The Pittsburg Headlight from Pittsburg, Kansas (2024)

MARKET REPORTS. MISSOURI VALLEY GAMES. LODGE NOTE.S. CHICOPEE ITEMS. Items of Interest rom the Mining Camp Band Re ceives New Uniforms Club Give a Dance on Next Saturday Night Ball Games and Other Sporting Events.

Fourth of July Celebration by Red Men Personals-Locals Happenings in the Orders. LEAVENWORTH. AI3 A I'erscll, rf 5 1 2 1 Cope, lib 1 (I 2 1 Redmond, 5 2 10 1 (t Winn. If i 4 3 0 ft Cui'tnin, sa 4 0 1 1 0 Conlin, 2b 4 0 4 3 r. Urwin.

lb 4 1 7 1 II Hnnton. rf 3 1 1 0 Zullrr, 3 0 2 1 0 Totals 7 9 27 10 6 FORT SCOTT. An A Rhlpke. 3h 5 1 (I 4 0 Hey, rf 4 1 2 1 0 Hall, of 4 0 0 0 Downs, 2b 5 1 2 5 0 Steele, 1b .4 1 11 0 0 Hovis. If 1 1 0 Cheek, o.

5 (I 9 2 It Pennington, sa 4 0 1 0 3 CraveiiH, 4 I 0 2 Totals 40 2(1 13 5 Sooro hy innings: Fort Scott. 23(1(1(10(10 0 r. Leavenworth 1 Summary: ICarneil runs. Leavenworth 1. Double plays, Conlin to Er-win.

Downs to Steele, Hoy to Cheek. Stolen bases. Porsrh. Cope. Hoy, Cravens.

Sacrifice hits, oiler. Hoy. Struck out. by Zeller S. by Cravens 7.

liases on halls, off Cravens 1. Wild pilch. Zollor. Hit hy pitched ball. Hun-ton, Hoy.

Hall, Steele, l.efl on liases, Leavenworth (I. Kurt Scott 9. Time. Attendance, 3nn. llnipire Combs.

Pittsburg and lola Broke Even in Double Header From Diitly. STANDING OF TDK CLUBS. W. Kprinulluld lit ll) Kurt Scott 2H 17 lulu 2.1 JS Nevailii IS L4 1(1 24 I'lttslmt-K 12 28 Leavenworth 10 2S rc. .5111 .4011 All of the Karnes In the Valley leasne yesterday afternoon were fair specimens of fast, hail anil the fans who nt-tendeil them were we'll paid for their lime and admission.

Piltshnrg and lola indulged j1 a donhle header and hroke even. Plllshurt; played fiood luill and seemed to strike a streak of haltiitK and hit at will in the first Kiinie while Tola picked only easy ours all of which dropped to the infield. iiitrheil the first irame for lola while Heed was in the hox for Kitis-hui'K. In the second initio Root the lolil pilelter Ki)t sweet revenue hy slltlt-titifj: I'ittshnrjr out with a score of It) to 1. Torrie a new pitcher for 1'itts-htti'lt; was in the box in the seronil mime and was humped all over the field.

A stock company with ample linnnce has taken the lola franchise witli phitis tu tirjiieii ii iiinl go after the pennant. piTTsmmo. raiistirtril Kfinic IntHinoHs. I'ut ctirnisky of thr rumiuiny Kliirf. say In- riinlil llvit fiirrvrr nniuiiK tiiosr prrtly irl.s titul tint niiilri-jil wjilrr nt Hnlplitir Springs.

Diiii! Lrslor who wns hurt nt No. Monthly Ik rrslln rusy titul iloinw tin well ns conlil lin expert. (1. AllillllH of Cllieopee Ih temlitp; ltltn. of Chlrnpee went lo Aslt-ley the other ilny iinil lost his i-out hoys all wonder where it, is for Ihe hus not titrnnl tip yet.

Storey, who hiis he. visiting his puri'iits (in- sunn' lime, lo 1 1 itnt inton. At where he h.ihis a position elerli ill il store. Totn Kvnns spriiineil his Mini) lite other iluy in niukiii turn with his Wiiuon. The Ihnli wns hrokrn some I'nnr is soiuewililt.

W'eitk yet. A foot nice will he run t-titnihiy hr-twerii ii Simpson find Chns. Nor-tlliltl. This is I'ol- on rnrli siile iinil is lor I lie ehniniionsl)ip Inn yards of Clliroire. Nevada 6, Joplin 2.

Nevtida, 23. In very Kood game Nevada ilefeafed here today. Taylor had them on his list, ns one hit was all they could got in a single Inning. NEVADA. All If A ('rum, of 2 1 ll 0 Mclse, 2b 1 1 1 fi liitrand.

Ill 1 (I 1 2 Kane. If r. (i Kast. lb 2 14 1 Yinuiir. if 2 2 (i Mel.

cor, sk 4 2 McDonald, 4 5 2 It 4 2 2 7 1 Totals 41 1." 2fi 1S .1 All II Hankhead, 21) r. 2 liapps. If 1 Porter, 11) 5 3 Allen, ss 3 2 Shanks, rf fi (I Price, of 4 1 Lumpkin, 2b 3 2 La Kranco, 4 0 Taylor, 4 2 Totals 38 13 2 v. 'Mi 1 Yd i 1 AH II A Wilson, rt 4 2 1 0 (i Millsap, 111 2 1 12 0 (l Hisley, ss a 1 2 1 ArmstrotiK. (I I) li Shaumycr, 2b 2 1 1 4 ll SrrogHihH If 'I 1 0 'I llolliiiK.

4 1 0 2 It Root, if 4 1 0 0 fi MofKBti. fl 0 1 fl Totals HO 7 27 0 1 The Fourth of July committees are holding business meetings twice a week. The report of each committee is given at the meetings. The music for the day has been engaged and the fire works purchased. Floats representing the thirteen original states and also those representing the forty-eight states will be some of the main features of the parade the Fourth.

Each business man is supposed to be represented in this grand turn out. If everything Is buc-cessful Pittsburg's skill, art and science will be very conspicuously displayed on this day. Col. Howard has sent personal letters of invitation to about twenty tribes around this district to be present at their celebration. Pyramids.

The attendance at the last night's meeting was unusually good. About fifty members were present. Claude Ryan and wife of Kansas City, were granted a transfer card last, night from the lodge here to the order of that place. Those Initiated into the order last night wore Mr. and Mrs.

R. Ketter-mun and Mrs. Ncsbitt. Ail officers and members of the degree staff and all ot her members of the council who wish to attend are requested to be present at the team drill next Thursday. A transfer card was issued to Miss Tillie Carter, a former member here, to an order in Colorado.

The attendance is excellent for the: warm weather and has not decreased in the least. It is hoped that this enthusiastic spirit will continue throughout the summer. Several visitors were up from Weir City iast evening attending the meeting of the order. The order here was glad to Ree so many out from Cllieopee and No. lf last evening.

Since the park has opened the cars are run later and the outside members may attend without any trouble. The matter in regard to the right angle approach to the altar la still under discussion. Neither side has given in. They have finally decided to leave the decision to Architect Munn and all members are curious to know the results. Mrs.

Tirayman, one of the members, Is reported as convalescing. The council have ordered a degree-of honor which is expected to arrive by the next regular meeting. A side degree is to be in use up to that time, and it furnishes no little amusem*nt and fun to the members. The Pyramids have ordered two 1 dozen new ode cards. There will be 1 no excuse for not having excellent singing in the future.

Everybody watch for the singing birds. A. O. U. W.

A social, the second of a series, was planned and timed for July 3d. The committee in charge are all young men ami good ones ami the young ladies will be carefully looked after and furnished an excellent time. The mammas and papas will not be neglected, as the young men of the A. 11. V.

are very discreet. J. W. Large, M. W.

elect. Is contemplating changing his residence later on, and is now very busy with his studies perfecting himself for a lucrative position ere he leaves. Desiring not to add to his responsibilities to the extent of interfering with his work and plans he tendered his res i gnat ion to the lodge, which accepted the same on his explanation ami elected John Steele to the honor Sooro by innings: Pittsburg il 0 0 1 3 2 1 0 1 lola 2 2 0 1 11 0 0 II (i a Summary: Earned runs, lola 4, Pit(s-butg (i. Two base hiis. Itisloy, Me- Leer.

Three base hit, East. Double piny, Miilsap. unassisted. liases on halls, off Heed 3, off Morgan 1. Slrurk out, by Reed 3.

by Morgan 8 pitched hall, hy Reed 2. Second Game. Hit PITTSHUnO. Kansas 1'liy, 'a 1 1 Jicceipt B. liil.

The nun kct WH8 generally steady with a few exceptions a ilia. Ii.w.'t'. sali's: Sllll'l'lN'U AM) UliKSSKD KKV.V KTKKKS. Nn. Av.

PiiccINi). Av. Av. Price Jr.KI I 4(1. 4.D5 2ii.

4.70 oo M. 45.. 803 4.25 4.85 Late yesterday: 25. 4 I KaTKHN STEERS. 50..

750 4. 15 WKSTKllN COWS. 7.. rj 3.75 i sm i 27.. mt 2 so M1XKI) H'lKIOHS AND 1IKIPKHS.

722 4.25 I 14.. 4.11) 71.1 3.50 11.. rtl 4.55 211.. 925 4.55 75. 7117 4.111 2..

7:10 4.111 75 NATIVK 11101 VKRB. (.15 3 815 3.110 40.. 71 4.50 I 4.45 211.. 70S 4.40 4.25 I 3. 3.60 ft40 6..

008 NATIVI? (TOWS. 4.25 27. JITS 1.15 I 13. 2.S5 tj.liKHI 3.50 7.1051 4.40 4.00 3. 11.

2.75 370 3'5 SUB 3 50 2.IKI 5.11130 2.35 5. nativk FKunurts. 4.00 I 2.. (130 3.75 3.1120 NATIVK STOOKERS 3.1)0 3.. 710 3.1)0 4.

.405 3 i3. 3.70 3.25 2. 4S5 2.25 I 21.. 4117 STOCK COWS AND IlKIKKRS .11 3 35 57.. 076 3 35 3..

051.1 3.15 1 1O10 2.1.5 8. .710 2 50 10. .572 3,00 2.r,o 3..520 2,50 17.. 7112 2.115 Hegs-Iticoliits. 13.2W).

The market 10 lo 15 rents lowrr ami 15 to 2') cents elT. Ri'lM'oHoiilnt Ivo snlra: No. Av 0. 71.. IKS 71.

.185 Av. I'rii'cINf). Av. Price J5 S5 I 75. .233 D.7715I I I 85..

211 I 211.. 120 5.70 in 6 .10 5.25 6.77'i 5.77Vi 14.. 125 152 .21,2 5 711 I ni. .1.80 I 11.. 5.6(1 I 3..

173 Khi'f'P-UrcolptH, 211 5.tt5 5.55 I 20. The market was dull but steady. Lambs rnntro from $5.26 Bhocp, 54.00; culls, J1.6(Kj3.50. CMengn I.tve Stiielc. Chlrngo.

Juno 23. Cattle Rorolpts, flood to prime steot-p, J5.5OTi5.0O: stoelcers and feeders, f3.0iyicl.85; Toxas fed sleets. 15.000. Mixed and butchers, t5 tlo-ttO. 15: guild to choice heavv, jc, o.v.nrjo; light, i5.05-uii.20; bulk ot salw, 15.

Sheep Receipts. 11.000. Good to choice welhors. fair tn choice mixed, native lambs, Jl.OOftC.lid; western lambs, St. I.onln hire Stoetr.

St. 000. feed. T.onls, Juno 2T rvuflp Tti'i-'rlpts, MrvTH. ptockf'i'fl nnd 'JVxns ftpnrs, rows ln'iors.

ll.oiio. vii-'H nnd lights, hutchr, Hhepp Rprplpts. NiUlvnB, J4.00 4.0); Jfunhp, ji.rrfKf((i.n. Dmiihii lilve tonic.

mahn. N't Juno 24, fnttlo Ttocplpts. XmUvo Ptccrp. TInus UorHpts. IT.nno.

TTmvy, bulk of sr. TT'i'. Wl. Stiff.p Ufpoipts. 1-Vil fi.7.r; wptbers, pwpp, 4 rr.

rotnninii and stm-korf, lambs, jr.2r'r75.75. St. JoRi1 lilv Sfnclt. Rt. Junn 23.

CnttlP Tl-' roinls-. Drrnstd hoff stPtTf. 5 11); Tpmis and wfstrrn. J.T l.W; mws and hflft'rs, il- ptorkpra nnd ferd-crs, t.7r. itor- npcplprs,, Top, bulk of sales, S.TniiCt.W.

Khi'p He-fntptp, 4.S0(). f'lilcnuro Cnnh firnln. fhicamo, .111110 "Wlipat- Nn, 2 rod. TRf? Nn. VrA'-jc No.

2 hard wlnlor, 77c; No, .1. No. 1 northern spring. Sic; No. 2, No.

3. TXuldc. p*rn-No. 2. MWiHfliv.

No. 3. WtitMic Onts No. 2, nsi-ililp; No, 1 Futuros: Whoat July. T'c: "Id.

7in; Rpptornhnr, Vri-p; old, 7tilo; llnremln'r, fdd. Corn Juno. July, lio; llsc; rorrnilipr, 4Ut May. Oais Jnno. July.

Peptenihor, Docombor, 3:1 May, St. I-oiiIm Cash Grnln, St. T.ouis. Juno 2H. Whoat No.

2 rod, oash, obnator, notntnal; tmok, SL'o No. 2 ba id, ROTiSlo. 'urn No. 2 oah, nominal nominal track, fiPyo. Oalu No.

2 cash, track, No. 2 white, HntiNiii City firnln. Kansas Cily, Juno 23, AVbrat Nn. 2 bard. 7K(73o; No.

(VWjTIc; No. 2 rod, 73o; No, 3, liVtt2i. Corn No. 2 mixed. No.

2 while, ruVuWiC; No. 3, fllMf Oals No. 2 white. 47c, Kvo No. 2.

47o. Hay Chnlon 11nnlbv, choice pnihie, $12.00 (limits Cltr Prodncp. Kansas City, Juno 23. Egps Fresh, Unttor Cicamcry, extra, dairy, fancy, tile; packing Ktock, 14c; choose, northern full cream.

13o. Puiill iy Springs. 11c honp, 1tv, per pound; ducks, 12r per pound; rci'So, 5c pound in-key lions. fl'irC lb. yoniiK pcdtblers.

piffeoin. $1.00 dozen; squabs, 1.50 doz. Cliolce. ncaldad. dressed poultry 1c abovo llieso prices, 1'olatocs New.

per bushel, old. per bushel, $1 -Mi 1 W. Fruit Apples, per bushol box; oraiiKcs, box; lemons, per box; trawl K-rrU-s. $1. 001.75 per crate; blaekberrlos, per crate; gooseberries, per crate.

per onions, per bushel; tomatoes, per oralo, turnips, 10) per doz. bunches beaiiH, per bualicd box, Tli Ivvy I l4turlrtr duly Topi-ka, une 24. The su preme court will hear the habeas cor pus eas of Dewey ami his two cow boys on July 0. The court appointed apt. Clad Hamilton to po to Chey enne and Pnwhns counties take tesl iinony.

This order remands the prisoners to the custody of the sheriff of Shawnee county. I.invriMico Can't Tukt Vnre of (J. A. II. Lawrence, June 24.

The O. A. U. post here adopted a resolution deelarinp that owinp; to losses by the recent tlood, it would be unwise to hold the full reunion of the Kansas ti. A.

IJ. in Lawrence, as has been planned, and asking lie state comma nder to release it from the undertaking. Kmporln' (itivorniiient lfiilhllntr Kmporin, .1 une 24. The eor-nerstone of the povernment building was laid yesterday with Mil-tonic ceremonies, me tubers of tlte lodpc Congressman J. M.

Miller, whet was iiiKtrumental in securing the appropriation, made an address. IiiHiinu Over Whlnlty PronHmtlun. Parsons, June 21. Frank WI1-let, who for several years has operated a joint, a restaurant or a drug store here, has been declared insane. Frequent trouble over alleged violations of the prohibitory law caused his mind to fait.

AllfMtng KnniiH tilrl Found. Liberty, Juno 24. Miss Jennie Crosby, who disappeared from her home neur Atchison, nearly a week nffo, Was been found at Kearney, Mo. A lov; affair is said tu huve affected her mind. Loyal Rebekahi No.

280. A Rood meeting was held lasl night. One initiation and one reinstatement was the chief business hrotmht before the order. The initiation was dune hy the lodge team. A.

A. M. Thursday is the night of communication of the F. A. M.

Fraternal Aid. The turn out Friday night waa unusually good. One candidate was Initiated into the order. The sum of was donated for the benefit of the Hood sufferers. A picnic was also d.dded on hut the time and place wore not learned.

of" W. The Woodmen of the World arc not prospering as they should hut are rather on the decline of late. This Is the third time they have organized here and it will only prosper by the most faithful work of all Its members. I. O.

196. One man was given the third degree at last night's meeting. The memorial services of Ihe Order was to have been preached last Sunday afternoon by Kev. Trout. Owing to the funeral of Mrs.

Shoenarts it has heen postponed until next Sunday. Eastern Star. The regular meet ing of the Order was held Wednesday night. llallots were cast on new members. Mrs.

Magie, grand treasurer, was down from Girard Sunday to attend tlie funeral of Mrs. Shoenarts. No. 428, F. A.

A. The picnic of the junior members which was to be hold today has been postponed until alter the excitement of tlie Fourth cools down a little. The installation of officers takes place the evening of U10 third of July. Fraternal Aid No. 15.

The Fraternal Aid had a very profit-1 able entertainment Thursday night for! tlie benefit of the flood sufferers. The neat sum of about $11. bit was cleared above expenses. Refreshments were served and dancing and card playing was participated in. A general good time was had by all attending.

Degree of Pocahontas. The last meeting was very enthusiastic and well attended. Some wore initiated into tlie order and several applications have been filled out. The lodge decided on a social for the benefit of the Hood sufferers to be given next Friday night. The Peek sisters will make their first, appearance next Friday night.

Kvervone not attending will niisi; a treat. The lodge will furnish several committees in the Fourth of July celebration. They will have charge of getting up the floats representing the different states of the union. Modern Woodmen of America. A business meeting of importance will bo conducted Friday night.

The installation of officers to fill vacancies will take place. The team have had their suits pressed and cleaned and present a very respectable appearance in them. The fourth celebration at Weir City is under tlie auspices of the A. H. T.

A. They have extended an invitation to the Woodmen team to attend. Several prizes will be awarded to the best drilled teams and Pittsburg expects first place. Rescue 393, I. O.

O. F. The first degree initiation was last Thursday night. The second degree is this corning Thursday. One member is taking the initiation degree.

At the last meeting former Grand Master Colow was present. He made a very Interesting talk to the order. Several visiting brothers were present at thu last meeting. Degree of Honor. Mrs Martin, recorder, was absent last evening owing to sickness.

The flood fund is rapidly increasing and the collections are excellent. No special business was transacted last night and the meeting was short. Tim assessments must he paid by tlie 2Hth of June. The crew had a drill last night after the regular meeting. Mrs.

W. H. llraden, a beneficiary member, is recovering from her sick spell. Tlie Installation of officers will take place the first Monday in July. Three initiations were to have taken place last night, but the, victims did not appear.

They will he taken in the next meeting. Red Men. The tribe have been soliciting money for the flood sufferers. In three or four days they have gathered together a neat sum and wish to make the hundred dollar mark. One of the chief events on the 4th of July will bo a tug of war by the different tribes of Red Men.

J. IL Kitchen and J. F. Cloney have been appointed to get together a team here. The Rod Men are talking of an excursion to S.

Louis about the middle of July. No immediate steps will he taken in the matter as the Fouitlt of July celebration brings about too much business. Six or eight new members will probably be taken in next Wednesday night. Several more have been elected but not all will be present to take their degrees. Three chiefs of the Red Men are on the sick list: Madison, Williams and Geui-go Myers who is qui to ale It.

All II A Crillll, rf .3 0 3 0 11 MrKre. 21) 3 1 1 0 1 linraild. 3h 2 0 1 1 1 Knne, If 3 1 1 0 0 East, lb 3 0 8 II (l Young, rf 3 1 0 0 1 Mol.eor. ss 3 0 1 1 0 AloDoiiald. 3 0 3 1 0 Torrie, 2 0 0 4 0 Totals 2.7 3 IS 7 3 IOLA.

An II A Wilson, of 4 1 0 0 1 Millsap, li) 4 2 9 0 Itisloy. ss 4 0 2 4 0 Armstrong, 4 1 (1 0 Shainnyor, 2b 2 1 0 4 1 Seroggins, If 3 2 1 (1 II Davis. 3b 1 0 II (I 0 Helling, 3b 1 0 (I 0 Killilay, if 2 0 2 0 0 Root, 2 0 0 2 Tolals 27 21 10 2 Sooro by innings: lola, 4 1 0 0 0 1 0 Pillsburg- 0 ll (I II 0 (l (I (1 ('(ilf Flay lias (iiil rnging at No. (M. Mrs.

Ilntco Manning Is on I ho sick lis). I. Ilanlun was In Chicopee yester-'lay. Lclsler is Working fur Hill William- Sam My th han gone lo Kurt Worth, Texnu. Slee Dolroy'H (juilf -icU.

Ti I hrourh i is. John P.rndloy horiur Adams. wife and baby an liahy i-; in to be porte John was i Meerhnn, ailed miii driver at No. fy ti: Hi i 1 1 i making lugs. a special- hiitiling Mrs.

Bennett Ih'i'11 very Hick, No. Im-T who lia; I Gordon and 1 1 i gone to quil driving shot, tiring. at No. John Gunder in laying olT litis week nil account of hear! I rouble. Tom Wei niov" ci wlm worked at Mineral Cily.

in it -1 1 sirkness in town wit li tonsi lit i. Italy. Mar; C'liMIlt Ol' iito is an ahc to It is woi on true mid 'nnieron Ivl I in IT in iluhn: lli lini: work in I inctor Adams' new Miss Nellie Stay) was visiting liere t- IH i ami Mou he Chiropeo L's Sulphur Springs ntain red 1 1 Sunday. A niimli of pe, kill from Cliieo a( PiMshi ailend'Ml Hie Sunday. John Kildu and has ping hoss.

ha -il inn us nip Mi iff C. -lull, last we iy. (lie has heen Hilll'lll III! llll' nek li A. it Misn W'iniiii Ilisi. cvi 'li itlK.

llnt'lor ii'ii 1 r. mi Writ I Hi II' ll.HIII. t'tiiiniil i i1('f City. I Hlllll-Cliiro 'rum M.Miinns whn uim; t.i hi tin' i 1 1 i 1 1 Nn. jt'li Ih visiting his it, il' li it i i.iti i'.

Mm. All Hie III" lust cl*tliS ill' Clii union till'. Ittily hiiii.l in I 'it shut'! Hull i.f will I'm- 11- 111 til ilny. phi tin 'I'll, hi'iv luw. inns It SuimIiiv i.

M. Dry ilinr. I Irlit t'Hi put In tin tipplii nt i tit Kansas City Southern riltuhnru liri'liiiin. Tin. 1 ill.

til No Sill iii iIiiy nii'lil. Im.vs l.i till. vi ('nii npi'' l-'rniik K.lly IHnis. nl' 1 1 1 1 i I i 1 1 K.I Jlrll ill' iii Mrs. il Ni.U Jim Curve l.liPlV III' p.

111 ns i linn. I ill Cliirl.pi'.. vi tu rruml ill 1 1 I Mrs. Initilitun lit' 1 1 i 1 1 illlll Will' Inlin lliuulm dm' is Irish nl ilniit'liti 'I'll visitin 1 1 1 I ill. I W.

litis Will- I Wit lh" new nllli'l' ill il til id. III ho till' Clii.iipi'i' N' SCI'Dtlll. niiin in I', (it lliiilev vlllr. C.U!'..' in tin' 1st I'l' will win mil Cmly I'i-i i ii Weir Cit r.lny. win; lii-ri in Atliim.i.

iirih I hit I in. M. tit- wh.i I'lirini't'ly trmn l.i'ii til rn oft ll Chi hist pri'. I nine in ii'i'lv lii nsist rnninr ih itihl iinil Due I up il new I't'lc Mr milllK t. ill Cliiru pre.

There is to lie a llsh fry al John lligglns' plarr Saturday night where nil who intend will eat. drink, and ho merry. The Chicupee hand gol their now uniforms Mindny nigit. They will give 11 concert In Cllieopee Friday rvrliillg. Pete Ct'iiney lias resigned president of the Iron Prow Association.

John was eleotoil to llll Hie nt anrv. Kt r.l llolliiian Ni). yrstrniuy but ho will nol a few days. bad his heel hurt at II is nolhlng serious ho iibln lo work lor Mlsi 1. Arthur Jones an Itossio 1 levrri'llx, hi I her sister, tb of Spring-Miss Lewis, il.

are vlsiiing Cllieopee. ol Joint Kilduff and Frank Johnston won the hand hall against. John Knd-ley and Harry Lance last Sunday til Ihe school house. James Hone, who has been visiting his parcntH here for some time past, left lasl night for Troy, Ilk, when' he mnkcti IiIk home. Oscar Oherg of Miltdetl, Willi in He was oil IliH Cllieopee yesterday.

way hom*o (rout Weir Cily whero lie 'I'll I In ns Vol Mnnlw r. Mondiiy. lie iissiinieil his The hoys say elnss rairrr. si fled rnritifz; nt No. prnrt iretl Sal nt'diiy and t'rriilnr dnlirs Mon.hiy.

he will soon he lirst A rrowd fi'otn Chhopee iit- t. mini the excursion to Sulphur Springs Suitilay. None IV el the worse for the trip and every one report royal time. rtittir of hand hall was played at srhool hi in lietwren Kilduff and iw i. jiiiinsl Hone nnd The former were win- hy a seine of to 2.

on Itiirher hoith west ol' Cliieopr some land one of (Irant 1'e is hetWeen I'll illld plaer. He has Illllll pliirr iinil exprrls to i house moye it soon. A Ashlr i 11 hall I. 1 1 poinli rowd of Chieopei Sundiiy lo see hoys went to the fiiltue he- tile Ashley illlll Sr iitus. Si amnion fail it.

anil the hoys d. hase .1 lo appear 're ilisap- Pri lake Hub condi )f. John Moore, of ohiirge of tin. Italy of July. The hand lion hv lliat lime hleopee, will band on the il) be iii fair and expel 1 lirst prize in to take possession of I he the hand contest The ele Cllieopee Pittsburg tiexl Sum Chiropeo.

ks of the illld the will play iy on the Come inn eoinpany store al Harper nine of a game of ball diamond north of come all. for a sod. rood gattli prom Will (llennon beooming quite a I le wrote a niarrit to the A. H. C.

as played by I he and all proinnllie- eolnposer of tnllsio. I le which was ile.iiriited rluit. '1 iie mareh was band Monday nig'it am oil it tin except ional ly piece of music. A game of baso ball will ho played Srjimiinin Saturday and one Sunday also between (lie Seanituon H'illll iinil Hie ('hiropi'O There also 11 illie. nilee ill Seanilnon Sill III'- lul Ihe buys anticipate 11 i'e Cairoj in.

'ii pin 1 1 1 1 ill' Springs base ba against Hie Kansas lea, 11 of Pittsburg. with Ihe 1 leiim Stin-City S0111I1-lled Kildllff I Pitt Cairiios arloil al the batteries team, with Norman. I and Hob thr 1'ing Will Slov base. Dorlor and ottii dot'. His Adams is up piiitit i ng lid he is 1.

1 arrive iltg his house lirst class ur-papering are liin lint ai I III nil llle I is for some from Kansas Cily. id Ibis was ileliiN 1 il I'llilld somewhat, lie sign on his entiiely slraighlon-wlll preseiil a neat, Owing to Hie l'i iin.l placi him ill. 0 hiis a noilt front door. W.10 oil up his office cosy upprnrniire, A fishing trip was taken last wool; by il. eriHVil of Chtoopoo boys oo.isist-ing ol' I'odr Pit fee.

1 1'il Illllll Win. Evans, Vol inter, Sam I'iene. Hill John lliggins and All. Noi man. They wont 22 miles west of I lalf Moon lake whor* i In mot Joe Conway ami wife who showed them the plai" to oalca list.

Two half barrels of bait wore I ti 1' en along and they returned with hm pounds of lish. SLeveiison of Ihe eoinpany grocery store, had the misforl iinr lo fall off ihe lop sii. lf the oilier bay but wr air glad to say hr was not injured in the least The trouble wns between himself iiiiil a washing inaohino. He wish oil lo gel the maehi IT thr shell' iiiiil ttiril lo use il. for a parachute.

Tint pararhuto did nol. open up promptly am! his ilcsrrnl was rapid I both landed on the liner in heap. Tlie uiaehino was down and out lint Stevenson wns till harmed. The Italy band Is progressing unite rapidly in importance am! will blossom out as one of the host bands in the eoitntry soon. They reoeived a shipment of now uniforms yesterday iiml wore thi'in for the lil'sl time iast llirllt.

To celebrate llle even they rave a band oonrert In Italy lasl night in front of Donitiie (iirardo's plaoe. Several Chiropeo boys atloinlrd and ti good time was piirlieipatod in. Thole will now he li rivalry between luo Italy and Chieopei' hands, oat-h striving to surpass Ihe other, but both may he proud of their hand hoys. The A. II.

C. (lull of Chieopeo had several interesting spin-ling events at I heir meeting last Friday night. Two live round boxing matches wore a feature of the evening. The first was between Dad Liiuee and John Conlen. Lance ns out in tlto thin! round.

The Korond was between Henry O'llrieit and Slim SI rope and fought live rounds lo a draw. Will llennon, president of Ihe chili, gave an exhibition with (he punching bag which showed iiiucli and talent. Music was furnishi'il lilohn Kilduff with an alto solo on hi Also John Mullen manipulated ht slide mill Chas. Norman played (the elaiionet. Pat (1 1.

1 1 in gave an e-xhlhil Ion with tint (luiiili hells during the evening. I 2 3 0 27 17 2 JOPLIN. AD Nichols rf Roedel. 31) Welday, If Sioner. Hriscoll, 2b, 11) Allen, ss Winger), rf Jones, 3 0 4 2 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 Totals 31 4 24 11 3 Sooro by innings: Nevada 2 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 (1 JoHlin 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 Summary: Earned rims, Nevada 2.

First baso on errors. H. Left on bases, Nevada 11. 3, Time of game. Umpires, Morton, White and Lenimon.

A I'l-ei'dleiit AVHliniit I'nriillel. Oberlin. June 21. Among- those who will graduate from Obrrlin college on Wednesday- is Curroil Napier I.angston (colored), of St. Louis.

Ilis brother, John Merrrr Lang-ston, graduated from the same, college in June, 1001. Prof. Arthur D. Lung-toll, principal of Dumas school, of St. Louis, father of these1 two young- men, graduated from Oberlin in 1S77.

John M. Lang'ston. formerly a member of congress, father of Prof. A. 1.

I.angston, graduated from Obrrlin college in I.S49. It la a "lliiriuoiilxer." Washing-ton, 2-t. President lioosevrlt guided the hand that, put the final touches on the taritV plank of Hid Iowa platform to be adopted next wrrk. (ieorge E. Huberts, ili-leclor of the started for Iowa last niglil, with the "Uoosevelt idea." The plank is not a statement so j'osilive ns (lov.

Cuinniins and his friends wished, but it is a Jiarinoil-izer, and will eliminate party feuds in Iowa on the eve of presidential election. Woilttiicii Adopt Sew Sonle. St. Paul, thine St. The supreme lodfre A.

(. I'. ndjMiriied lute yesterday afternoon. The readjustment of the. assess 111 nt rates was the most imporl 11 nt feature of Ihe meeting.

It provides for an increase in death benefit assessments at the aje of 24. At the ne of a mudi heavier increase will he made, but there was 110 increase, between the noes of IN nnd 24. Anu-ricun Sqniidnui at Kiel. Kiel, June 24. The Tinted States tint pea ti stpiadron, ear Admiral Cot lun in command, reached its anchorage opposite Ihe yacht clubhouse at noun.

The licet commanded hy Admiral Prince 'Henry of Prussia, of citfht. battleships and six cruisers, saluted the American vessels and Ihe hand of the tiernian ilagslrfp played "America." Utility t'oiiplft Will lie DcportiMl. Sun Francisco, dune 21. On duly 19, Julius Anton Jurf-yonsen and his companion, Miss John nn. Meoller, will he ordered deported tu Copenhagen, DcuniarU, on a charge of embezzle ment, slole 4U.0U0 francs from the Hank of Copenhagen and elnped with Johann.

who was a clerk in the same bank. Ib' took with him his two children, a boy of 11 nnd (fir I of years. l.lvn Hunk KnlfH at Uorhl'M Fair. St. bonis, I une 2 perioral desire of the live stock breeders to have public Kales made a feature of the live stock shows at the world's fair has met with hearty approval hy Chief Col rn, and he lending national breeders' associations have already filed requests for dates nnd have.

commenced preparations for holding such sales. He Will Voluntarily Iteliirti. San June 24. Charles G. Taylor, a bookkeeper, who is alleged to have embc.xlcd in Mexican coin from a firm in Manila and who was arrested here on Saturday, hafl waived extradition proceedings and will return to the Philippines, able position.

'v Brother Hewitt, M. W. of Topeka thai 244. the largest A. O.

U. W. lodge in deep the slate, was a visitor. Uro. Hewitt ian was formerly a clerk in the postoffiee 'ic Summary Eorned runs.

lola base hits, Armstrong. Hetling. base hit. Millsap. Home run.

7. Two Time Sorog 1. Hit Struck i-'ius. Hiise on halls, oh Torrie by piloheil halls, hv Tori ie 2. )itt.

by Torrie 1. by Root 4. Wild l'm- pitches. Torrie 2. Attendance Soil pire, Shanks.

Springfield 4, Sedalia 1. Sodalia, June 23. Springfield took the Cold Hugs inlo camp loday in ino of the fastest played games this season. 1 he infield work ol both teams was fast. White was the star perfor mer.

Howell was spiked in the inning and retired ill favor of Sinilh. The soore: SEDALIA. here, but has been a resident of North fi" 1 Topeka for about two years past. He fooi recounted tlie horrors of the midnight fiood at North Topeka, when the waters broke over the railroad fills, 1,11 llll- III In- I'UI vhi-i'l. (Klliul Illlll In llilt' irk ii 1 I MM I' (It inir covering the streets from 8 to 15 feet deep with the swift dark waters.

Of how he rescued his wife and father's family at the first alarm, and later of the work of rescuing many others. The narrative was given in a realistic way that gave a vivid impression to the auditors of the frantic efforts to prolong the misery of life, the cries and moans of the dispairing, the heroic efforts of the brave life savers, the alarms of bells, guns and animals when the swift waters broke upon them. Brother Hewitt's lodge had about $2,000 available funds which at once went to relieve thy sufferings of tho sufferers. All IT A McDill, lib 4 0 1 1 1 White, ks 4 0 1 3 ItnwtM-s. rf A 1 1 Itolin, 11) 1 0 fluty, rf 2 0 1 0 0 Sclinmt, 4 1 4 2 )i'd.

If 4 0 1 (l 0 Leo. 'Jh 1 0 4 0 Curtis, 2 0 0 2 '2 ('iitc'H 1 0 0 0 (1 TolalH 4 27 HI BPniNGFIEIn. Alt II A IViTlim 21) 4 2 0 4 0 Leruy, lib 3 II 2 0 Si hiniiii, 4 1 4 ii (1 liiivh'ss. If 1 It il (i llowcll, ks 2 1 4 4 2 Smilh, 1 (l 1 1 Hrown, 1 4 fi 111 0 0 Woods, rf 4 1 0 0 Marshall, rf 4 1 il 0 Jlorton, 4 0 (1 Tnta1n Xt 7 27 2 Sons and Daughters of Justice. Tlie Sons and Daughters of Justice have not been heard from for some time, but we want to Ray that we are still alive and growing.

We are having applications for membership every meeting night and we expect to have a social one week from next Wednesday night. Every member ia cordially invited to come and bring a friend. Don't forget the night July 1st. Come and have a good tinifi. 1 nj an May Remit Taxes.

Topeka. June 23. The loglsin th? uro probably wilt be asked t. past few i law permitting tho commissioners 'iie a the various counties along the Kionn valley to remit the state taxes of piekoet sons' who lost their property in (Uwwl mi- If nnt entirely remitted. ma ho low that they can be borne easi(1 liatJ CalnH iiaitol for in ninth.

Score by innintrn: Sedalia 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Sprinufhdd 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Sii'm 111 ary Kanird niiiH. Springfield 1. hom*o run HaylesR. Kurrlfieo hitH. Holt ii, Gray, 1-eroy 2, Hrown.

Stolen haKOH, Konl, 1 Pen'ine. 1 Jouhlc Play, Powers to Uohn. First hasp on balls, off Curtis llorltm 2. St ruck out, by Curtis 3, by Uorton 4. Left on liases, Sedalia 7.

SpriiiKliolil. Passed balls, Schmidt. Timf of name. 1:15. Umpire, AlltoriH.

AUendanco, 600. Leavenworth 6, Fort Scott 5. Leavenworth. Juno Leavenworth won from Kort Scott today in un exciting finish. With Urn Krore.

a tie and two on bases and one out. 'Redmond hit a long Hv to HeviH. PerKch scorliiK on thu catch. Koth tuams played looBtdy. This question was thoroughly sed yesterday at a meeting of Commercial club of the county ct missioneis.

the township trustees the business men of Topeka. lint nolo II 111 n-l arl M--: 1 I fli'' FARMERS. to: A. We want to buy your fat beef llai tie, hogs, calvcg ond poultry. 8 ton Meat Market, S03 Broadway, P'.

I's m. s. William It. Hodge, of Marshall, appointed receiver of the general la ml oIlicti'Mtt Guthrie, Ok.

In place of if'i-ederU10 L. MeKiuley..

The Pittsburg Headlight from Pittsburg, Kansas (2024)
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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

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Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

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