 South. teenth street, set at of 2. harness valued at o'clock yesterday about $50 was destroyed. An alarm was turned in from box No.

514. THOUGHT WILLIAM C. SNELL' COMMITTED SUICIDE Chicago, Nov. belleved to be William C. 45.

years old, 11 Waverly street, Brookline, who at a downtown hotel under registered the name of C. -Clark, committed suicide in his: room by shooting himself. KENTUCKY DEATHS Mrs. Mary -Searcy. Central City, Nov.

Mary Searcy, pioneer family settler of and a Muhlenberg member of a prominent county. died illness at her of home stomach here trouble. after a protracted John Benton. 80. of Maysville, near Sardis, this county, died at Nov.

Benton, the Mason county Infirmary last night, where he had been an Inmate for years. Mrs. Susan Horton, Susan Flemingsburg, Horton, 60, widow of the' Inte Nov. Jacob Horton, died at her home of Pop- ty': lar Plains after lingering Illness phold fever. She Is survived by four sons and one daughter; Harry F.

Owensboro, Nov, F. Yarber, one of the best known county, farmers died the Stanley vicinity, this of a complication of diseases after an Illness lasting several weeks. He was one of the oldest citizens of the county, and was one of the most prosperous farmers of the Stanley vicinity. Mrs. Isabella Flanarty.

Marion, Nov. 23. Mrs. Isabelle Fianarty, 86, widow the of home John of A. Flanarty, daughdied night at her ter, Mrs.

Laura Opening Sale At Madison. Madison. Nov. 22. (Special.) About 100,000 pounds of loose leaf 'tobacco were sold here to The quality was generally good and the market excellent.

wore many good average sales. The highest price, fras 29 cents a pound. Buy-, ers present: from. Cincinnati Carrollton, Louisville and' Lexington. GROUND PURCHASED FOR NEW SCHOOL BUILDING BOARD OF EDUCATION- NOW HAS 469x285 FT.

AT DATE AND TWENTY-FIFTH The Board of Education closed a deal yesterday afternoon with the Tennant Company, obtaining a deed 'of transfer to a lot at the corner of Twenty-fifth and Date streets, on which a new school building will be erected. Tho purchase of the property 'for the school adds to land already owned by the city at that place, the price of the new lot being $5,307. The entire property now measures 469 by 286 feet. It covers city block: It is understood that all the members of the Board of Education are now deelroug of devoting the entire lot. to the school, under which condition the new school will have the largest playground In Louisville.

The bulldlng, containing from twelve to fourteen rooms, will be erected on the extreme cast the block, leaving the rest of the property for a baseball feld. a tennis court and a basketball court. The Board of Education, according to Samuel D. Jones, business director. for the schools, will strive to a build a model school at this point in the West End, together with a model playground.

Work on the structure will not begin for some time. THE NATIONAL. GRANGE REORGANIZES COMMITTEE Spokanes. Nov. Executive Committee.

of the National Grange was reorganized at a meeting here to-day. C. S. Stetson, of Maine, elected at the recent session of the grange as a representative of the "Insurgent" faction. was made Dan.

State Master Gaunt. of Nerr Jersey, has Invited the committee the grange, condating of National Master Oliver Wiison, T. Atkeson, of West Virginia, and Richard L'attee, of New Hampshire," appainted confer with President-elect Wilson regarding the appointment of a of Agriculture, to the of of the Now Jersey Wilson Grange In It is the hoped Mr. of the will grange, catone of sessions and 'that 'a meeting can be' arranged that time. Finding a better furnished room -if yours can be easily betteredwill be merely a pleasant adven-.

ture in ad-answering for you! MONARCH FURNACES ARE THE BEST. THANKSGIVING ALL WINTER LONG On the part those who. have Monarch Heater in their Homies. make homeyiNse any kind of house or bulld: ins--not :00 hot or cold at allbat Just rightJust 88 we rant form. ture 'all the day' tong.

and night. too. Think It over how the features of this beater are the kind that mrike home to the furnace bayer, and we sure you will Re realize We do the not charge Importance for of estimate your or: attetttion. oatsJogue. HOT WATER AND STEAM HEATING: STRATTON TERSTEGGE (Incorporated), 1501-1627.

W. Main SEE ALL ABOUT Spaulding 417 PAGE 2, SECTION 1.: PERFECT Warm Air Furnaces REPAIRED Wm. Victor Ritcher Company 227 West Jefferson Cumb. Main 1422-A. City FOUR ALLEGED LYNCHERS ARE FOUND NOT GUILTY Columbus, Nov.

B. Land, Land, I. Land and Leo Lynn. trial charred with murder. In.comwith the lynching of MicIlhaney, negro, were to day -AC.

quitted. The Jury returned the verdiot of not guilty after: deliberating tweNt Are minutes..

The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)
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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.