The Hustler from Madisonville, Kentucky (2024)


(By Associated Press) Several deaths were recordea today as reports from throughout Kentucky told of rising rivers, disrupted communication lines and flood conditions generally as the result of heavy rainfall. The: Cumberland river was OM a rampage in the Pineville vicinity, where three men were killed, and families living in lowlands driven from their homes. Portions of the business district. of Middlesboro are under water. Three Drown.

Lawrence Wiles, Melvin Catron, and C. S. Taylor, employes of the Virginia-Harlan Coal Corporation, were killed when A bridge near here washed out, hurling them into the river. Lowlands around Pineville, Middlesboro, Harlan and Barbourville were inundated and families were seeking higher ground. The Kentucky river at Hazard was out of its banks as rain still fell.

Water was standing in streets: of the business section and seeping into basem*nts of homes and business houses. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 19. (AP)-After a fearful night ot anxious vigilance over encroaching flood waters along the river basing of eastern Kansas and western Missouri, of the lowlands in the areas began today to count the toll which has claimed around tea lives and caused a colossal property damage. Farmers suffered heaviest 10 the loss of live stock and crops, and damage to farm buildings and equipment.

Damage to city (Please Turn to Page Five Marriages --000-- Thomas Hammond, 58, and Mrs. Maude Miles, 59, both of this city, were issued a marriage license at the county court clerk's office Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Hammond is track supervisor for the L. R.

and is widely known in Henderson division railroad circles. Both were widowed. Raymond Browning. 22, miner, and Miss Audrey Stanley, 21, both of Nortonville, were issued a marriage license at the county clerk's office late Thursday. POLICE COURT Clayborn Wilborn, carrying concealed deadly weapon, waived preliminary hearing and held in $150 bond, which he executed.

to await grand jury action. He is to be arraigned in court at 7 o'clock tonight on drunkenness and resisting an officer charges. James Cook, carrying concealed 'deadly waived preliminary hearing and held in bond to await grand jury Defendant committed to jail in bond default. Cook 'was fined $10 and costs on a drunkenness charge when he pleaded guilty. James Brooks, drunkenness, set for trial at 7 o'clock tonight.

COUNTY COURT ORDERS. Mrs. Fairleigh Williams, of the the late Marcella J. Croft, has been authorized to execute an assignment of certain bonds of the decedent's estate to herself individually. Attorney John Edmonds, of Hopkinsville, has returned home after being in the city for several days on business.

Rev. H. S. Summers has returned froom Hopkinsville where he attended of the General Association of Kentucky Baptists. EZ DAYS TILL CARISIMAS SELF BRITISH PRESS SCORES MANNER OF SHIP PROBE Methods Employed in Vestris Inquiry Enrage English Papers.

TUTTLE HINTS OWNERS ORDERED SHIP PROCEED New Witnesses May Bare Facts, Discredit Wireless Operators. LONDON, Nov. A most savage assault by the British Fress upon the conduct of the American inquiry into the sinking of the Vestris is led by the Daily News which will say tomcrrou that the British public should be warned of American methods of trial by a mixture of newspaper "stunts." sensation and scandal all being employed in this inquiry. Under headline which says "Vestris Inquiry Farce." Wilson Midgley, Daily News New York correspondent fires a broadside declaring that the inquiry is being conducted in a way unheard of in national annals. He says: "Federal Atiorney Tuttle spends a large part of his life prosecuting bootleggers and gangsters.

Newspapermen share with his four assistants the privilege of consulting him and pass notes on which he acts. Criticizes Proceedings. "Commission O'Neil, presiding. takes no part except to ask witnesses to speak up. Tuttle informs the newspapers in advance of his plans, informations, and baseless suspicions, the most flagrant of which was that the sinking of the Vestris was due to a secret wireless message from the owners ordering Capt.

Carey to continue the voyage. "His manner with witnesses is always torney. that shouting of a and prosecuting accusing the them of lying. and when he thinks he has scored a point, grinning triumphantly. "No attention was paid to the British consul's suggestion that the naval assessors be appointed.

with the result that Tuttle becomes confused and' confuses witnesses on points which experts could elucidate. The plans of the ship have not been introduced with the result that witnesses of one deck when Tuttle is ing of another. New Message Hinted. NEW YORK, Nov. 19-Hitherto unrevealed radio messages, flashed by the Lamport and Holt liner I Pega Fine) HOOVER OFF ON TRIP TO SOUTH PALO ALTO, Nov.

19. -President-elect Hoover was given an enthusiastic send-off by several thousand persons at Palo Alto last night, when he left tor San Pedro port of Los Angeles to board the U. S. S. Maryland and sail immediately on his peace and good will mission.

More than 800 neighbors. members of the faculty of Stantord and intimate friends from San Francisco and other nearby cities bade the president-elect a cordial farewell and good luck in his m.s. sion to the south, at his home yesterday afternoon. It was a joyful scene at the magnificent Hoover home when the neighbors and friends from nearby California gathered there. The president shook hands with the well-wishers.

and the conversation ran to peace and good will. Hoover's grandchildren. Herbert Hoover. Ill, and liltle Peggy Ann, were very much in evidence at the side of their illustrious grandfather. Mark L.

Requa, Hoovers campaign manager in California, took lunch with the president-elect, v.ith Col. William J. Donovan, assistant United States attorney general. I Please Ture to Page Fiver WEEK'S WEATHER. Mostly fair, probably until near end of week, when there will be showers.

Temperature near normal first half of week, warmer Thursday and colder about Satur4 day, School Teacher For 62 Years NEA The younger generation cf today isn't a bit different from that of 3 half century ago. says Prof. James Burns of McComb. inStructor in Latin and history at Western Teachers' College. And he ought to know because he has been a school teacher for 62 years, being one of the oldest instructors in point of service in the STEWART SAYS RECORD FALSE WASHINGTON.

Nov. 19 (API His motion for a directed verdiet of acquittal denied this by Justice Jennings Bailer, Robert W. Stewart. chairMall of the board tire Standand Oil Company et took the witness stand 1: '9 own defense today against charges of perjury. He said the official transcript of his testimony before the sellate committee l11 conn with transactions of the Trading Company 01 Canada was In enol.

containing least one question that WAG not Red him. Received No Bond-, Says. He testified he not personally received or made a single dollar from bonds of the company, said to have been involved in the Teapot Deme oil scandal. The question he denied had been asked him was whether he had knowledge of the disposition of the bonds in question. His altswer in the transcript vas.

Che government claims. that '10 recened part of the bonds himself. Elliott Corum Executes Bond in Forgery Charge Elliott Corum. 17, was held 111 $200 bond. which he executed to await grand jury action when 81- raigned in county court Monday morning on a to gery charge.

was fined $10 and costs on a (OLd check charge. Corum was an sted by Deputy Sheriff Dick Sat day night on two county court warrants, charging ton, ay. al.d to jail ault of bond The defendant war 1 grand jury action on al ted torte! 85 check, which cashed L. E. Veazey, Madi any lle met chant.

while a fine when a forgery chars. peter after C. L. King, nor h.t cashed a check. hid horn leCuced 10 issuing 8 (O.

cheer checks were issued of Brothers. city Negro Arrested. Fred John.on. negro rested by County Patrolman Barton at Coil min of the 11 Kentucky Coal Company day night when it 1- alleged an entrance into the washhouse. He was committed by Deputy Sherif Be: County Patrolman carton housebreaking charge and he alto.ned in county cou: Monday OFFICERS, TEACHERS MEET There it meeting of off cers and trachers of the Sunday school of the Cumberland Presbyterian church at the home of Mrs L.

P. Jernigan Friday night. Much interest was manifested and varilous matters were discussed. TAXICAB, BUS DRIVERS MUST UNDERGO EXAM Commissioner Henry Issues General Greer Effective January 1 LICENSE WITH FEE OF 81250 IS PROVIDED Eyesight. Hearing, General Health, Habits to Be Considered.

FRANKFORT, Nov. (AP, Commissioner of Motor Transportation A. L. Henry has issued a general order effective Janu-1 al that all drivers of taxicabs. city busses or any motor vehicle: for hire, must file with the commissioner his application tor driver's license.

and nust pay annual rec of $12.50. In explanation of the order, Mr. Henry issued the following statemont: "Before a driver's license is granted by the commissioner, the applicant must first be examined by a physician as to his eyesight, hearing. general condition of health and habits. After this information is furnished, the commissioner then pass on application, and if granted.

the applicant will be issued a gold plated badge for identification. Subject to Cancellation. "The driver's license, if granted. shall be subject canceliation for violation of any of the rules and regulations prescribed by the commissioner. for violation of any section of the motor transportation laws of Kentucky or for reckless driving, negligence Cr drunkenness Under the law.

no person under twenty-one years Qi will be permitted to drive any motor vehicle for hire. retotore. only drivers of motor busses operating between fined points have been required to secure the driver's license, but it recent ww discovered that the law also included drivers of all motor vehicles for whether operating between fixed points. or whether within or without the corporate limits of any municipality." Mr. Henry estimated that there vill between 3500 and 1000 drivers who will have to secure these Leense for 1929.


R. N. Clark. C0, well known Earling'on citizen and 101 a time a resident of Madisonville, died at the Jenpie hospital. Hopkinsville.

late Saturday of bladder route and complications. Mr. Clark had lived 11: Earlington for more chan thirty years. He had been a patient of the Hopkinsville hospital for several days. but when admitted was lit Such a critical condition that 11 was too late to undergo an ODerat on.

Mr. Clark was preparing to return home when his condition became worse and he died shortlv alit rward. P'lease Turn tor Page Fiver NINE ADDITIONS There were nine additions and one reclamation during the which has ended at the Mt. Zion church, near Charleston Rot. A.

Hankins, pastor, Was in the series 01 meet ings Rev. Wesley Dockery, of Providence. Did He Hire a Man to Murder Him? 000-- --000- --000-- Will Left By Former Sales Executive, Slain in Jail, Puzzle to Cleveland Cops NE.1 Service. CLEVELAND O. Nov.

19. 1 to: 1: mace 11: sate venting of cell 1. til count jail here has given loci police one of the most puzcling 01 Tire isn't any doubt about who committed it. But efforts .0 Ind what lay back of the killing hate Jed investigators 1 web of cuscure no i.e. and crotions that may leave Then: completely beloggeu.

Here are the objective facts: Don Prentiss, held for federal authorities on a Mann act charge, was locked in the jail awaiting transfer to Atlanta prison. Thei jai! being overcrowded, another prisoner, also awaiting transfer to Atlanta. was put in the same cell. This prisoner was James; T. Nevins.

The other night Nevins wrenched loose from the wall of the celli a section of load pipe and beat Prentiss to death with it. He explained that he had had nothing again st Prentiss; he been so enraged against the federal judge who had sentenced him, however. that his rage had simply boiled over. The unlucky Frentiss; had simply been the handiest vehicle. Had Job.

This sounded weird enough. And: then the police begen to find oli things. They found out. first, that I'rentiss was until a few months ago! sales executive! tor a big automobile company a Lansing. Mich.

He was married! and had Children and seemed al bining of ambitious. pable young business man. Ile member of country clubs and prominent socially. 'Then -on thing went wreng. He took 10 drinking, eventually ung cit on prolonged spree carried him to Cincago, broke up his hone and cost him his job.

His employers bougnt his contract for $12.000 cash. He never returned to Lan: Some weeks Prentiss came it, Cleve land. accompanied by Virginia Palmer, a former nursemaid In h's houschold. Cleveland police that time were starching 1 certair, noldup! Iran, and Prentiss tell into heir; net. He easily established his innocence, but admitted Virginia Palmer was not his wife, and the police turned hin: over to federal authorities.

(Please Turn to Page Four; Mayfield Tobacco Floors To Open On December 3 MAYFIELD. Nov. 19. (AD The Mayfield tobacco market will open December 3. it has de uded by the Mayneld Tobacco Board 01 Trade.

Opening dates tor the western district alt Mayheld. December Paducah. December Murray. December The westerit district markets open ahead of the Spr. ngtelu Clarksville, Hopkinsville district.

The loose leaf floor will begin receiving tobacco Mon ay, 1,0 vember 19. to be placed on floors 1or the opening sale. Dec. 3. The following; v.

Ill op. rate the local 1-1 this So Mayfield Loose Leaf Floors. Inc A Pichardson de era Loose Lent Floors, an: Ligon Brother: C. D. Baker.

of North Carolina. who has boon entioneer 101 11 past two seasons, will cry in siles here again this year. Air Mail Service Over Route Here to Begin on December. Postal Rate of 5 Cents Per Letter, Official Bulletin to Madisonville Postoffice Shows Effective December 1. il will be extended atom Chicago to Vid Evansville.

Madison. die and Nashville, and although ill not be made In this 11 Made sonville postettive patrons take advantage of the service 11. expediting fast mail. it WAS nounced today by Postmaster W' W. Crick.


do I da front bod 9 groas dater ducts Ira mo Patina 12. Sos to he paced from, balances Mia all NEA art clearad Here is the strange will left by Don Prentiss, former motor company sales executive, which apparently bequeaths $500 to James T. Nevins, fellow prisoner who clubbed him to death in a Cleveland, 0., jail cell. Above is Prentiss. below is Nevins.

Seen Here, Is Theory Hinted Mrs. Ella McDowell Rogers Visited in Dawson Springs Last Summer. A rumor in Madisonville that Mrs. Ella McDowell Rogers. missing Louisville widow.

was in Madisonville week before last. 1 company with a woman described as being large, could not be veri-. fied today by The Messenger. Hal Harned, cashier of the Commercial Bank, Dawson Springs said by a Louisville newspaper to have been the last person in company with Mrs. Rogers the evening of October 7, the date she is believed to have disappeared, told The Messenger by telephone that, SO far as he knew.

Mrs. Rogers was not in Madisonville at that time. Mr. Harned, said, however, that Mrs. Rogers had visited in Da V- son Springs in the late summer.

At that time she was also 111 Madisonville. Suicide 'Theory Advanced. According to Mi. Harned. 1.8 Rogers, of Louisville.

father-Inlaw of the missing woman, advised nim that the suicide theory in the case is considered 1:1 relatives. Mrs. Rogers, the Mather-in-law is said to have was despondent at times. "I know nothing of the other than what told MI Rogers," Mr. Harned said.

I all as anxious as anyone to have the disappearance cleared up. and it is as much a mystery to me as to anyone else." he said. Greenville- White Plains Road Section Accepted The state highway has accepted the GreenvilipWhite Plains section of the road between White Plains and the Muhlenberg county line in Hopkins county. This section is 10 be maintained by state highway employes working out of Central City. Grade and drain of this section of the highway was completed August 1 when the highway WaS opened to the public.

The hughway was surfaced with batik gravel several weeks afterward. Completion of this stretch 01 road from the Write Plains pot. linking with the gravel highway extending from the Hopkins county line to Greenville affords an outlet, for Muhlenberg county residents to U. S. way No.

41. De: Over Illness, Mon, 52, Shoots Self With Rifle. WIFE FINDS BODY ON REAR PORCH OF HOME Influenza, Followed by Partia! Deafness, Blamed by Relatives. Despondent because of ill health feller. Cluenza.

with which he stricken last August and rich had resulted in partial Jefferson Herron, 52, a connaitted suicide at his 1.1 the West Hanson country al 9 o'clock Sunday night by shooting himself through the forehead with a 22-calibre rifle. Darron, who had been sitting fore 11. grate fire, talking to his wife. suddenly went into an adjoining room, procured the rifle, vent 10 the rear porch of his Lome, and ended his life. Mrs.

Herron did not hear the shot, but heard her husband fall and discovered his body when she Despondent Over Pains. Ilerton had been complaining of head pains for months, and had informed friends these had developed since his illness last He is survived by nis widow. Coroner T. R. Howell, Madisontill an inquest, the coronet's jury nolding that Herron commutiqd self-destruction.

Funeral services were held Monway al.ernoon with burial in Brick churen cemetery, near Slaughters. 51 CONVERSIONS HANSON, Nov. 19. The two v. eek: revival at the Methodist church close! here last night with litty-one conversions.

S. C. Henhunger. Mt. Washington, assisted Lev.

A. C. Bowles, pastor, in the Nueting. WALKER PRODS POLICE CHIEF New York Mavor Orders Department to Get Rothstein Murderers. NEW YORK, Nov (AP)- Mayor James Walker has served an ultimatun on the police department "to make good" by Monday or admit failure in the investigation into the murder of Arnold Rothstein.

While the mayor was delivering this order to Police Commissioner Joseph J. Warren, head of the detective division and others connected with the police inquiry, the federal attorney's office disclosed that investigations by fedcral agents "strongly indicated" that the slain gambler had been an important figure in a nation wide narcotic ring. Warns of Action The mayor's conference with po ire authorities lasted for an nour 31.0 nalf after which the nayor Laid, "I have. insisted that either 'he detective bureau produce some facts by Monday Or admit they can't. Then I will decide what will take." A 3 result of the general discassion of the case at city hall, authorities are now convinced that Hothenstein knew who shot him and did keeping the secret.

One of his last movements was to put 15 finger to his sealed lips and shake 015 head in mute refusal when he was asked to identify the gunman who shot him. Louisville Market LOUISVILLE, Nov. (AP) Cattle receipts 1100; slow; steady: prime heavy steers $13 and $14; beef steers $10 and $13; heifers $8 and $12.50: cows $5 and $10: feeders $9 and 111.50; stockers 7.50 and $11; calves receipts 600; steady; $10.50 to $14.50. HOGS receipts 3200; 5 ceuvs higher; range re $7.25 and $9. Sheep -receipts 100; steady; lambs $11.50 and $12; sheep $4 and bucks $3.50 down.

LEAVE FOR CALIF. Mr. and; Mrs. Charles R. Shel- ton, Hopkinsville, tormer Hopkins county residents, left Saturday for Los Angeles, to renice.

Mr. Shelton and wife had her connected with the Western State Hospital for several years. Bird need. 250 at Bailey's. Buy your drygoods.

notions, shoes S.uin boots, overshoes, gropuniture, stoves and floor 21 E. L. Parrish, Han- Falling machines repaired at Be jots, $1.50 at Bailey's. It you have not received a letter into turkeys and geese, phone me at once if you sell. E.

L. Parrish, Tire patch, 25c can at Bailey's. FOR SALE Barrel salt. Call on D. junk dealer.Gun Shells at Bailey's.

I want your poultry and eggs. Parrish. Hanson, Ky. Auto pumps. $1.25 at Bailey's.

LOST October 25, from my home near Beulah, fox hound, white with dark blue spots on hip. blue spot on right side, blue tarnish cast on head, medium size. Liberal reward. -J. S.

FraZer. Dawson route 1. Telephone Beulah Ex 162. 200:15 arriving daily. 1 v.

right. E. L. Paruh. Hanson.

Ky. Valve cores. be each at Bailey's. Jack: mIne A'. 666 is a Prescription for Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, lious Fever and Malaria.

Li is the most speedy remedy known. postmaster oral. and ent 10 1 Crick. hound bound ale 12 southhot: planes AI cago leaving 11 city :1 9 il! and arrivin 1 Atlanta 130 0. whil the northbound leave Atlanta 4 36 and reach Chicago at 9:25 a Five ('ent Rate.

Madisonville patrons can take (Please Turn to Page Four) Ford at Bailey's. 1 Inh your dollars always hat purchasing power day in the week. No Friday and Saturday baits. E. L.

Parrish, Hanson, Ky. 30. 5 cord- tires, $4.26 at.

The Hustler from Madisonville, Kentucky (2024)
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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

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Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.