St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)

SUNDAY MORNING-ST- LOUIS POST DISPATCH APRIL 8, 1D0C 10 CONRIED'S SINGERS APPEAR IN CAST OF FIVE PRODUCTIONS Famous Operatic Stars Who IV ill Sing Here This TRIMED CORN; LAWYER WINS SUIT; NOW EIGHTS IT LOSESJIS LEG I Three Opcraticno Upon Ken- Sembrich. 'Lohenjrrin" Pre iff i mesa r.sixsf rm 1W Iowa City Election Puts Attorney- and Client on Other Side. COUNCIL PU FFS. April An nppeal tiiken by the city of Coum il Bluff from ft judgment of $700 against itself In a flood damage case has placed City Solicitor-elect Clem K. Klmbaii In a rather embarrassing plight.

Kimbnll was attorney for II. K. Kntiden. the claimant for damages, and won the suit against the city. His election recntiy as city solicitor makes it incumlient upon him to carry up the appeal started by his predecessor.

S. H. Snyder, yet he sisn owes it to hla prlvt'te client to see that the Judgment is collected. To complicate the situation. Knuden has been elected an alderman ami will have a vote in the Council on all damage claims against the city, although as a matter of delicacy he will probably refrain from participation in any action on his own account.

col II rfJDi SVn Willi SMCJJKi-WBt Ste I A 1 1 -P'U tucky Man Since He Tried Knife. Special to tlie Post-Pispa till. LEXINGTON. Ky April T. John Nu- underwent an operation about a week ago at St.

Joseph's Hospital, having his foot taken off, has been operated on again for the same trouble. Some time ago Mr. Nugent experienced some little trouble with a corn on his great toe. He tried to remedy it by trimming it with a knife and hloou poisoning resulted. At first his toe was taken off, hut the poison had gained such headwav that it found neces sary to remove his foot.

The bone of his leg became affected and the kg has been taken off above the. knee in hopes of saving his life. MORE than OXE MILLION people in the city of St. Jjouis and contiguous territory HEAD the SI NDAV POST-j DISPATCH EVERY Sunday. LACE SHOES HOT ST1MP0 IRE THE H.

1 1 i- i ii wvmimxm '4 fir Tsstv it- i I' NOT MADE RIGHT WAY! ii i 1 1 an, i SHOES MADE THE H. J. Stars Sing in "Faust," and "Haensel and Gretel." merlv leadinsr contralto of the Imperial inpra House oitiDanv in Mfnna. win the Ortrtid of the cast, a part in which Flic js said to be at her especial best. Four stars of the 'onried organization will be heard in at the Wednes- ma litirx T'-lcv are M.

arilSO in titl. role. l'lancon Mcrhlsto- pheles. -Mine. Kmm Karnes as Marguer and (iiniDanan its Viuenune.

uns retraTied bv many as the strongest jttrai ti.Mi of the i 'mrie nieiu. Caruso's singiner of the Kauai music with the most intense euri- M. Camifanari is nw- to St. Louis! Valentine, but Mme. Kanies as Mar- euertte and M.

Planem as ilephisio-, pheles have ben heard here odore, scoring- pronounced triumphs. A o.irticularlv appealing offerins is tiie double hill of Wednesday evening. le- jrinnine with Lemica vaJlo's I'aeliac- will he followed bv lfuniper- dinek's fa.irv ooera. "llaeiisel a.nd riretel To the latter the role of Hnfli- will be taken by Una Abarbanvll, its areatest exinnent. and ot tireiei ij Bella AlteiL considered to be or.c of the most promising ammis the newer rlel stars wh Otto (iorttz will oe i heard in the baritone role of Peter.

'I cat for Miss tlicn us "NTedda :in.l S'irnir Scotti in his lamniH internretation of tl.e role of Touio. PROTECTION FOR LOVELORN MEN Mrs. Macombcr, Already In dicted Cannot Eeceive More Marriage Offers. Speinl to the I.IXCOt.X. April 7.

The matrimonial bureau of Airs. Ida M.i-oomber has a black eye from Government, but it is a question she will be tried on charges of disap pointed men. at this term of court. She was doing a landofSce business, her letters will hereafter be stamped fraudulent and returned to the writers. Mrs.

Maeomber is in the Hospital for Insane at Norfolk. While she was the Lincoln Hospital she did a thriving business and often as many as 'JO letters were received in one day from men who wanted to get married. Some of the letters contained not only photographs, jewelry and dress patterns, but many of them contained various sums of money and other evidences of affection. The agency flourished and grew rich, the authorities had no right to Intercept the mail. A report was finally sent to Washington and an order was issued prohibiting from using the mails to fleece lovelorn candidates for matrimony.

MORE than ONE MILLION" peopM city of St. Iouis and contiguous territory READ the SUNDAY POST-DISPATCH EVI5RY Sunday. Governor Distributes Pie. Uov. Folk yesterday made the following: appointments to fill vacancies created by the recent Supreme Court opinion holding township organization in many counties to be unconstitutional Carroll County.

John W. Bailey, assessor: Isaac c. Cruzan, collector." Harrison County, John II. Sutton, assessor: Feli O. Smith, collector.

Cass County. Marcus W. Prewitt. assessor; Richard S. Wooidridge.

collector. Mercer County, Olla E. Ma pel. assessor. Livingston County.

John J. Mav, assessor. on A r. 3 Ny Jy T'i VvAwmu7twfe WEDDING HANGS ON mmwmmm DON'T HURT! NO MORE PAIN AT THIS POINT if you will insist on your retailer showing you shoes made by the new improved f'H. method.

For the past hundred years manufacturers have been making Lace Shoes with a thick "bunch" at the front seam just below the instep, caused by "overlapping" the tops, lace stays, linings, tongue and vamp and it has resulted in untold foot-suffering JOHN WANAMAKER'S Shoe Buyer, A. C. McGowin, says: "It is one of the most perfect improvements in the making of fine shoes brought forward in the past decade." lr IUUILIIIIUII I IHIUWIIj Man's Normal Weight. A man, to be perfectly proportioned, should weich Ti pound for every foot of Ids height. FOR MEN AND WOMEN -WAY TUB 4 I.I AHOVM1 SI PRRIOR.

IT of.tNf "II. .1." no hnnrh nhoex is now recognized, and they cost you no more than the old style "hurtful" shoes. LOOK KOn TIIK J. labell none genuine without It. AVIKS OXFORDS.

2.rA np. II Kill MIOKS S.1.UO up. BUNCH WAY ST. LOUIS. Former Convict Asks Freedom for Woman Prisoner He Wooed in Prison.

Oov. Folk holds out little hope to George A. Long of Kansas City, who is seeking the pardon of Mrs. Ida 'Martha" Introduces Caruse and sents JCnote and Rappold, Four Others in "I Pagliaxci" and j.Tmo w-rld sinirors ill be hear- in the coursn of the Con-! icd Metroiw'itan Opera t'ompuny's lo- iil cngrasem*nt open ins at tho Olympic Theater tomorrow evening. The operas chosen for St.

production arc those that made the mot pronounced hits of the New York season just dosed, and their easts include the Mara who scored the most brilliant Xew York triumphs. wins ti these fa- is-the local onsasre-mem. of the t'onried company takes lank as the umt distinguished event of the musical dramatic season. Yh two especial stars of the opening nikhl's hill. 'Maitha," are CaniMi.

the famous Italian tenor, who wili sinsc the role cf Lionel. Mine Jv-mhrieh. the sopiTmo. wti'i will he hoard us l.ndy Henrietta. It is said of Corn?" that he is the createt terro since Mario's day.

and Mine. Semhrich possesses a voice in purity of lone and capacity for dramatic expression. Mme Jlomer and l'ol T'lan-vn. both well known to St. l-ouis lovers ooera.

take the roles of Xany and T'luiiltett. respectively, in this produc-1 ion. lleinrioh the ceh-brated tenor, mokes his appearance Tuesday evejiinar in the Kile role of in which he is snid to be without peer In addition to th rohust of his voice, so necessary lor VYasnerian tenors, it is also of the sweetness. The iClsa of the cast will be Marie Kappold. a Brooklyn sirl "discovered'- by Mr.

I'onried, who Licnm" lurafms in si night when she undo hep Xew- York operatic debut as Sulamith hi "T)p Queen of Sheba." Km! sli had been chosen bv Mr. t'onried because nf her fitness it the ree of KIsa in "I and in this parr sh mad" a Xew York "nit which hep rit once in the foremost rank sinErer Plvii iVer. for- "Be Busy About Some Rational Thing SO THAT SATAN MAY ALWAYS FIND THEE OCCUPIED.1 TO KKAJ) TIIK ADVFRThSKMKXTS JN TODAY'S ORKAT Want Directory IS. A RATIONAL T1IINU TO DO AND A THRIFTY 6680 Messat'fs K.roni hest peo- ubogts! HANDSOME BROOCH FREE! Alteration Free Charge. LaLOiies 1 I a lit of lie rlir the ite is M.

Lk a.s ei se the if but the in but her the law Skirts, Waists, INSIST ON SHOES MADE THE H. J.I WAY PERFECT FOOT COMFORT THE EW H. METHOD "butt thrne part together, making an absolutely flat. month, flexible tm at 4bln olhrrnlar nil IT, 'balky" and pain-Kivlng point. a other method doe.

II manri raw- snii comfortable an a atorklna; at the foot. It enable many to wear a width narrower aho It ma ken the foot more graceful, a well nit more comfortable. th to 8 id th ii ALL OUR HIGH-GRADE LACE SHOES ARE MADE THE H.J. NO DIAMOND BRAND SHOEMAKERS MISSOURI'S CRACK RIFLE TEAM WINS Battleship Sailors Defeat Men of Illinois and Iowa at RT a UU taUiilUU Ai.dHJXl. I WASHINGTON.

7. The crack rifle team of the oattlesh'p Missouri won in the recent rifle match at Guata- nmni, Cuba, between the ves.sels con- i stituting the battleship squadron of tin Atlantic fleet. The Missouri's total was 762 and the Illinois was with I 7534. The Iowa was third with b77. Liu'enant-Commander M.

A. Moffett. who has just been relieved of as executive officer of the Ampithrit. the station ship at Gualanamo. called at the Navy Department today and report-j ed the excellent results of the contest, i The range at Gualanamo, was just completed in time for the practice lats month, will accommodate 2wK riflemen at once.

Hereafter the Atlantic fleet will have rifle practice there twice a year. WTKlItB I size shade and price Petticoats, HANDSOME BROOCH FREE! JIail Orders Promptly Filled. SllltS Creditg I i i I 1 I I 1 I I I i Open Evenings Open Evenings A strictly confidential transaction! Ring up Kinlocli 845- drop us a note call in person I WE SELL PETERS' SHOES 1 BOEHMER A1Q-412 NORTH BROADWAY. Thornton, now serving the sixth year of a 10-year sentence for the murder of her husband in Jasper County, Mo. The two met within the Missouri Penitentiary walls, and Long learned from a fellow convict the name of the blue- eyed young woman he saw in the Dep uty Warden's office.

After that, tinder the rules of tho institution, they were permitted to see each other once a month. They pledged their troth and promised one another that the first to leave the prison would wait tor other. I xing was serving what was to have been a life sentence for murder. He went to the Penitentiary in May, and was pardoned last Christmas Day because he was the oldest convict in point of time served who had a record lor good neliavior. George Ray of Jasper County was sentenced to 10 years with Mrs.

Thornton He said at the trial of the case that he had killed her husband at her instiga lion, and there was corroborating evi dence to this statement. Long wrote to Folk from oil Split Log avenue, Kansas City. telling of the love between mm and Mrs. Thornton, and promising that if she were pardoned he would at once wed her. She is allowed to write one letter a week, and that letter is always to IiOng.

Greater Love. From the Philadelphia Ledger. "She wns engaged to a millionaire. but she jilted him to marry another man." -Ah! So she's really marrying for love?" "For love of money, yes. The other vian's a multi-millionaire." LAI! HENS IN CONTEMPT OF LAW to the Tost Plspateh.

DBS MOINES-, April House has passed a bill which appeared harmless enough, but which may cause, the most extensive strike on "record. It was a bill containing a provision seeking to regulate the weight of hens' eggs. According to a section of the bill one dozen eggs must weigh a pound and a half, whether they are the product of Rrahma, Cochin China or just plain representative Freeman of Oakland is the author of this measure, destined to create confusion in the barnyards of Iowa and put the hens on strike against unjust discrimination In favor of a certain viriety. whase produce is taken as a standard. Incidentallv.

the bill does a good turn for the thrifty housewife. When she goes to market for a dozen eggs and is not satisfied with the size of the "hen fruit" counted out to her, she mav demand that it he put on the scales and if it fails to weigh up to the standard more eggs must be ndded. in direct violation of the mathematical declaration that 12 make one dozen. The power to regulate tho weight of hens' eggs is conferred by a provision of the bill enacting a substitute for the present law fixing weights and measures. Mr.

Freeman, the author, Is one of the 34 House members who are classed as farmers, though, in his case, he also admits being a banker and stock dealer. He is a native of Illinois and came to Iowa 21 years ago. WEARS HALF WHISKERS. Ppedal to 1j rot-Ilpath. MT.

VERNON. April 7. There Is a merry war on at Ken yon College because freshmen captured Robert Ful-wider. a sophom*ore, and shaved one lde of his face and chin. leaving two Inches of whiskers on the other.

Fulwlder refuses to have the balance of his bard shaved, and a court of inquiry lias been ordered. REPPLES MUST STAY MARRIED Got One Divorce, Remarried, Now Eef used a Second by Judge Taylor. George A. Repple of S1-4I North Broadway and Mrs. llattie Reppie of I60i Hogan street did not appreciate their divorce when they had one and now when they want one they can't get it.

When the courts separated them in March. 1904. they rushed together again in no time and were remarried. Yesterday afternoon, after listening for two days to testimony in support of Mr. Repple's petition for divorce and his wife's crossbill.

Circuit Judge Taylor dismissed both because he found that one was "as bad as the other." statute provides." he said, "that a divorce can only be granted to an innocent and injured party. There is no innocent and injured party in this case." Repple testified yesterday that when his wife told him she was going to leave him he got a towel and pretended to hang himself to the transom, but was careful to hold tight to the top of the door to keep from hurting- his neck. One of the witnesses for Mrs. Rep-pl was her sister, Mrs. Marie Levy, known as Iren-j Wright, a vaudeville actress.

Mrs. Repple testified that her husband was addicted, to tears. He ad-milted that he did take a cry once in a while, but it was because he considered it was better to have a cry than to strike his wife when she angered him. Repple is proprietor of a saloon and garden. Mrs.

Repple testified that she was compelled to act as barkeeper and bouncer of objectionable persons from the dance floor. Her husband denied that she tended bar, but admitted that he had nsked her to watch out for objectionable conduct among the dancers. When It occurred, ho said, she sometimes put people out herself. Replying to her testimony that she had t.i pump the pianola, tie said she did that for her own pleas ure. AUSTRALIA AIDS FARMER IMMIGRANTS.

special Cable to the Post-Dispatch and New York Worlci. ELKOl'RN K. Australia. April 7 Australia has derided to follow the example of Canada and welcome immigration. The old time motto "Australia for the Australians" is being forgotten, and a liberal policy is being adopted.

The various State Governments are showing their determination to promote closer settlement at any cost. They are passing acts providing compulsory resumption of large estates; they are proposing graduated land taxes to compel the great sheep-station owners to either sell or put their land to more productive use; and they are vying one with another to induce farmers with capital and agri Miltural laborers to come to their respective States. New South Wales. Queensland and Western Australia are offering assisted passages to immigrants. One can get as cheaply to Sydney and Ilrisbane or Perth from Ixmdori as to Western Canada.

This invitation of Immigrants is meant for farmers mostly. The cities are overcrowded and employment for professional men. artisans and clerks Is scarce. But They Won't. "Twould be a dandy thing, you Quoth astute Farmer Hoggs.

"If flowers in real life would grow As do the flowers that blossom so Jn floral FORM CABINET FOR HUNGARY Kossuth Says Settlement of Constitutional Questions to Be Reached Scon. VIENNA. April 7 A Hungarian Cabinet has been formed under the premiership of Dr. Alexander Wekerle. i lie principal portfolios are held by Count Albert Apponyi.

Count Julius Andrassy Julius Andrassv and Francis Kossuth this evening made the follow-I statement to the Associated Press: "I cannot say how soon the military dispute, which at present is ir abey-j ance. will be settled, but a settlement of the constitutional questions w-ill be reached so soon as tin: new government is organized. Neither Count Apponyi nor 1 wished to accept ny ministerial P'st. but finally we agreed to enter the Cabinet hi the interests of a solution of the uifticul'ies. "It has I'i'cn reported that Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir presumptive, was opposed to a reconciliation with the Magyar nation.

This is quite true. All ttiat we considered was Hungary's interests and a lasting peace. "I am glad to say that the outlook is most hopeful." BANK SUSPECT PLEAOS OWN CASE Special to the rost-Dlsoatrh. TULSA, I. April 7.

Conducting the cross-examination of the witnesses against himself and pleading his in- nocenoe in a dramatic manner, a man who gives his ame fis John Doe. and is accused of robbing tho lnola First State Bank, tried to obtain his release in a preliminary hearing before Commissioner Musher. Tne bank robbery occurred March 11, ar.d Dee, who hud come the same day to Inula, was arrested the day follow-i'i because some screws were gone from the front door lock of the hotel where he staved. Citv Marshal French found in Doe's possession two files, four bulls of twine, a screw driver and a bottle of coal oil. Doe said he used them in his machinist trade.

He refused to give his real name and address, saying that it was nobody's business ho he was. In his speach before Commissioner Mosher, Doe said there was a conspiracy to land him in prison and that the citizens of lnola will regret their attitude toward him. He wa taken back to jail to await action of the grand jury. KING ALFONSO BEGS FOR "SUNDAYS OFF." Special Cable to the Post-Dispatch and New York World. MADRID.

April 7. Duke de Santo Muuro's dislike to petitions in any form Known ai i ne nj-nuiaii One nav recently King Alfonso handed hi in a folded pnper. saving it was a pe-1 lition on behalf of an old difficulty. namely, the much-discussed introduction of the eight hours working day. "It is i my desire that vou attend to it imme-i diately," said the King, seeing the Min-; ister was inclined to raise difficulty I about attending to an informal petition.

Finding that the King was very much in earnest, the petition was unwillingly unrolled. Much to the amusem*nt of ail present, the document was found to oe in the voting King's handwriting. It begged in piteous terms for a little more leisure from national duties and sug-i gested that he should not be asked to I work more than eight hours a day. and I that he might have his Sundays oft. just tell us Suit vou want what Material Will Please You Why pay cash for your garments, ladies, when we offer you the same Suits for the same money let you keep your cash for other expenses and pay us just as it comes to you weekly or monthly Stylish, well tailored Suits as low as $10.75.

JMi I 0 pf I 4 Wraps. Silk Suits, Fads and Fancies in MILLINERY 3 HARRY E. LANNING, For many years connected with St. Iynns' leading retail Hat Store, has associated himself with the well-known firm of Geo. Die! Bros.

At their 0th ami Olive street Store, at which place lit will be jjlad to welcome his many friends. 606.WashinglonAv.40S Llevator Service. J. BACK, Manager. Our Location SaveJ You Money ZJ.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)
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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.