The Daily News and Intelligencer from Mexico, Missouri (2024)


Ratered at the postoffice in Mexico, Mo, and admitted as second-class mail. The Daily Intelligencer, per mouth 50c Established 1880 The Weekly Intelligencer per vear $1.00 Established 1852 Ottice Corner Washington and Promenade Streets. Telephone, Editorial Rooms, 116 Editorial. By C. M.

B. The Jonesburg Journal has been sold and Harry Turner engaged to run it temporarily, which means that during his administration the Ball-brand of politics, prohibition and old time religion will be considerably conglomerated in the Journal's editorial column. Afterthoughts. By C. M.

B. Those New York judges who refused to see the Salome dance in court, could have adjourned temporarily. Likely they did not think of that and missed the chance. If John Rockefeller lives old, as is Rufus Lackland, both same day 20 years apart, his men in their short lives have long enough to be 90 years of whom were born on the fortune will be made. Both been fairly successful.

A Moberly woman has originated a new variety of pink. Something will make Moberly famous yet. That rushing sound is only some college making a noise like a cranky idea. The recent picnic for indigent folk had nothing to do with the aspirant for the U. S.

Senate from Missouri, though the combination had a suggestive tinkle to it. Other press Comment. Comment. printed a three-column Mexico with the pictM. White, the Sunday and the leader of the This church has over it is said to be the largThis is one of the biggest had.

-Louisiana Press- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT The court rendered a verdict in the case of Stonements vs. Head today 111 favor of the plaintiff. The verdict gives plaintiff a judgment for $2.400 and cancels a certain deed of trust for $6,288 held against plaintiff by the defendant. The case was tried here about three weeks and attracted considerable attention at the time. The cause of action grew out of a land deal in which plaintiff alleges he was deceived as to the value thereof by the defendant.

FAIR CATALOGUES. The lists of premiums for the Mexico Fair have been received from the publishers and anyone desiring them may apply to this This year's premiums are worth trying for and there will doubtless be many entries. Some very valuable premiums are offered by merchants 10 Mexico, while cash premiums offered by the Association are more extensive this year than at any previous Fair for a number of rears. BOARD MEELING POSTPONED. The meeting of the Board of Directors of the Jefferson Oity and Hannibal Interurban Traction which was to have been held here today was postponed on account of the illness of one of the members.

It probably will be held the first of next week. Delay 111 commencing treatment for a slight irregularity that could have been cured quickly by Foley's Kidney Remedy may result in a serious kidney disease. Foley's Kidney Remedy builds up the worn out tissues and strengthens these organs. Pardy. YEGGS PLANNED TO BLOW SAFE AT POLLOCK'S MILL Elaborate Diagram Taken From Airdome Disturbers Arrested in St.

Louis Reveals Operations. OFFICER KEMP SHOT TRUE TO THE MARK PRISONER WITH BULLET WOUND IN NECK ADMITS HE WAS SHOT WHILE TRYING TO ESCAPE. Had it not been for the disturbance at the Airdome 014 the night of June 11, when the sun rose on the morning of the there probably would have been a lot of wrecked safes and offices in Mexico, for the three yeggs, Burns, Priest and Kelly, who have numerous aliases, had planbed an elaborate blowing-up for Mexico. Postoffice Inspector Adolph Bunsen, who was here today securing more evidence with which to convict the three men who are under arrest in St. Louis, said to a reporter for The that the prisoners had confessed and exhibited a diagram showing Pollock's Mill and its relative distance to the Alton and Wabash stations and the Hathaway warehouse under which the yeggs had stored tools and explosives.

"Pollock's said Mr. Bunsen, was one of the jobs laid out for Saturday night, June 12 and here it is." The officer displayed a sheet of paper, which showed the stations and railroad tracks with figures placed at certain points, the numbers representing the men whose stations 88 guards were designated on the map. When told that the safe at the mill contained 110 money and bore a sign which said it Was unlocked, the men replied that when they found a safe unlockled, they filled it with dynamite and blew it up anyway just to show their contempt. Priest, is the man who had an "ulcerated when he WaS arrested. It developed later that the man had a bullet wound which extended from the back of his neck to his mouth.

He confessed to the officers that he was shot by Night Officer Jas. H. Kemp while running down the alley east of the Airdome when he was trying to escape. The bullet tore through the muscles of Priest's neck and came out at the left of his mouth. Priest is a bad man.

The officers say he has figured in holdups all over the country. He has seven bullet holes in his body, where he has been shot through. It is related of Priest that he once attempted a job at Tulsa, and a couple of his pals had no "shooting irons." Priest and another man went out and held up two policemen under an electric light, blew open a safe and left the policemen's revolvers on the floor as exidence of the deed. Inspector Bunsen said that the men had confessed the Wellsville, and Tipton, safe-blowing jobs and various other crimes over the West and South. They told him where they had hidden their outfit here and early this morning, the inspector in company with Postmaster Kunkel, went down to the Hathaway warehouse and dug up a quanity of automatic pistol cartridges, a cake of soap, a roll of cotton, some fine steel drills and punches.

Mr. Bunsen then inquired at the Crown Laundry and secured a bandle of laundered shirts and collars, which were left there by the trio. "It was fortunate the men were drank here that night' said the inspector, for it gave 118 a clue which has worked out well. I am confident that the man who shot first down there at the Airdome did it unintentionHe was trying to get 8 shell into the chamber of his when it exploded prematurely." Night Officer Kemp sports A fine automatic, which he took from Priest in the alley. Had he used it when he shot at Priest, instead of his own gun, there probably would have been a coroner's inquest next day.

TERRIFIC QUAKE IN SOUTH ASIA. Paris, July 8. -Dispatches received in Paris tell of a terrific earthquake which occurred this morning throughout India and South Asia. The first shock Was felt at 3 o'clock at Rawral Pindi, the capital of the Rawi Pindi district, and extended through that district and into the Ohitral district. The shock was also felt at Iskardo, the capital of Bultistan.

It is known that many houses were thrown down by the shocks, but the loss of life is still unknown and deJails are lacking. EX SHERIFF MELSON IN From Vaudalia Leader Col. Utterback has received a letter from Florida from M. N. Melson that is making him smile largely.

Mr. Melson about year ago bought some Florida land for $5 per acre, for which he has just refused $25 per acre. Mr. Melson's brother has also sold his property in that state for $20,000 clear profit. Col.

Utterback says Bro. Chinn will have to tell another Texas story before he can beat this. Mr. and Mra. Melson will come back to Missouri in July for a visit to old friends and relatives.

EXPRESS CO'S. NOT LICENSED. Jefferson City, July Secretary of State Koach today discovered that neither the American nor the United States Express Company has taken out a license as a foreign corporation doing business in this State. The companies have been notfied accordingly, that unless they do 80 immediately the Attorney General will proceed against them in the Supreme Court to compel them to take out licenses or forbid them to continue business in this State. KANSAS CITY GETS NEW STATION.

Kansas Oity, July The lower house of the Council last night, by the 13 affirmative votes of the Democratic and Republican Alderman present, unanimously approved the union passenger station and freight terminals ordinance just as it came from the upper House. It WaS immediately signed by Mayor Orittenden. The new station is to cost $30,000,000. For 13 years this depot has been talked of. MISSOURI EDUCATOR GOES TO KANSAS.

Columbia, July (Jackson Waters, dean of the Agricultural College of the Unirersity of Missouri, has accepted the presidency of the Kansas State Agricultural College at Manhattan, and the directership of the experiment station near Hayes, Kan. He will assume his new duties September 1. MRS. J. W.

TINCHER DEAD. Mra. J. W. Tincher, wife of Callaway county's prosecuting Attorney, died at her home near Concord Thursday.

The burial took place today at Pleasant Grove Cemetery. Harold Buckner WAS down from Moberly today. Mayor E. D. Graham is in Moberly on business.

B. M. A. TO HAVE PERMANENT HOME COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO SECURE SUITE OF ROOMS SUITABLE FOR ASSOCIATION -DIRECTORS MEETING HELD THURSDAY At the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of the Mexico Business Men's Association held Thursday evening, prehminary action was taken toward securing permanent quarters for the Association. It was suggested that a suite of rooms be secured and fitted up as club rooms with all conveniences as to reading and assembly rooms.

A committee composed of Dr. J. W. Million. Thos.

F. Roden and Theo. Williams was appointed to investigate as to the cost of maintenance of such quarters and report at the next meeting of the Board of Directors. It is generally understood that the Friedman-Shelby Shoe Oo. contemplate the enlargement of their present plant and Mayor Graham, Geo.

Robertson and W. W. Pollock were appointed a committee to confer with the Friedman Shelby Co. in reference to the matter. The following committee was appointed to act in conjunction with a committee from the local Camp of Ex-Confederate Veterans in arranging for the annual State reunion of the Ex.

Confedaerates: T. J. Hoxsey, Fred A. Morris and John P. Kemp.

It will be necessary to raise an entertainment fund of about $500 to defray the expenses of the reunion and the joint committee will call upon the business men in the next few days. The Board of Directors decided to raise the salary of the secretary from $10 a month to $20, this change to date from June first. The directors present were: President Emmons, VicePresident Pollock, Secretary Jackson and Messrs. Graham, Robertson, Million, Roden and Williams. Delay in taking Foley's Kidney Remedy if you have backache, kidner or bladder trouble, fastens the disease upon you and makes a cure more difficult.

Commence taking Foley's Kidney Remedy today and you will soon be well. Why risk a serious malady? Otis Purdy. Geo. T. Robertson, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Geo. Robertson, has returned home after 8 year's absence at the Virginia Military Instiute where he is a student in civil engineering. Misses Vinnie Belle Carter and Jennie Lee Atkins, of Oentralia, who have been the of Mr. and Mrs.

M. S. Carter for several day, returned home day. Any skin itching is a tempertester. The more you scratch the worse it itches.

Doan's Ointment cures piles, eczemaany skin itching. At all drug stores. Pinesalve, carbolized, is good for burns. It penetrates the poros, draws out inflamation, and is healing. It is also good for cuts, sores and bruises.

Sold by Criswell Drug Co. Miss Maude Wallace departed for Jefferson City today. She will attend the Epworth League Convention at Pertle Springs next week before her return. Miss Callie Morris, of Centralia, was through here today en route home from McCredie where she spent several days visiting relatives. Marriage license WAS issued today to Henry T.

Fowler and Miss Daisy Smith, both of Vandalia. Mrs. Char. Duncan, of Bowling Green, is visiting Mrs. W.


The serious situation was shifted during the early hours of yesterday from the north and northwest sections to the Ozark region. In Springfield dozens of small houses were swept away in a few minutes by a wall of water that followed a cloudburst about midnight. The entire wholesale district was flooded, the gas plant! was damaged and it became necessary to resort to the use of gasoline stoves for cooking purposes. Seven hundred and fifty tons of water to the acre fell throughout that sections. Boats were hauled three miles to rescue victims of the torrent.

The loss is $500.000. The James Valley to the south was swept. Railroad traffic was tied up for the firat time in years. Dozens of bridges were washed away. Around Pattonsburg the waters are receding.

Only two lives were lost. Supplies have reached the stricken town, and the homeless are being made comfortable in tents. Maryville has had no mail for thirty-six hours and not a train has reached the city in the last twenty-four hours. The conditions are improving, however. The railroad situation is improved in the northern part of the state.

Great Western trains are running out of St. Joseph to Parnell. The Creston and Vil. lisca branches of the Burlington are still abandoned. Twenty miles of track is washed away.

Around Chillicothe the waters are falling rapidly. Track that was washed away is being relaid by 500 workmen. Several persons reported drowned have been located. The city's ice supply is short and there is no fire protection. Lowlands along the Mississippi River on the Illinois side to the north are The crest of the flood in the Missouri River has reached Kan888 Oity.

Ottawa, in flooded and the damage 18 heavy. The Santa Fe Depot is under water and the Marsh Hotel has water in it almost to the ceiling. dreds of homeless are quartered in churches and school houses. At Rich Hill, a wedding party drove into the flood. The horses were drowned and the members of the party barely escaped drowning.

The Burlington's crack passenger train, the from Chicago to Kansas City, was detoured over the Alton last on account of the high water on the Burlington Route. The Burlington train No. 15, St. Louis to Denver, was also detoured. Both trains passed through Mexico between 6:30 and 7:30 o'clock this morning.

Conductor R. A. Markwell, of the Alton went to Olark this morning to pilot Wabash passenger train No. 7 to Kansas Oity. The Wabash trains were detoured over the Alton on account of the high water.

J. T. Martin, supervisor of bridges and building, and Wm. Muff, supervisor of road, left here this morning for Glasgow. It is understood that the Mis.

souri River rose within six feet of the danger line last night but the Alton officials feel no hension of washouts this year. General Manager P. H. lahan, of the Alton passed; through here this morning on No. 11 en route to Glasgow.

it was at that point last year that the General Manager distinguished himself by getting out on the' works and personally supervising the work of constructing a track through the water. Several Rock Island trains passed through Mexico this afternoou over the Alton. They were being detoured on account of the flood conditions in the western part of the state. Many of the trains carried sleepers which had come from the coast. DAVID A.

BALL IS OUT FOR GOVERNOR ANNOUNCES HIS CANDIDACY AT MONTGOMERY CITY WHILE CELEBRATING HIS MOTHER'S BIRTHDAY -CLAUDE BALL FOR CONGRESS. Montgomery, July Mrs. Elizabeth Ball, mother of David A. Ball, who has announced his candidadcy for Governor again, and Claude R. Ball, who is out for Congress in the Ninth District, celebrated her eightieth birthday at her home here today.

The immediate family was present. Mrs. Ball is strong and vigorous for her advanced age, and while she is of the Republican -faith like her brother, Judge Pat Dyer, of St. Louis, yet she hopes to see her son, David, Governor of Missouri. Mr.

Ball today said he proposed to run for Governor on the issue of ft clean ballot and 8 square deal. He insisted that he was nominated last year and reiterated the stories of fraud in St. Louis and Kansas Oity. He was asked as to what effect his brother's candidacy for Congress againsi Champ Olark would have on his candidacy for Governor. He replied that while he wished his brother well, yet he was not responsible for his actlions and had nothing to say about Olande's candidacy.

Mr. Ball said he thought Mr. Olark's leadership 10 Congress was "A No. 1." He would not admit that there was any friction between himself and the minority leader. The Globe-Democrat Sunday picture of the Christian church at ures of the pastor, Rev.

Walter School superintendent, J. W. Dry, Bible classs, S. P. Cunningham.

pupils in the Sunday School and est Sunday School in the state. advertisem*nts that Mexico ever Journal. IVES HELD TO AWAIT ACTION OF COURT YOUNG FARMER, IN DEFAULT OF BAIL, IS IN JAIL HERE CHARGED WITH STATUTORY OFFENSE. Israel Ives, the young farmer whose preliminary hearing under 8 statutory charge took place here yesterday, was held to await the action of the Oircuit Court. Bond was fixed at $2,000, in default of which, the young man was remanded 1 to Jail.

The crime is said to have been committed on May 22 when Anpie Green, the pretty 14-year-old sister in law of Ives' who is the alleged victim of an assault, was visiting at his home. The girl's father, S. B. Green, was present at the preliminary hearing yesterday and testified in the case. He said that Ives' wife left her husband when she knew of the assault and refused to live with him.

Frank D. Ives, father of the accused, said yesterday that he would endeavor to secure bond for his son's release. A. P. Ricard, the popular Alton engineer, who runs on the Red Flyers between Slater and Francis, has sold his newspaper, the Slater News, to M.

S. Francis, of Slater. Mr. Ricard has purchased the Gillam Globe, which will be under the management of his son. Everyone would be benefited by taking Foley's Orino Laxa.

tive for stomach and liver trouble and habitual constipation. It sweetens the stomach and breath, gently stimulates the liver and regulates the bowels and is much superior to pills and ordinary laxatives. Why not try Foley's Orino Laxative today? Otis Purdy. J. J.

F. Johnson, the wellknown stock man of Benton City, was in Mexico Thursday. Mr. Johnson said that crops are in fine condition in his section. Some few fields of corn has been drowned out, but, on a whole the corn acreage is the best at this season of the year than since 1902.

CHAUTAUQUANS NOTICE! All who desire to rent tents on the Chautauqua grounds must notify the Secretary on or before July 15, so that the number of tents needed can be secured. j9d2w1 Miss Mattie Karnes spent Fri- day in Centralia, the guest of relatives. Miss Karnes has recently returned from Hoisington, where she visited her sis. ter, Mrs. Mc Lain, who was formerly Miss Jessie Karnes.

Dr. Irwin, of Moberly, was through here today with Chas. Shumate, a leading business man of Moberly who became deranged, en route for Fulton where Mr. Shumate will be placed in the hospital, have been somewhat costive, but Doan's Regulets gave just the restul desired. They act mildly and regulate the bowels perfectly." George B.

Kraus, 306 Walnut Altoona, Pa. Dyspepsia is our natural ailment. Burdock Blood Bitters is the natural cure for 11, It strengthens the stomach membranes, promotes flow of digestlive juices, purifies the blood, bailds you up. The best pills made are DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little liver pills. They are small, gentle, pleasant, easy to take and act promptly.

They 'are sold by All Druggists..

The Daily News and Intelligencer from Mexico, Missouri (2024)
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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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