The Shelby Sentinel from Shelbyville, Kentucky (2024)

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AT Mil i i) i THE SHELBY SENTINEL I HI Cholera Cure gQ? Thousands of dollars wor'lt of chickens die every yea1 from Chol era It is more fatal to chickens than all other diseases But the discovery of remedy that positively cures it has been made and to be con vinced of its efficacy only require a trial A 50 cents bottle is enough for one hundred chickens It is guar anteed If after using two thirds of a bottle the buyer is not thoroughly satisfied with it as a cure for Chicken Cholera return it to the undersigned and your money will be refunded ('wen Smi Shelbyville Ky Intelligent Readers will notice that Pills re not hiarrantcd to ntret all flmiei of hut only such an result from a disordered liver viz: Vertigo Headache Dyspepsia evers Costiveness Cciic latulence etc nr these they are not warranted hi fallible hut re iva rly no i I is pos sible Io it remedy Price 23c Is SOLD EVEliYYHEKE THE GATES WONDERLAND THROWN WIDE APART! TLE TOWBUme BASTOGW TBBTED SHOWS! Jtelgning by right nf Hininvni bv right uf Merit by right of Suneroritv unl by L'piilar Will (In Exaiilled Kuh ra of (lie A in ueiiii nl In'idin Sells fciViGIJS ROMAN HIPPODROME Three Ring Circus two Elevated Stages and ive Continent Manager ie XIT MIGHTY UNION WITH JHL BARRETTS MONSTROUS INTERNATIONAL WORLD AIR INSTITUTE TRIPLE CIRCUS METROPOLITAN IMUSEUM AND CREAT GOLDEN MENAGERIE i IT "AW WILL EXHIBIT AT SHELBYVILLE KY THURSDAY MAY Sth DELAWARE'S WHIPPING POST CmYAUtaai SHELBY SENTINEL rHCKSlAY May 1 1890 WlH1 POWDER Absolutely Pure The vowder never varie A marvel of puritv strength and wholcsouiene More eeonom leal than the oj din ary kinds and onnnet be aolft in competition the multitude of low tests short weight alum or i Imephate powders Sold only in Coos KuYAL BAKING 1L1 CO It'd Wall St New York Th re tw a great tendency upon the part of hmilT to regulate the force of their blow entirely through prejudice fur or against a man or instance if the sheriff was a farmer he would have but little mercy for a fr llow put under the lash for hor te stealing The man who robbed a store would get off pretty well if the sheriff as a fanner Then again Expert Testimony as tn What It Has Been hu1 What It Now At tho last session of tho legislature it was enacted hereafter no female convicted of any crime in this state shall bo whipped or bo made to stand in the pillory" The' introduction of this act revealed a fact not generally known that women Louisville Webster for perjury subornation of perjury Urlttenden 1'2010 receiving stolen goons ttat 1 1111 Uli' "IL hi( 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1' itt ii I craft fortune telling and dealing with spirits The law had been a dead letter fur many years the Last white woman having been whipped for larceny about the vear ItsG'J Tin law was afterward amended to do away with tlie lash for white women As late as 1 $70 colored women were sent to the po kt lite session of the legislature in Lt 71 the word was stricken out of the law re lating to the punishment of women for larceiiv and the black sisters were put on an equality with their white si ters Now it is designed to remove all possi bility of women being whipped or put in the pillory A gentleman who Ims been perfectly familiar with the operations of the whije ping post for over forty years says that lie has seen scores of prison kished at the hst ami while it ts seldom now that blood is lira vn if ever he lias seen backs of prisoners that were almost cut to jelly" He says that the whippings be came less violent when tho newspapers began to reprt the quarterly ierform ances at New Castle ith the cat The whippings formerly only look place twice Slate Inspector Macey wlio was ordered to viit the storiH bwept COti ti ties the State and report the nece I sities of I hu fuitlerurs has returned to the capital and declarer that the news paper accounts of the destruction wrought by the tornado in the riral districts arc far from being complete (H the tUUUU appi opt LdiLLi uy im 1 J0AAAO ha bnnn 'Cuu lawfully be whipped for counter Legislature nearly 420000 ha bn fcithlsj10rsi st burglary arson ex pend Oil for food clothing and mod lna jniinr by lying in wait and ini ne under the follow 1 ng a port ion Tlie arc liable to be put in the pillory A SB 1 input I 1'iHint Living ton 11500 Breckinridge $1 rv d1 4:1 Wl eiu: vnio tTiuw Muhlenberg $500: McLean $'00 I Allen 100 Lyon $500 Hardin $3'X I and Grayson $100 The remainder! of the fund will be eil if the above apportionments be found i ilicien Dyspepsia's ictinis are iiiimbri pd by thousands So are those wlm have been restored to health by Hoods Sarsaparilla It looks as if the ord Co is trying to make the Legislature feel sorry for treating it so badly as to in vestigate it every year for on Wed nesday it sent to the Hmtse a cotnmn nicttion which to be a general replv ami oll' et to all the charges brought against it relative to it treat ment of the convict' in its possession per contract The company doesn like the newspaper talk about it It scents to desire make it appear as if it is getting tired ot ti whole business hence it akslhe Leg islature for a cancellation ot its con tract The general impression in the mind of the writer is that this i a blutr schemeil for many good points The Legislature should say and the company won't accept worth Methodist Centennial TLe Methodists propose to hold a I either centennial celebration of the estab lishment of Methodism in Kentucky at the Chautauqua ground near Lex iugtou on the loth ut May The Hhodist church has been a large ftctor in the civilization of Kentucky Its circuit riders penetrated into the wild and waste place ami for many fig years the voice of these zealou men calling upon men everywhere to re pent was a peaceful 'onnd that greet ed the of the pioneers and their immediate descendant They have spread over the State trom the sissi pi to the Big Sandy and the coming anniversary will be a gather ing frt the end of the State and will drnbtless prove a most notable assembly AH denominations are in vited to join in thi second jubilee and a most interesting time is antici pated Mercurial Poison Mercury is frequently injudiciously ed bv qna' doctors in cases ot ma laria anil bluO'l poison It after ef fect i worse than the original di ease (Botanic Blood Balin') con tains no mercury nut will eliminate mercurial poison from the system Write to Blood Balm Co All anta Ga for book of convincing proof of its curative lirtiie A Britton Jackson Tenn writes: caught malaria in Louisa na and hen the fever at last broke rnv ovotem was saturated with poison and I bad sores in my mouth and knots on tnv tongue 1 got two hot bottles of which healed my tongue ami mouth ami made a new man of Wm Jlichrnond Atlanta Gg write wife could hardly see Doctors calleil it syphiliiic iriti Iler eyes were in a dread fill condition Her inpetite failed Sh bad pain in her joints and bones Her kidneys were deranged al and no one thought she could be cured Dr Gil lam recommended which she used until her health wa entirely re I Jones Atlanta Ga writes: was troubled with copper colored eruption of appetite pain in back aching joint debility emacia tion loss of hair sore throat and great nervoune my system in fine The Pauper Jliot Business The bill passed by the Kentucky House requiring counties to pay part of ilip' amount necesary to support pauper idiots is one of the most im portant that have passed during the present session It i a tep in the di rection of nutting an end to the out rageous fraud are practiced upon the State It will save 0 a year fur every pauper idiot of whom there were over 1100 last year on the pay roll This mean a saving of $28000 But it is certain that when every pauper billeted upon the State means a charge of $20 upon the county the County Judges will rapidly develop a greater acumen in "sizing up the mental con dition of the cases offered ami the re sult will be fewer pauper idiots It is a common thing for the Audi tor to receive letters from people who have been appointed committees for pauper idiots saying: have sold my interest in So ainl a pauper idiot It has become a regular branch of commerce and would no doubt soon become subject to the speculative fever now prevailing unless checked in this Louisville Times AH its stopped free by Dr Great Xerve Hc sforer No SMfits after first day's use Marvelous VuJiefciwTreatise ami trial bottle free to I teases Send to Dr Kline Pa a darn Potter the poi master at Elm Cree's Neb says he ba personal knowledge of several cases of rheu matism in that vicinity that have been permanently ett ted ly Chamber lain' Pain Balin after other remedies were used without benefit He ha sold it at hi drug tore ther" for five year and ay he never knew it to fail that customer who once uses Chamberlain's Pain Bahn will have nothing e'e iu tcad Sold by Gwen Son The Chilian delegate to the Pan American Congrcs tell ome very pointed truth in a very frank man ner He says that the expenditure of money by the United States to bring the Pan Ametican delegate here wa that the cosily tour upon which they were taken not be worth two cents to the people whn royally entertained The Spanish delegates he ay are dignted with our protection system and with it in the way no attempt will be made to tslabli commercial relation with Your overtime he declares not want to trade with ami if we had known that eight month ago the invitation to look over your industries would not have been ac cepted To day the United states stands with a tone wall around it We ee no place to enter and we can't verv well tear it down to bring in our heir Iln i nes ttonining Probably no one thing has cau ed a general revival of trade at Tavlor Drug Store at their giving away to tiieir customers of so many free trial hot tbs of Dr New Discovery for Cot sump tion Their trade is simply enormous in his very valuable article from the tact that it apvay cure ami never disappoints Cough Cohl Asthma Bronchitis Croupe and all throat ami lung 1 i ses quickly cured Yon can tet it before buying by getting a trial tie warranted Commissioner Kauin estim that there are now 113 920 veterans who will be et titled to receive a pension of per month under the Morrill service Penion Bill and in 1802 thi number will be increased 14819 Th: bill provides a pension for every man who has reached the age of sixty two year ami who served ninety day in the army On to the 7 reas tt ry Who struck Billy Patterson we can not tell but we can po'itively assure you that if Canter's magic chicken cholera cure fails your money will be refunded by Owen Son California was visited by an earth quake last Thursday morning at 3 :37 o'clock The vibrations were from north to south The shock wa sharp at San rancisco and a levy building were cracked but no special damage is reported except at Pajaro where the railway bridge was thrown out of line ami gas main were di joi I ed As many as a dozen shocks "wete felt at some place Out of 170 Presuyierius that have voted on the subject of the revi ion of the Confession of faith of the Presb terian Crurcb 110 favor revision fif ty five oppose it and live decline take a stand one way or the other if the liL ritf was a city or town man he would have no mercy rm a city burglar or sneak thief Thi same gentleman de clares that he has seen but many years ago tune or ten men run back from the pwt with their backs all bloody The story that blood often runs from the backset' the victimand soak the ground i absurd The writer ha seen throe hundred men whiped but has never seen the blid Slow He has seen large welts on the backs of the victim and fine drops of bbajd almost ready to come through but never any Bloxl run ning years ago a butcher mimed Stan hope was wavlaid and lobbed on the highway lirst Kit shot and badly hurt The rubber was arrested and convicted and sentenced toile pillory A numlier of the butcher purchased three barrels of ol 1 eggs and went to New Ca tle on the day of the whipping armed with eggs After the man was plaecl in the pilbrv hi was then in theoen space out ide of the jail yard the butcneis be gan a fusillade of eggs The poor victim wus a ma of foul matter beslk ing bruised by being hit in the face The sheriff had great trouble to stop the out rage At the next session of the legisla ture tho post was moved in ide the jail yard There have been no incidents of the Stanhope kind since The jail gates are always thrown op to the ublic on whipping day but the Ixistof order pre vails The hi tory of the wt for fifty years is that the lash ns a rule has been use with leniency The whites have escaped it has Is en claimed for political reasons the sheriff being in a iosition to win a vote every time he spared a man's back There has been but little difference as tc numbers lietween hite ami black vic AGNTS WATEDKX'X'k Sample A r'ire dpportuni Geo Abcuttt Er iUwrv JS HAIR BALSAM Clcans and beautifies lhe hair Promotes a luxuriant growth Newer ails to Restore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color PrevnriU and hair 50 and ciOQat rirnrgi 1 CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS 1 lied Cross Diamond lirantl nr Ladle aak DrugM for the Dlu Btund Brutul ix ped nwtHic boxes ea ed with Lm riuoou Take another le ftlarsirm fr nnrl foe in i'ftrr ty Vuvte Pxprr CMcheater Chemical Com Madlaou 6j HINDERCORNS The nrily urr for Corns Stops all pnfn nnre comfort to Lie at IruLd ta consumptive you Lroncii A thma Indlestjun TONIC ItUacurU th wrt c'tua: Is te eiuuay fvr all ilia ari ir Lrumdcfecli Lwiuti jii Take in me boc and 8Luu AK5tk waxtfi 19 is a pvrfwr ininr mII PiNi Kbs line luie nt Lib Mti mon eb th by mnl pn It hti by mail th hen at tti nu er a iirnMid I iren with I rsprno lr Din Ll(Dbe no cl' LLCZ fr' RZ Du rod can rm mAeu 1113 not blow ft J7 WorccKfer Has MADE WITH BOILING WATER EPPS'S tints There has Is a great toning down of late year of the numkr of lashes a plied It was a frequent thing yearsagu to give a risoner a cumulative sentence and for three successive Saturdays he receive eighty lashes The result was even though the blows were lightly laid on that the victim's back would be in an awful condition The story is told of one old black man who after Ix ing whipped upon tliree Saturdays was sold into slavery He declared that he would never go south and when his pureha got as far as Havre de Grace lhe poor fellow cut his throat It was the rule at time to sell col ored men and women to the highest bid der after they had whipped and they were frequently knocked down for $1 and quickly hurried south There is an old man now in the New Castle county aluuhoiise who was regularly engaged in the purchase of blacks and selling them into slavery It is really surprising howev how few are the real facts ami incidents that those who are in a osi tiuti know can tell TJerc ore very few whippings in Kent ami Sussex counties so that all material for a history of the ost lias to be gleaned in New Castle county Neirl every whipping has some little incident attached to it but tho story of one is the story of Wilmington News Latest I have received from Vienna the the la production of John Strauss the great raise genius the only real Strauss who for fifteen years has disdained writing anything except ope rettas but who has suddenly uuw been induced to return to the old tiel 1 of glory and how has he done it? Ask the Vienna the high Areopagus in this matter ive times they made him play it but there are particularly two parts in it one in A flat and one in which I defy any lady to listen to ami keep her little hotline in au dotee quiet And do you know the opus num ber of that raise otherwise how many its prolific author has written? our hundred and thirty seven! read 4371! and still this vivacity this entrain as if lie were 20 years old London World GRATEUL COMORTING COCOA MADE WITH BOILING MILK ROD'S fl CURE ASTHMA Catirrli Hay uer Dirlilheria WSoojiEi CoM Croup ani Coshmu colis commenIt by Phylslan anI by Pnw ylU tw worlL Ken trw Sample II I MR OB CO SOLE PROPRIETORS 191 ULTON ST NEW YORK on the Errors of 1outhlrcmMiurelechre Nervous and IJhvdfal Debility Impurttto of the Blood How Lost! How Regained Od KNOWTHYSELEb THE SCIENCE LIE A Scientific and Standard Popnlar Medical 1 realise Exhausted Vitality UHTOLDMISERIES JeBultng from tony ice Ignorance Ex or Overtaxation Eierva Ji and unfitting the victim fur Work the Marr ed or Social Rcktion Avoid unskillful pretender Poes great Trnrk It contain pages rora! bvo Beanuful binding embossed fun ilL ITrne only L(W by mail oncealed in plain wrapper Jllus trative Proectua ree 1f von apply now The diatin'mished author Wm IL Parker re ceived the GUI AN I) EWELLED IDA I from the NiiLiGiuil 'led i 1 Ajaoi datiuu for Hun PRIZE INSAV wi MIliVOCM and '11 AL DEB I JTVTYrParkerandftcorpst AwUtei moy Lo coasnlu confi dent nllv bv nr or in person the office of THE PE BOD MEDICAL No 4 Rultinrb Kr Boeton tdaw Io whom ad order for books or letters fur adviue should be directed a above i kiiir of tho Nation now Travding and Oiej as 2 BI M2NACELIES) 2 BG BLSVATikD STAGES 2 BIS CIRCUSES 2 BIS HIPPCBBOMES 2 MUSEUMS 2 BIG PARADES 2 BIS PAILWAY EQUIPASE3 The only Show in A inoriva Lavhitf anything new to oiler Entirdy vatlv gn atly enlarged and abs'dutciy undeniably and inli'puiahl the great aniueinent boom of the cuuntrv No long haired ehaing lazy lilthy Indians around (he ring and ualh a Wild cM no nerve shucking and dangcnai'' snoot ing under our canvas but a clean we 1 cniphi tel bright new and popular exhibition of the splendors of the Orient and the Wunders uf the Occident J2 I GUM rns Cucle Chaste Eteqanl anc Refined That haw gained for ell Brothers fmie and fortune THE STANDARD CIRCUS EXHIBI TION THE UNIVERSE 4 years old 24 itiehes high and weighing but pounds Pair ull Grown Giant hiving A tiiot remarkable disulay Japanese Arabian tmd other oreign AerobaUaud Athletes in a writs of wonderfully thrilling acta and feats (only aquarium of monster I MARINEMARVELS IN AMERICA Th" Drear" of airvlani MOST COMPREHENSIVE DRMITHQ 1 LOGICAL COLLECTION THAVELIN3 Z2Z GZZATZr: The ht Wonderful BxhibKiun uf Trained ft ar? Ahinials vur fl LOCK OSTRICHES 5C Hoei: 5O INI ORTY ITOIbSVES S3 iftl VIP II 'Jhe jJowE Op Merit and Z7'L TI'PSZ 2 ACE 0 OVELTy IaCItcuh as Pure la Its Character as the Pattasr WH0L3 MAMX0TH SHOW PEBSEl'iDED AT ONOS Cirrus Hipiiodmme Jln igerie Museum Aviary A rahian Gtravan Japanese Villa I' geimt a id a world of startling uovellies thrilling features JIE INEST STREET P4MSE HE4 GIVEN HI A1OK1A Two jerfornrmces daily at and 3 Doors open one hour previous 15 Cij 537 Vuier 9 Teii 2 Ctsls i Also exhibits at ilAXKl OitT May 7tb and ELIZA BETH PAWN May VI IS I I I.

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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.