New Castle Herald from New Castle, Pennsylvania (2024)

iiTonday," armory 16, 1022 AT DO YOU WANT? YOU'LL FIND THE ANSWER HERE Use Herald Want Ads for Quick And Satisfactory Results Use Herald Want Ads for Quick And Satisfactory Results K- EW CASTTjE "ITER A Li WH ILM 1 see REAL ESTATE WANTED TAXI AUTO VERY i MISCELLANEOUS FEMALE HELP GLASSWARE, ETC MALE HELP 8AZ.SSI.ASY O. K. S. White Shrine preferred. Outside work, good proposition.

See Mr. Moore, Y. M. C. Saturday, 14th, 1 to a.

Call a taxi day or nignl. Well phone 8140. Citizen's phone 415-W. Watch fo rthe green light. J.

W. McOrfgor, manager, 218 Shadyalde. H4-tf WE START YOir IN TIKE BUSINESS WANTED Two or three small children Crawford avenue, doubli 30x3H tire cost 86.76. 875 to board in good home. BeU 1483-K.

lour large rooms, bath. ga. Guarantee with each tire. No export-' 1Sx 7. "'da, large attio floored once or capital necessary.

Samples UL feet. Price 85500 furnished free. Good steady proposl- WANTED Pupils for elocution lemons, Hunting for ffiS per month, tion. liedford Tire 1077 Bedford also tutoring in the subjects of X1ITV1ILLT CO. MAN OR WOMAN WANTID-Salary, full time.

7o an hour selling guaranteed "ler Vternatiowi Experience unnecessary. Internauoftx Ml Is, A167. Norrlatown. Fa. ibx jrooKiyn, I Rmuw, k.vo usaningiQQ street Lawratio, cinty l7adinT store for 1 WASTED- A young or Fancchlna.

Cut Olass and nmn; opportunity to come a depart Ww ffSJIi arfexceTerth8VrnopoeHYuon nomes or my ruuui. zii it.o-v. I. KAYBEMY Broker and real estate agent: real liTutmnt: eAntrallv lo. BA1TIBUPT PHONOGRAPH SALE TO BALI Uni.n Write Oppor- for women of right type.

BU 833 131 X. Washington 8. tunity, care Herald. patod. Present rent wU pay for same All phonographs must be sold, regard-1 two finlsned rooms In attlai on to eight years.

CaU Boll 329-J, or 603 Uss of their former price. All high- Side; handy to town, on paved strltl WANTED Clerical worker wanted. Experienced man to take charge of perpetual Inventory and orders and to act as assistant In sales department. Knowledge of accounts and tires desirable. Permanent position with advancement open to competent and con- Writs full details TAXI AND BAGGAGE Autos for hiru for christenings, wed ding, train trips, long trips, anywhere Baggage to all prts of the city.

Open day and night. Open or closed cars. Phone Bell Union 115. Fountain inn Hotel. McOABLIN TSANSrl OO.

class instruments. Lianarupi bhio ui ana ear Una. aadsesi NO DULL TIMES SELLING TOOD left to dispose of this stock. 16x "House," care of Herald. II People must eat.

Federal dlstrib'i- Address tors make bigr profits. 83.000 yearly and WANTED Nursing. Bell 1312-W. 13xjrO BALE by owner new mnd.rn i. up.

No capital or experience needed room Bemi dwo feUtauranneHeed WANTED- A' few ambitious young tlhont; French doirs. buUt WANTED Young woman, 18 years and over, to train as attendants In a hospital for nervous diseases. Por full information apply or writ to St. Prsn-ois Hospital, 45 Ul street, Pittsburgh, Pa- 30otX of education and experlonce, Do 268, care Herald. PKUNTliNU 17 bulltin vnnr. vAa r. T)god1a to enter our new classes Mon- -7L g.5piXT. biock fronr terms rea- 1AXIOAB Call 836 Bell OPSHA HOUSE TAXIOAB CO. aers sure. Ky-luslve territory.

Write day. New Castle Business College. sonable. Mall answers to answers to EVANS PRINTING CO. care ol Federal Pure Food Chicago.

Herald office. lGx 12i 20 N. Cochran Way 214tf All kinds of Job Printing done in a first-class manner. Hring your- work to us. Satisfaction guaranteed.

The Evans Printing 25 North Apple Way, Bell plione Ii85-K. Siltitf D. JASPER JONES, phrenologist Readings by appointment. Bell 3385- r0fL SA" Wish to leave for California Februarv lKth. i BANKRUPT PHONOGRAPH SALE i.

tit nni'fl WeKKa 1 High-class phonographs at less than piiunoBiopiio LOST AND FOUND Kewa rk.New York State. irniiri I nouse, nardwood finish, s-room house k.rHm,i fini.i good uf one-nair their e-half their WRIST WATCHES unoourn value. 30 East street, I attic pwed trt th ly a few days left to dispose this Answer care Silrild i-sck. 16x i0 1. on ox stock.

LOST By a working' man, $39.00 near nf wuhlnirton and Mercer AMBITZOUS WOMEN Earn ten dol-lars daily selling the newest "Medical Adviser." Unfolds secrets of married happiness, often revealed too late. Big streets. A reward will be paid for the BUY HBS a wrist watch at Perel HIGH-GRADE SAMSMW-Good ap- VQ AMl xwaa ot pearance and u.cMa.u3&ears old. mar- lerheads. envelopes, statements, book-New Castle grope.

ies 3o years o. (older3 Ian, programs, ried preferred, state iun tickets, etc Let us figure your next about yourself. 9 Tyndall order. Agents for Milo typewriter rlb-swer. Chas.

M. iVV. 13x fc carbon paper. Else Printing 'OR SALE 4-room house, large lot water, inside toilet and furnace'. WAMTEO Everyone to know that the man's.

Elgin, Waltnam and other uiuin-Douna boor that women want. spiritualist cnuon or tne sow, uiira return of the same to xne jxenuu flee. 18x fcaJi' fJSjJ1! 'rom Junior High" SchSt makes. E-Z terms. Ail our watches are guaranteed, J.

F. Perelman, 119 East Washington street. JOltf I same nrraiu'o aa police department. street, Pittsburgh, Pa. aeus readily for 31.00.

Send 40 centi (special agent's price) for copy. Medl cal Press 64S Washington Street, Buf falo, N. V. 120 Market street, corner Apple nTTrT, i. rimmed classes.

16 Owner can have same by calling at way. ien pnwi.o will have a healing clas at 7:30. Lyd'a E. Brown in cnarge. Mr.

Lyftlo, E. Marqueto will speak. Subject! "How to Enforce the Tenth 'Commandment, or Herald sof flee. POR SALE One fine modern residence ast SJde' at abut one-half of What If U'tttlH nntt AGENTS Make S15 a day "ellS Creij co New Leather Shopping Bags ana OTrin-oKT theest 2K NEW CASTLa PR1NTTNG OO. 224 Syc- DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY How to Deifat and Overcome Covetous- terms.

Write if interested t7L iV ness," and will give messages. Eddie! care Herald interested to Box i. more streeu tteu u. o. ec x.

anA Vrititinir. Be1! 1526. LOST Ladies' handbag containing money, receipts and checks; also keys. Finder please return to Herald office. Reward.

l3x FKosucnra tailorino agents WANTED Alen's made to order clothing (union made). Beautiful materials, lowest prices. New spring swatch, line ready. Leeds Woolen Mills. Chicago.

i6x aoxj Brown, pianist. J. lS7-tf WANT TO HEAR from owner having LOST One fur-lined glove, Fawnes farm for sale; give particulars and ed on mortgages. Let ua helD vou in make: grej. Liberal reward if returned to Herald office.

2x DIAMONDS, WATCHES ON CREDIT lowest nrice. John J. Black. Pennsyl CLEANING DYEING IDEAL SUGGESTION A spiritual restorative system that heals nervous disorders, functional diseases and breaks bao habits. For home and nrivat use.

pertaining to real estata and insurance. J. Hays Co, thir floor Johnson office Bell 468-J. residence Bell 809-Rr 20iU vania street, Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. Dec.

31, Jan. 7 and 14. ALIg. ioh1" PRICES REDUCED LOST Sunburst gold brooch with diamond setting. Between Park avenue and Hlllcrest.

Reward If returned to Herald office. 2ix "WANTED Man with car to sell ow-nriced Graham tires. $13.00 per ween to. nn vrrne vvarner. volant.

it. JJ. Jo. entire fitnrlr rt I 11 i Diamonds. 3- 14x Oranam MEN AND WOMEN'S clothes, WANTED To rent storeroom on Washington street.

E. J. O'Brien, Bell 944. 14 J6l8 Boulevard. Benton iiaruor.

draperies, por-tierres, dyed or cleaned. We POR SALE 100 acre farm with ten-room house, large bank barn, wagon shed, pens, cribs, no fence rows or stones, watered by 4 springs and 1 well, water In house; will sell with or with put equipment; wheat in ground; farm is level, enough roll to drain; situated on finest road in county, convenient to BEAUTY PARLOR Watches. Jewelry, Silverwaro, to meet the downward trend. Original cost has been disregarded In fixing NEW LOW PRICES. $1.00 A WEEK J.

V. PERELMAN ONE CHANCE IN A LIFETIME An established business; grocery, confectionery, situated in a locality that promises to be one 'of the best localities in New Castle. If you have cash you- can swing this deal; balance In terms to suit purchaser. Reason tor selling, owner wants to leave the city; must be sold at once. Price, Write W.

W. care Herald. 20x PURS WANTED C. a. Boozell will be new (IOU5B JUSt DCing DUilt call for and deliver.

C. W. Mayber-ry 371 East Washington street. Citizens' 143. Bell 2397.

est" Washington street. New Castle. Fa. OB WOMAN WANTED Salary "tJS fffi Um.7 6o an hour spare ma. at White Livery Barn, Ellwood i City, on the North Hill.

Will alter to suit pur- 189 East Washington Street BROOKS' BEAUTY SHOFPB Now located at 323 Neshannock avenue. We specialize in scalp treatment, scaip diseases of all sorts, and falling hair. Children's hair bobbed. Scalp treatment and manicuring for men. Hair dvelng and permanent marcel waving.

Phone 3387-J for appointment. 811 tf Jannary 13 i and every Saturday at 'Chaser If necessary; good location and New Castle, at corner of Mercer and modern in every way. For these or any Lawrence street S58tf other call 2d North Mill 2726-R Mills, ATTRACTIVE BUSINESS GIRL, 20. worth 340,000. wants kind, helping husband.

Write quick for standing picture and description. Box 223, Los Angeles, Calif. 16x SHOE REPAIRING WHITE SEWING MACHINES POR 8 ALB A splendid farm of 9 acres, 1 mile north of New Wilmington on state road. An exceptional property, with fine new, modern home; elec- WANTED TO RENT By man and wife. LETTER SERVICE SHOP ter READ NATIONAL OIL REVIEW STOCK SALESMEN are making from to tl.uOO weekly selling Pofef Wr'for IncliJS New York City.

tion. nlenriM Aaourately reports all fields. Offers 347 prizes circulation campaign. Price reduced to $1 for six months during "Our Direct Mail Service Brings Results." Multigraphlng. addressing, stenography, mimeographing, mailing 35X spring, spring-house and all other necessary outbuildings.

J. Clvds Ollfil. Herald. campaign. sample copy tree.

Nation service, mailing lists, dio-bio o. u. Ian, attorney at law. 20S Johnson New Castle. Pa.

196-ti al Oil lteview, Dallas, Tex. lSx all-round baker. T. Bell phone 2483-P- 274tf SINGER, WHITE and other standard makes, $15.00 up. Do not buy from agents.

We save agents' commission. Supplies furnished for any machine. Machines rented by week or month. The home of quality hemstitching. White Sewing Shop.

32 Bast street. Bell 3181-J. Address V. $100 TO $300 MONTHLY Distributing cortee, spare or tutl time. Uuaran WANTED-Canjassers; no collects teed quality; sells less than retail.

Ex SURPRISE TO ALL The Goodyear Shoe Repairing Shop is offering fo the public a cut price with high-grade leather and exP' workmanship. All work guaranteed. Giver us a trial to find out our price. L. AEILLO, Proprietor 86 EAST STREET MILLINERY 28X perience unnecessary.

Goldman 340 River Chicago. lOx Write G. care Herald. WANTED KAULINQ WANTED Oeneral hauling of all kinds. Call BeU phone 345tf PAINTS HEMSTITCHING and piootlng attachments; fits any sewing machine; easily adjusted; price S3.

Personal check, lOo extra. Marsh Wilmington, O. 30a MELLON'S MILLINERY SHOP At the Bridge FREE with each quart of Genuine and surrounu-ms So of crushed fruits, syrups, SE'l nofbmty.Hen'S en.Vl33 VSand avenue Ohio. POR SALE, RENT OR TRADE Block consisting of 4 storerooms and 4 apartments ra second floor; also, warehouse, 2 garages, wagon scales and gasoline "pump on the premises.

Located on Center Avenue, West Pittsburgh, Penna. Can give immediate possession. Good opening for general store. Will trade for other property or sell for cash. See Kline Lumber 303 South Beaver street.

New Castle, Pa. 13z Franco American Toilet Preparations RUGS MADE PROM OLD CARPETS on sale at my shop. Japalac Stain, cr.e 12 ounce bottle Glldden's Furniture Polish, value 60a MELLON'S MILLINER 220tl Japalac 31.50 per quart. Present this Last call. See samples and get our prices.

Rush or spring orders taken now. Adilress H. F. Yackel, general delivery. New Castle.

lOx coupon, bpencer 25 S. Mercer Bell 739. Opera House. GOVERNMENT needs railway mail olerks salary S133 to 192 month; traveUng expeL es pal d. Ex -nl soon.

Write for free speci Institute, 26x WANTED Your furniture to repair ana upholster. Prompt servile. Will call toi and return. Frew Furnltuie Co. Stfiti men questions.

Columbus Columbus. O. WATCH REPAIRING cn-pfTAT- VnTTfTtl SaVft Tl ShOPS AUTO REPAHiS, ETC. and money, as well. All repairing done by me guaranteed and backed up a vears' experience.

Workman- ejaaa mgac saea EB9 BUSH CSS i Vr.Dforiai and PHIOES Invite com- WIRELESS gives you high-class concerts, market quotations, weather reports, all important events, absolutely tree every evening in your home. Holds the boys and girls at home like a magnet. Father forgets to go downtown. Best thing yet invented to make happy homes as one man said, "if I lived In the country I would mortgage my home before I would be without one." He has one. We are the sole agents here for the Pennsylvania Wireless, the best and lowest -priced machine on the market.

Gilflllan Electric 15 South Mercer street. Phone 1537-H. 12x narison. Give me a trial and be con CAR OWNERS hang this reminder up in your garrage or Keep it in your car. When you break down on the road or need repairs, call Scott Scott Carage, Bell J2a-H.

vinced. Formerly located next door to rnhunm now at 31 East Street. B. FOR SALE 20gtf EXPERT watch and Jewelry repair work. All work guaranteed.

Quickest service In town. Put your work in the hands of experts. It doesn't cost any more to have It done right. We guarantee absolute satisfaction. J.

F. Perelman. 129 East Washington street. 301tf Remington Typewriter; The standard machine of America. For Machines or Service phone 2720-J 20V4 N.

Mill St. POR SALE Ford roadster. Inquire for Mr. Edwards, Smith-Foster Motor Car Co. I3x TIRES, ACCESSORIES WIN ONE OP 347 PRIZES offered by National Oil Review, world's greatest oil weekly.

81 brings details and Review six months. Sample oopy free. National Oil Review, Dallas, Texas. 33 Three Serious Questions If your family should be deprived of your earning power today, would your wife have to look for a job, or could she keep the home together and live comfortably on the money you leit her? It's hard sledding for the untrained woman in the business world. She is classed as 'unskilled labor' and must work long hours for low pay.

But she need never suffer this degradation If you invest a small fraction of your income in a Travelers Guarnnteed Low-cost Insurance Policy. HAT, STRAW, grain, flour and feed. fine grades of coal. Full line ol poultry supplies. New Castle Feed W.

J. Davis Son, proprietors. Union 857-X. Bell 637 214tf TIME TO RETIRE" Buy Fisk Tires aud tubes from Grossman's Tire Shou. City agency for Fisk tires, 113 West Long avenue.

Bell 2859-J. POR SALE Ford 1-2 ton delivery truck cheap. Call Bell 1274-M. 11 FOR RENT FLOUR! FLOUR W. J.

EROE New Castle's oldest Jeweler, is back in New Castle to Expert watch repairer, 12 years traveling watch inspector on Southern Pacific R. R. Special attention to railrotd watches. A full line of Jewelry. 232 East Washington street.

199tf I POR SALE Pure bred Collie pup, 10 TERB PRICES POR RENT Furnished apartment of 3 rooms for light housekeeping; hot and cold water in kitchen, range, heater. 30x3 8.50 weeKs oia. tseu 2-it-i, Ellwood City, William W. Kerys, Wampum, Pa. 16x 3 6.96 1 electric and laundry.

Everything mod- SHOE SHINE 5 CENTS We brought the price of shoe re-Dairing down with a crash now we're bringing back the NICKLK SHINE. RAPID SHOE REPAIRING 28 East Washington Street Second Door West of Leslie Hotel in 3UX3V 31X4 3.1x4 33x4 Cro- 707 ern. First-class location. 16.95 1S ton avenue. American ix3iu 17.

Ki Snanarler Tire Repair Shoo POR SALE Tull dress suit; large size; nearly new. Address Full Dress, care Herald. 35x 417 Croton Ave. Bell 282S-J. i 210tf ASX YOUR OROCER POR HORNBY'S PASTRY FLOUR POR RENT First-class exclusive sleeping room for particular people.

Running hot and cold water; in finest location. 707 Croton. 1 TOR MLB 1 lot. Nortern avenue. 1 lot.

Florence avenue. 1 Indian Motorcycle. Good price for quick sale. SIMPSON AUTO SHOP Neshannock Ave. WM.

E. LEBBY NOTHING BUT INSURANCE 220 fa E. Washington St, Bell 2550 320tf Por sale bjr All Qrooera mti POR RENT Desirable housekeeping rooms. 3 or 4 well furnished rooms; mo-lrrn "on veniences. 119 Kust street.

Bell lv'ioire Kfio-R. 3 6s: POR RENT Purniahed rooms complete for light housekeeping. 608 Pine. UKEiJH ROASTED COFFEE POR SALE Party has 60 shares of motor mortgage oommon, at vCC.Cw, oi' 11 4i 1 party needs cash. Address Box 2, care Herald.

13s 1 GAIN AD AY ELECTRIC CO. Bleasdaln Kodgers, Agta. Phone 897 28 N. Mill t. Next to Gas Office 204tf DRif CLEANING AND POR RENT One well furnished apart- I nient; steam heat, sink and range in; kitchen: private bath: immediate posses-: YOUR MONEY does FRESH ROASTED COFFEE Coffee to be good must be freshly roasted and ground just as the consumer usea it; otherwise it will lose its fla ti.

LLOYD RICH Grauuats ot Optometry Columbia University, City of New York. Corner Washington ua Mill streets. Look for the street dock. Phone 3062-M. sion; sleeping room with hot and cold water; running water, steam heat.

No. 428 Neshannock avenue. Locksley Hall. 23x DOUBLE DUTY vor and strength. Thirty per cent or the strength in coffee is lost in 30 days.

Call us by phone and we will deliver von nnund. Fresh Roasted Coffee MEN'S TAILORING ft is it CEMENT BLOCKS 654 East Long avenue. BeU phone 2989-J. BEST WORK AT THE LOWEST PRICE CONSISTENT WITH GOOD WORK. RUGS, TAPESTRIES AND TINE DRAPERIES 13 OUR SPECIALTY.

PINEST OP WORK. HAVE US CALL POR AND DELIVER YOUR WORK. UNIVERSAL DRT CLEANING CO, 39 NORTH MILL STREET BELL 3S95-J TO LET Corner store room. 17 South -g twtt.t. TAILOR a auit for you at a Mill street.

Call or phone W. M. price from J23.60 up. We also do Knox. 118 Lincoln avenue.

I cleaning, pressing and all kinds of re- I pair work. Prices always lowest. Boa- WANTED Contract to cement your cellar. Now is the economical time to have Inside cement work done. We use THE SULPHUR VAPOR BATHS Try our treatment for lung trouble.

Why spend your money at 4 i ton laiioring -o ln uai navuuig. COAL, ion street best of materials and guarantee workmanship. RsUmaes furnished free. Cage Bell phone 3392. EPRINO 8UITINOS now ready.

Look INTEREST them over Derore you tuy. t-rices springs wnen yota nave tne tebi uaths right in your own cit for Rheumatism, Kidney and Skin Disorders and all kinds I POR RENT If you are contemplating rih, changing your living apartment by D. E. OLOSNER ZT COSTS NO MORE to have your dry cleaning work done by a responsible concern and done to your entire satisfaction. Phone us the next tim.

citizens 211. Bell phone 140. Electri Laundry and Jry Cleaning Co. POR SALE Best grade of Pittsburgh lump coal. Two-ton lota or more, per ton.

J. L. Maxwell Mill street. Bell 2642-J. Union 821.

303tf COAL AND FEED April 1st. now is the time to make ar 238 K. Washington St. New Castle of investigate. o4 South Mercer stret.

Lady attendant. K. U. Warnock. 1960-R.

217tl rangements. I have some of the very best apartments to offer; possession April 1. Adclress ''Landlord," Herald. 15x FITTSBTTRO COAL Finest grade, any KAY, STRAW, grain, flour and feed. fine grades of coal.

Full line of poultry suplles. New Castle Feed W. J. Davis Sons, proprietors. Union 857-X.


hinllnr. Rov A. Long. 443- ARCHITECTS LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS 11.. White and Neal streets.

232tr AUTO ACCESSORIES i PUMPS REPAIRS IiiiA.uKa lit Neshaonock Atenne. POR SALE 1 pair 7-year-old mules, weigh 2400, extra good ones. 1 8-shovel Krause cultivator. 1 301 Syracuse plow, good as new. 1 stationary gas engine.

114- h.p. portable engine, just new. 1 1-2-ton Master truck. 1 Ford ton truck. 1 Ford roadster.


209tf M. KKOBLOCK'S SONS 32 South Mercer Street HAND AND POWER PUMPS Pneu-matio water plants, pipe and fittings. Partners' Supply 349 East Washington steeU or phone 1337-B- BeU Phone 693. 82du The Herald One Year By Mail, $3.00 POR RENT Furnished rooms; all modern conveniences; rent reasonable. I2i Last Giant street.


MacKEXZIE, 115 N. Jefferson St. POR RE i -Downstairs front 125 Hast street. room. 11 441 PIANOS POR RENT Furnished rooms, shannock avenue.

TOUR PRIENDS want and will appreciate lust the sort of photographa we make. Owen's Studio. POR RENT Well furnished room, excellent location. Call AeU 89. lSx phonb us for prices on highest grade PITTSBURGH COAL and COWNELLS-TILLB COI1 Ton or Car Lots McCArPREY COAL ICB COMPANT Bell Phone 8.0-J.

LYON HEALY J. C. FISCHER ELECTRIC FIXTURES COLORED STITC11IXG Bright colors are making their appearance with the nearing of spring. White gloves are being stitched in rose and purple and have gar little cuffs lined with brightly colored silks. SEAVXS STUDIO High-class artistic work at reasonable prices.

2S Kast Washington streeu 2lltf ATTENTION Gilf illan Electric Co. SECURITIES DECLINED? Our paid stock has net declined In value, nor passed nor reduced Its dividends, and Til DIVIDEND IS 5 PER CENT Tea: Paid Ask for our new booklet. Savings Are Safe," which tells all about this safe and desirable Investment. STATE CAPITAL SAVINGS LOAN ASS'N R. P.

COaillLT, Agent, Ml Xj. a. T. Bldg. tlT BAKERIES now open at la South Xlercer street.

Bell 15J7-K. lUtf Grands, Player Pianos and Uprights at Pre War Prices H. R. BOYD 88 and 370 EAST WASHINGTON STREET Ofto ffiecfricSfion MMW SYSTEM BAHERT "Bread ts the staff of life. Eat more of It." 241 Kast Washington atreet.

Illtf BARGAINS FOR YOU On account of overstock of pawned goods and other articles, both ad becond-nand, Frank is closing out ev-ervthina. regardless of cost. We UEXEW1XG DRESSING If the mayonnaise has stood for a period and separates, in order to bring it back to its original fresh state, beat into it a mixture of 1 cup of 'water and 2 tablespoons of cornstarch which has been boiled until FEED FEED sate you rnuney. 14 Wel ton street. 2'ilif Bell A'tJftmrS: i thick.

Egrgs, Eggs, Eggs, Eggs! COAL TRANSFER WAMTEO ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Vitf not u.ose hens laying? DON UNO does the trick, tec end 11X10 sise. John H. browns boo. distributor, both CONSTIPATION Constipation of the bowel is stoppage of the sewerage rysteni I that removes waste matter from the It Is as necessary that your I mcviag and coat. Alee, llauUag.

x-y uoaiJ street. bowels move reeularly once ach tra sutler ART GOODS WB SBRTICB ITUTTUXa we sell When equipment. aervtce ts the main thing to be considered. We give tnat ft vice For buy your American Peauty Iron f-om us end we guarantee it for life Marvin Electrto Co, le-11 North V-r-cer street. Illtl POULTRY SHOW! New Castle Poultry and Pet Stock Association will hold a Jan.

23-28. Now is the time to make your entries. Entry fee 25c. Admission 10c. For premium list address the ecretary.

C. M. McConnick, Box 1308-W, Washington or Bell 14S1-W. To buy, A 10-acre Fruit Farm, on one of the Improved roads within a distance of 8 miles of New Castle. What is most wanted is the quality and location of the land.

If not planted and producing, anad the location be desirable, I will purchase the same at a fair price. Address Box 17, Post office. New Castle, Pa. day. to carry off this waste, as bblx.

phone seoeVR. is that the waste pipes of your home oe kept open and carry off the waste! from the house. If you would en- kotiks, oiitau aiuiuta A he saie- liinason a PANCT A I IUT, engraving. greeting ed p4ace cards, pirtares, framing, enlarging and re-silvering of intrrore. torn Art Shon.

110 Snth Mill street bU l4t letX Joy rood health, keep your bowels and ord -o. llvll reeular hy takine Chamberlain 'noD biDKMB, mgr. Tablets when needed AD Tne Herald One Tear By MaJL tS.OO.

New Castle Herald from New Castle, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.