The Public Ledger from Maysville, Kentucky (2024)

I 7 wa SsfcMf. SMi '1? vri 1 i. a 1 PUBLIC SIXTH YEAR. LARGEST IN THE CITY. Purely Business! The columns of a nowapaper ropre-sent a cash value.

Ne publisher can afford te glve advertising "notices" froe any mere than a tnercbant ean toss overhls countetfreo g-trta or dry goods or shoes. A nowipaper Is a lo-gltlmate business coneorn. Its columns are Its stock in trade, and advertisem*nts should be paid for. no matter in what part of the paper tney appear. Honest Merchandise Will Always Win.

mimirw Arnougenrmnny faithful patrons the most faithful are these who, at some time or ether, fall Inte the snare of drepping: into one of the clething: houses that advertise te sell $15 Suits for $6 98. It is a noted fact with the Clething: trade, and we are proud te say it, that we are credited, and justly se, for carrying- a stock of Cletliing, Gents' Furnishings and Men's Shoes that is uetjcqualed in the state. Te wear a Jlechluprer Suit is a sure index that you are properly clad, and when you wear pair of Smith Stoughteu Shoes you net only display elegance in your footwear, but you also enjoy the comfort that only high-class shoes afford. "Withal, our prices are se moderate, considering qualities, that you ewe it te yourself te Investigate us when you want te buy. Our Stock of Suits and Overcoats is represented 'only by the best of manufacturers in the country, and that It pays us and you te deal in honest merchandise is evideuced by the fact that We De the Clothing Business of Haysville.

It gees without saying that our line of MEN'S FINK SHOES is the line. A glance into our Shee Window is all that is needed te convince yen we are right. murmur GO LEADERS IN FINE CLOTHING' AND SHOES. THE XCiJJi lijlif WE WANT Y0U! Te Read This It Will Be te wa -i tt en our Bargain Toble this week; h) I 11 ii IvAATArK 8lze3 4 Rnd yeara niy Tueae 80ld VJ VU11UD XbCGlUlB from fl t0 ouch Theyare our very flaeat goods. See tlietn eoeu bofero best are plcked ever.

Roruetnber, sizes for 4 and 0-year children only Positively the opportunity of a life-time te get a god, warm Jacket at ene-half cost price. Being orerstockod en these sizes we offer CHOICE $1.98. Idlr While we are talking nate dressers te a only) en all Jackets made by beat designers and most reliable manufacturers. All leading colors-black, ox-bleed, cadet blue, Onely trimmed and all silk lined. Nene of the largest elty stores show a better line.

At the height of the season we new make you this grand liberal offer 25 per cent. discount en these up-te-dato Jackets. Our less will be your gain. ROSENAU BROS, PS.Alway8 en the JekQt for our patrons interests, we will GIVE AWAY FRES next week a haufieiae souvenir. Watch this space for particulars.

JfraKiiJT MAYSVlLLEt KYt, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1897. MATH VIALS WKATMKH. What We Man JScepeet Per the Next Twenty-four Hours, TMB LBDQBIVB WXATBBBJlOtfALa. PPMt streamer fairj Blue nun or bhew! WlthBleekABOva-'tTrmirABMiB STOW. IfaiaeVnni.Ta-ceLDB,twlll be; Unless Bleck' shown no ehansc wo'llsee lyThe aoeVo forecasts are made for a period of thlrtyslxbours.endlnf hi o'elook te-morrow evenlnp.

fST If you have friends visiting you, or If veu'arc going away en a visit, plcase drop ua a oeto te that effect. Mrs. Charles D. Pcarce left yosterday for a visit te Louisville. Attorney Milten Jehnsen has been In Win-ohestorsovoral dare.

Mrs. M. II. Davis Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

William Huktll, of Farls. Misses Gary and Chrlstlne Milam are guests of Mrs. H. H. Phillips of Mlllersburg.

Mrs. James Cummlnss visited the Misses I'urnell of Mlllersburg the past week. The Covington Commonwealth says Miss Ithetta Smith of this city is the guest of Miss Fanny French. Dr. J.

M. Frazee.Mrs. Frazoe and Miss Fannle roturned yosterday from a two months sojourn In the Tennessee mountains. Mrs. Dettle Sterer and two sons have returned home from a pleasant visit te the lamlly of Mr.

David Sterer at Tuokahee. Mr. James Mills has resumed his studies at Center College, Danvllle, after a visit te his mother, Mrs. II. W.

Geedman. CSA11 mntter for publication uut be 'inuilcd In before 0 o'elook In the morn. Dfr of each day. ISrlf you hate en item ej news, please call up Thk Ledger, Telephone 13, and send it in. Use Sweet Blessem Cern.

Geld Pens at McCartney's. Rebert Chlnn Is quite ill. Tobacco Insurance Jehn 0. Everett. Mrs.

Nannie Emmens Is reopening a grocery store In the Fifth Ward. Mr. Jehn Wheeler, who has been qulte sick for several days, is somewhat hotter. ii Strictly pure pepper, sage, coriander sced, for sauBage at Cboneweth's Drugstore. ii i Miss Belle Baldwin of Jersey Ridge is erecting a two story frame dwelling en Ferest aveuue.

The Rev. BoydK.Muse is in Mllsbore. assisting the Rev J. Hebs In a pre tractcd meeting. I II I I Wanted 50,000 bushels of wheat.

The highest market price paid. T.J Wintbk Ce. Thcre was a geed attendance at the Epworth League entertainment at Mitch ell's Chapel last evening, and the participants acquitted themselves most crcdita-bly. Wanted. G.000 Fat Turkeys.

It. B. Levkl. HI YE! Advertisem*nt. Your Interest te De Se.

CLOAKS we call the attention of discrimi special 25 per cent. discennt (this week of $10 and ever. These are garmenta KINGS OF IiOW PRICES. 3 frjuiSk. LEDtrliixii RXPUBLICAN.

Mr Tem Swcet has thanks for a pair of the finest rabbits of the season. Ancher Patent Fleur for $5 a barrel cash, M. O. Rusbkli, Ben. i Use Ray's Elltolne for chapped hands and rough skin.

At Poatelllco Drugstore. Don't fall te place your "ad" in Tna LttDUBitif you want the most for your money. Tbe net proceeds Qt the recent Bazar given by the ladles of St. Patrick's Church wero about 1380. in -i i ii Nearly every military company in the state has received ready-te-march orders, In consequence of the turnpike troubles.

Dr J. N. Powell, a prominent physician of Hondersen county, took morphine by mistake and bad a narrow cscape from death. Mahara's Minstrels drew quite a large crowd at the Opera-heuse last evening and the program throughout was a very geed one. Rev.

I P. Tretter Sunday tendered his resignation aaTaster of the First Baptist Church te take eSect en the Urat of next April, or spener. Mr Jehn Schnelle this morning took charge of the C. and 0. Day-office at th.s point.

Mr Jehn Wehner will go te Augusta te 'till a similar place en tbe read. 1 1 1 Yeu must see Murphy's line of Cut Glass te apprcclate One cutting, ills line is without doubt the finest line of Cut Glass ever shown hire. Call and see it. Ne trouble te show goods. William Davis is selling Semi cannel and Kanawha Ceal at the same prices that ethers ask for Pomorey Ceal, and he solicits at least a trial order if you arc net acquainted with these superior coals.

Telephone GO Majer L. 8. Harris of the Beeblve had a close call Sunday. He was coming down the Lexingten pike en bis wheel when he found the speed of the vehicle was rapidly getting beyond his control. With rare presence of mind he turned off the pike and steered for a little plateau near Wadsworth's gate, where a rather sudden halt was made Mr.

Harris landing in a lump near the feet of a stene wall. Fertunately he suffered only a slight contusion of the scalp and a few bruises. ADVERTISED LETTERS. TheHC Who have SIIhhIvch in the JlauHvtlle PosteQlcc. Belew is a list of letters remaining uncalled for at the Maysvllle Postefhco for tbe week ending November 30th, 1807: Deyso, Mrs.

B. T. Seamere, Qoergo naker, Jehn Seward, William llurten. Den Wolf, Mrs. L.

Deylo, J. A. Apt. Washhurn, Miss Miner Maokmlller.MIss Levi White, Mrs. W.

II. (2) Nerman, W. F. Weed, Frank Hcj-nelds, C. C.

CSTOne cent due en each of abeve. Persons calling for these letters will please say that they are advertised. Thes. J. Ciibneweth, Peataflster.

KENTUCKY MORMONS. They Are Gathering for Their Annual Conference at Vancebarg. Mermen Elders from different parts of the state are gathering at Vanceburg, preparing te held their anuual conference next Saturday and Sunday. A revival is in progress at the Opera-heuse this week. lhey have established a Church at Pleasant llill, with a geed membership, composed of seme of the best citizens in that neighborhood.

There arc probably half a dozen churches in the county. COUNCIL CAUCUS. Who Have Been "Tipped" As the New Subordinate City Officers. Members of the new Beard of Council met in caucus last night and "set the pegs" or the new subordlnate officers of tbe city who will be elected at Monday night's session of the Beard. It Is understood that "Senater" Themas M.

Weed Is te ba City Atterney; Dr. Samuel R. Ilarover City Physician; Mrs. Alica Payne Matren of the Alms-heuse, And "Dr." Jehn PhUter Wallace" will swing a Policeman's club in place of Officers. D.

McDowell, who has been elected Constable. Thore may be ether "entries" In the froe-for-all, but the chances are largely with thoie named, and atide from them it is pretty certain that the old subordinates will keep right along juat as though nothing had happened. ONE CENT. Miss Mattie Wadsworth is improving after an attack of fever. A Paris man has sold 4,400 rabbits since the first of October.

Dr. Landman the Opitician will be at the New Central tomorrow. Buy a Watch from McCarthey and be satisfied, both in prlce and quality. The Supreme Court of the United States has decided against the Frankfort Lettery Company operating in Louisville. It Is reported that half a million people of Cuba have died of starvation and expesure since the beginning of the war with Spain.

The funeral of Mr. Themas Payne Weed will take place from the home of bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. James Weed, tomorrow morning at 10.30 o'clock, Rev.

11. M. Scudder of Carlisle conducting the services, Friends of the family invited. Shanahan who recently bought the Richmond, Nichelasvllle, Irvlne and Bcattyville Railroad, have sold it te Adelph Segal, a wealthy brewer of Philadelphia, for 8250,000. It is the intention of Mr.

Segal te extend the line te Beatty-ville, and work will probably begin next spring. Pains In the chest when a person has a cold Indlcate a tendency towards pneumonia. A plece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound en te the chest ever the scat of pain will promptly relieve the pain and prevent the threatened attack of pneumonia This same treatment will cure a lame back in a few hours Sold by J. Jas. Weed, Druggist.

At Lexington Judge Parker, upon motion of the plaintiff, granted a new trial in the suit of the Dopeslt Bank of Carlisle vs. Mrs. Ollie Stitt. new of this city. The suit was en a note for 120, given by Mrs.

Stitt te the Bank in lieu of a note of like amount, her husband being the maker. The Jury in the late trial found for the defendant en the ground that Mrs Stitt had net specifically set apart any of her individual property for the debt, and against the instructions of Judge Parker. The Louisville Pest tells of a young lady in Muhlenberg county named Miss Ilelen Hunt, who found a purse in Church ene Sunday morning recently and reported her And te the Paster, with the request that he report the finding of the purse and contents, and that it would be returned te its owner by applying te her. Se the following Sunday the Paster made this announcement from the pulpit: "Somebody lest a purse here last Sunday evening, and if the owner wants his property he can go te Helen Hunt for it." Untitling Association Itccciitta. The receipts of the several Building Associations of this city Saturday night were as follews: Masen County (384 80 Llmosteno 2) BO Poeplo's JOT 60 10181..

643 80 Tire Pointed Questions Answered. What is the use of making a better artlcle than your competitor if you cannot get a hotter price for it? Ans As there Is no difference in the price the public will buy only the hotter se that whi'e our profits may be smaller en a single sale they will be much greater in the aggregate Hew can you gel the public te knew your make is the best? If both articles are brought prominently before tbe public both are certain te be tried and the 'public will very quickly pass judgment en them and use only the better ene. This explains the large sale en Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. The people have been using it for years and have found that it can always be depended upon. They may occasionally take up with seme fashionable novelty put forth with exaggerated claims, but are certain te return te the ene rcmedy that they knew te be reliable, and forceugbs, colds and croup thcre is nothing equal te Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.

Fer sale by J. Jas, Weed, Druggist. level Headed. A Cincinnati Judge Whose Remark Might Weil Apply in Meysrille. There's a spasmodic attack of "refern' en tap In Cincinnati, and the police are "raiding" poolrooms while footpads rob peeple en the highways with perfect safety.

Almest daily a batch of men are arrested in seme poolroom and taken into Court, only te be dismissed; and In disposing of a let yesterday Judge Schwab aptly remarked: "Btcautt a man seen about a stable that doesn't prete him a jackass." Frem this it may be inferred that the Cincinnati Judge wouldn't doclare a man "disorderly" simply because he happened in a house where there had at some time or another been some kind of disorder. Wedding Presents. We arc new en the threshold of the great wedding season. It is new that almost daily our attention is called by a dainty invitation te the fact that some of our friends are te be married. Each invitation means a present.

Have you put your thoughts en the subjedt? If-net, fellow us a few minutes. There are in our store hundreds of articles absolutely cerredl for wedding presents and with prices ranging from one dollar or se up te hundreds of dollars. As thought directs us let us suggest Watches, Silverware, Clocks, Onyx Tables, Lamps, Out Glass, Bricabrac, Carving Sets, Pearl Handle Knives, Silver Toilet Sets, Bronzes, Spoons, Ferks, Berry Dishes, Ice Cream Sets, Game Sets, Frem the great assembly here of handsome articles, suitable for wedding presents, you'll be able te seletft just the article you have in mind. FLOTSAM-JETSAM-LIGAN! XOTtCS FJtOSt NATVBE'8 a It EAT HIGH WAY. The Virginia, light, passed up for Pittsburgh last night.

Tbe Keystone 8tate will pass dewrj tonight from Pittsburgh The Pittsburgh coal fleet, the. second within the past two weeks, will begin passing down today. The Bonanza has resumed her place in tbe Pomeroy trade, passing up last night. Commedore Laidley sent Diver Vic Erhart and his assistants and Bess Carpenter Jehn Slreater up te the sunken steamer Shcrley Monday evening, and a final and thorough examination of the beat will be made. Upen the report of these men will depend tbe fate of tbe Sherley.

If they say she can be taised, Commedore Laidley, with bis characteristic pluck and cnergy, will set te work at once and bring her te the surface. The chances arc agaiust the beat ever being raised, however. She is badly broken, mere or less mud has already accumulated in her, another rise in the river is coming which will put mere mud in her, and if the rise is great enough, there is danger of her upper works being carried away by the water The river at headquarters is again rapidly falling. It is rising between Parkersbunj and Cincinnati. The stage of water at 12 Tuesday was as foleows: Oil City 0 8.

fulling Pittsburgh 8 5. falling. Davis Island Dam 0 7, falling Wheelinir 10 5. falling. Hinlen 1 3, rising.

Charleston 0 0, stationary Great Kanawha 3 1, rising Parkersburg 13 7. rising Point Pleasant 0 2. rising. Catlettsburg 10 3, rising Portsmouth 11 rising. WILLIAM DAVIS ZlS CANNEL AND KANAWHA COAL AT THK SAME PRICE OTHER PEOPLE ASK FOR POMEROY COAL.

TRIAL SOLICITED. Defba Emit of Llmctenri Ilrldffc. ypA kF40s rTfcv Wlri ridafs Sale Yeu can thank last Friday's raiu for a second chance at the bargains offered then. In addition we secured another let of popular music te sell at lc copy. Vecal and Instrumental selections, all clearly printed en geed paper no cheap prints from worn-out type.

3STuA.FK:irs.- Geed worthy weaving of purest flax. Ne guess work. Te own liuens from tills store is te knew that nobody owns better. That means we sell the best nll-llnen Lluens made. A sweeping statement but we have the goods' te substantiate it.

Our buyer gathered a overy where have an Interest In It. The price for the quality Is the lowest we knew. Fer $1 29 a dozen substantial Scotch Damask Napkins, full selvage, grass bleached in largn line of patterns, 21 inches square. Fer 98c. a down line snow-whlte Damask Napkins from Scotland, plump 22 inches square Plenty of pretty patterns.

1 50 would be fair TOWELS. Whatever else the Tariff did and impcii uiu into ul iiiii-iis iu nun tuuuiij must raise them proportionately hore after hnwnvAr. for thnv'll hnVA a vnnr'a towel tai. cti. nrtii i.

i-iv. euuicu uiuuiUini xiuuiv AUttui, uuiumuj nruiui. uiu tuuuu luia vt. VfVMr. lln.timAif Ot)4A Afnln nmt1.k ilntlni.

iicuiuivu. aiv. auuiue uiuiiu uijiujj OTIa 1 rnnn1in9 A In I IVIn aIVahIh i' Milium nt -w. jiici uuuBencutui luieivatuu ill luia uuunufcj. D.

HUNT BALLENGER, Jeweler. Wedding and Holiday presents in great variety at McCarthcy's, the Jeweler. Prof. J. T.

F. Carney is teaching Deuble-Entry Bookkeeping at the Grand-view Hetel. EXCURSION BENEFITS. The Harvest of $75,009,000 Reaped By the of New Yerk. The most careful estimate which can be made upon statements furnished by the big merchants shows that at least 175,000,000 was taken te New Yerk this fall by tbe 3,824 merchants of the country who availed themselves of the opportunity fumished them by the Merchants' Association te go te that market at reduced rates of fare and buy their goods.

This J75.000.000 represents a clear gain te the city. Convinced of this, the merchants are rallying te the support of the Merchants' Association with a view of making the spring excursions even a greater success. In all lines of trade the benefit was felt, but the drygoeds trade get the bulk of it. Teft, Weller wholesale drygoeds merchants, say the movement put ever 300 new names en their boekB. Speaking of the drygoeds trade Jehn Claflin of the H.

Claflin Company said: "We are doing mere business than ever before, extending our trade into territory never before reached by our most energetic salesmen, and doing business with men who have hitherto been attracted te ether markets." This shows what cheap excursions will de for the trade of a city, and while New Yerk merchants de net think it beneatix their dignity te invite peeple te visit that city and buy from them, the merchants of Maysville have get mere business than they can attend te; at least they don't want no excursions nohew I MISSES' and CHILDREN'S hocelate HIGH SHOES. J. HENRY PFnnR mtm i mi 4 napkin bargain this month. Linen users price. It's blamed as well as praised It has lutsvu luuiu uiruuuy uiuer oieres ami a little.

Get-ahead folks snnnlv from tlie lnt wn offer farta Ver cini.j FFItn. ji.t imMIImm i nuiiatu. juvjf uiuu tuuuu niilllJ SON A i wr Vi i J. JVM L'Vi.

The Public Ledger from Maysville, Kentucky (2024)
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Name: Allyn Kozey

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.