The Zanesville Signal from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)

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The Zanesville Signali

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5 Hi P18 News 5 'vol LVI NO 194 i 1 1 I THE ZANESVILLE SIGNAL lx ll1 Of i ZANESVILLE 0 MONDAY EVENING DEC 16 1935 PRICE: THREE CENTS MEN ENTER KIDNAP SEARCH SEL RULE PLAN AS RANSOM NOTE RECEIVED Runs Amuck Kills 2 Top light RUN CAMPAIGN Peiping IN JAIL CELL HOSTILITIES CALLED BY PHONE city POOR WEATHER OPEN PROBE HALTS DRIVING LIQUOR CHARGE and the with lanterns flares It was enumerate Crashes Grid Party to Serve Papers on Oil Man Doherty a to 75 bishop a hall be 4: 4 he 111 '4 1 MClxmdon Dec 16 A Reuters ''(British) News Agency dispatch from Peiping said 10 students were killedtoday and 15 Injured In a clash with police during demonstrations of pro steat against the North China au tonomy movement sur and ex The Ohio Association for has launched a new constitutional revls taxatlon system sentenced to a four CARDENAS ENDS CALLES THREAT Take a good look at this beauty for you may be seeing her on your next flight out of Chicago Shes Marguerite Moore stewardess for the United Air Lines and was adjudged the prettiest of 150 girls in similar Jobs Nils Granlund Broadway's ace picker handed her the laurels at Newark Airport 7 It was first major assign ment as a special process server The subpenas require Doherty to answer within 20 days the suite that have been filed against him by 14 stock holders in an oil company only disappointment about the whole affair Is that he didn't stay at the party long enough to see the skits poking fun at the New Deal and the leaders In political and business life "It looked Ilka I swell he said was there only long enough to hear a couple of the quipsand to stand up and clap lot Mr Succumbs In Blaze indlay Dec Jacob Lltzenberg 76 died early today in his flame razed one story farm home near Vanlue 14 miles southeast Sheriff Lyle Harvitt said the aged man apparently caused the fire while attempting to start a blaze in a kitchen stove A privileged person In Czarist days high born and proud Victor Koussow (above) went berserk uoiumma Presbyterian Medical Center New York following discharge as a labora tory helper His mind unbalanced by years of brooding he shot three' pro fessors two fatally and was hunting for the man who had caused his dis missal when he killed himself end ing a reign of terror Subln 41 Cleveland fatally by an auto while DECIDE COURSE IGHT Witness Against Him May Be Attacked for vious Statement Roosevelt I got a kick out of being there among diplomats and cabinet members and multi millionaires and me with only 50 cents in my pocket "The hardest part of the whole evening was to walk slowly and mat ter of factly after managed to slip by the guardians at the en trance" Sickler "spotted" former Secretary of War Patrick Hurley In the throng milling about In the huge bellrcom He remembered i that the Hoover cabinet officer was a frater nity brother the name Epsilon chap ter glad to see jhe young man Dog Does Good Turn inds Intoxicated Man Newark Dec Carey Bricker retired druggist credited bird dog today with a good turn Bricker said the dog came un him whining and wagging Its tall He said he followed the dog a half block and found an intoxicated man lying rain soaked and blood covered Bricker took the man home and the dog disappeared The man told Bricker he had never seen the dog before Washington Dec (UPJ Gerald Sickler handsome former college cheerleader and amateur actor understand why the whole town's talking today because he admitted "crashing" the Gridiron club's ban quet Saturday night to serve 14 sub ponas on Henry Doherty wealthy oilman "It was easy" the one limo George Washington university student said as he posed for pictures in the top hat white tie and tailcoat he used to slip past secret service men guard ing the entrance to the annual frolic in honor of the presl dcnU Gillette Will Renew ight for Revision of Taxation System Bittinger irst Witness Be fore Grand Jury Hear ing Charges A Return of ormer President Starts Upheaval Mexi co is Quiet Traffic accidents in Ohio brought death to eight persons yesterday Unfavorable weather conditions In most parts of the state held traffic to a minimum Miss Marlon Rodlg 21' of Cleve land was killed when the auto In which she and five other young per sons were riding rammed Into a parked truck in Dover 7 Cuyahoga county Only one of the other five was hurt seriously Police Sergt Clar ence Grube said the trailer was rounded flags Martin Injured crossing a street near his home A hit skip driver's auto struck and killed Warren Bishop 84 near his home In New Lyme 20 miles south of Ashtabula Mrs Raymond Davis 33 of Uhrichsville was killed and her hus band seriously Injured when a truck In which they were riding crashed into a building at a curve Carl Richard Dennison and his wife also riding In the truck were Injured Ten year old Margaret McCurdden died in Youngstown from Injuries re ceived Saturday night when she was hit by an auto while crossing a street :7 7 Robert Morrow 56 a farm hand died enroute to a hospital after be ing struck by an automobile west of Newark Miss Alice Huddleson 63 of Se bring was struck by an Alliance Sa lem interurban car at Sebring last night and fatally injured Harry Johnson 40 relief work er died in a Mansfield hospital today of injuries received when he walked Into the side of an automobile last night No Refund On Marriage License So He Weds Oklahoma City Dec He wanted a refund on his mar riage license' "Nothing doing" said Lynnle Clayton clerk "Well" said the young man guess go ahead and get mar ried then" Traffic Deaths in Ohio Held to Eight Over Week end As Result Cloudy Mostly cloudy tonight and Tuesday Snow flurries In east portion tonight Not much change in temperature Orders Slowing Down of Trains Through City Detroit Dec Traffic Director Edward A Mitte is after 1 railroad engineers who speed their trains through the city He has ordered train crews to throttle down to 15 miles an hour within the city limits and Instructed officers to check the speeds with stop watches Issue tickets hereafter to the train crews Just as we do to automobile drivers" Mitte said Declares Roosevelt To Lose Southern States Washington Dec In a capital growing more "campaign dally the publlcan national com mittee gathered today to select the 1986 convention city and to hear with cheery smiles the latest news about Eugene Talmadge Georgia's Democratic governor Talmadge who is President Roose velt's most vehement Intra party ene my now that senator Long Is gone tentatively tossed his hat Into the presidential ring last night He said he probably would run for the Democratic' nomination to halt the federal "commu nistic If state com mittee decides to hold a presidential primary Republican national com mitteemen took the view that this development certainly would do their cause no harm Talmadge said President Roosevelt would many southern states next year If they continue this New Deal a prediction echoed by several committee men from Dixie Three cities Cleveland Chicago and Kansas City were engaged In a sharp contest for the 1936 Republi can convention Each was prepared to donate around 4150000 It selected A drive to get the convention for Pittsburgh folded up at the last min ute The question of poeslble presiden tial nominees was taboo but It was linked with the contest over the convention site Propose Building of Huge Steel Plant Pittsburgh Dec 16 UP) The Jones and Laughlin Steel corporation one of the larger Independents em barked today upon a 640000000 ex pansion campaign which business leaders hailed as further strengthen ing position as the na steel capital The greater part of the money will be used for a $25000000 strip and sheet mill the largest of Its kind to bp built In Pittsburgh 5 The 85 year old concern disclosed one of the most Important financing plans since 1929 In a letter to stock holders The management asked approval of a 8 100000000 mortgage of which 660000000 would be held In reserve The stockholders will hold a special meeting eb 14 Actual letting of contracts cannot be started before that time Business men looked upon the gi ant program as an added sign of bet ter times In the Industry coming as It did shortly after a 6140000000 pro gram undertaken by the Steel corporation inancial circles regarded the move as one of the first major ap plications of new money to the pro duction and distribution of manufac tured goods in recent years Lands With Second Cargo of Air Mail Manila I Dec The Philippine Clipper landed here this afternoon bringing the second cargo of trans Paciflc air mall from Ala meda Calif Completing her 8000 mile flight the giant flying boat arrived at 3:54 (2:54 a Zanesville time) The elapsed flying time was 60 hours four precisely the same as that of the China Clipper which made i the first airmail crossing two weeks ago Based on flying time the two ships averaged 13333 miles an hour for the westward cros lng Believes Davey Helped University Attendance Cincinnati Dec UP) Dr Raymond Walters nationally recog nized as a college statistician record ed in his annual survey of enroll '1 ment figures made public today that Increased attendance at Ohio State university was "a factor in the re cent political controversy between Governor Davey" and the university administration He declined to explain or elaborate his assertion The survey Is made annually for "School and an educational Journal He reported Ohio as having 41376 full time students in 34 accred ited a figure which placed Ohio third In the list of states New York ranked first with 80 042: Pennsylvania second with 43624 and Illinois fourth with 38831 factor In the recent political controversy between Governor Davey and the administration of Ohio State university was the increase of 588 In the freshman class over that of last year and a total full time In crease for the university of 1203 12 per cent" Dr Walters commented'" Pope Avoids Discussion Of Peace Proposals Vatican City Dec 16 Pope Plus purposely avoided discussion of pending Italo Ethlopian peace pro posals today In a secret consistory where he created 20 new cardinals The pontiff said any observation he might make "would not be well understood or would be deliberately misconstrued" In many places His Holiness did however God fervently for peace with Justice with truth and with charity" The consistory during which time the 20 new princes of the church were elected was saddened by the death of Cardinal Lega of rascati an hour and fore the conclave "We do not wish to those conflicts which give worry not only to Europe and Africa but all the world because In so many places there Is danger our word either would not be well understood or would be deliberately misconstrued" the pon tiff said in hts address: Only 22 of the 48 cardinals were present as the pope escorted by his booted noble guards walked briskly to the consistory hall and mounted his scarlet draped throne unaided His Holiness filled the only vacant bishopric In the United States that at Helena Mont by appointing Joseph Gilmore chancellor of that diocese to succeed Ralph Hayes who was recently named rector of the American college in Rome Columbus Dec 16 UP) rom a cell In the ranklin county Jail Oliver Gillette of Cleveland sec retary of the tax reduction campaign for ion of Gillette was Jail sentence and fined 6300 and costs by the ranklin county common pleas court Nov 27 He was convicted of signing the name of a Cleveland man to one of the associa initiative petitions He now is serving the jail sentence Early last August the Columbus police department at the request of Secretary of State George Myers raided headquarters of the Ohio As sociation for Tax Reduction in a lo cal hotel They found Gillette di recting a number of business college students copying names from tele phone and city directories onto peti tions to Initiate tax amendments Secretary of State Myers at the time declared Gillette In signing names of others to the petitions was "perpetrating one of the greatest election frauds ever Gil lette at his trial charged that the "money Interests" were fighting him In his new move Gillette has sub mitted a new referendum petition for approval as to form to the secre tary of state It calls for a vote on his proposals at the next November election Attorney General John Bricker has already approved the synopsis The new proposal la almost Identi cal with the one (Jlllette was prepar ing when his place of business was raided It proposes abolition of all real estate and tangible personal property taxes: enactment of a per sonal and corporate Income tax: lim its automobile license fees to 64 and gasoline taxes to 4 cents a gallon and proposes a chain store tax of 62 on the first unit doubling on each successive 'Unit The secretary "of office said it was probable the petition would bs approved If It conformed to legal requirements A total of approximate ly 227000 signatures are requires to place a proposed amendment on the ballot Other members of the association besides Gillette who are designated to represent the petition are Edwin Lansing and William HUI of Cleve land Turner of Van Wert and A Walters of Ravenna Son Shoots ather and Then Kills Sei Hamilton Doc James Van Lieu 57 shot and killed his fa ther and then himself today Coroner Edward Cook reported was informed the man had been mentally Entering the bedroom the son shot his father Edward 87 through the head with a shotgun as he lay In bed and then ran from the house As the wife ran for aid he fired another through his own head Mrs Van Lieu said she grasped a dinner bell and ran ringing it to at tract attention from the farmhouse towards a neighbor's home As she ran however she heard the shot that ended her husband's life Until he seized his shotgun life had proceeded noitnaliy this morning she said as her husband arose at 5:30 as usual and milked and did his other accustomed chores tj Demands Cause Naval Conference Snarl London Dec (47 Viscount Monsell first lord of the admiralty summarized the International naval conference situation to Prime Min ister Stanley Baldwin today while delegates sought to unravel the snarl resulting from equally de mands' Informed sources expected the ne gotiators to attempt to dispose of or sidetrack the parity Issue soon to permit the conference to proceed with discussion of limitations on submarines and tonnage and type of warships and armaments A secret session of chiefs alone of the American British Japanese rench and Italian delegations was called for this afternoon and was expected generally to be highly Im portant in determining the Imme diate future course of the negotia tions for an agreement to replace the expiring Washington and London na val limitations treaties Columbus Dee reer Bittinger speaker of the Ohio house cf representatles went before the ranklin county grand jury to day as the first witness in an Inves tigation of charges by Representa tive George Harter (D Summit) that patronage blocked fils proposed Inquiry of the state liquor depart ment Harter awaited a call to appear It was Harter who asserted rancis Poulson state Democratic chairman promised Representative John Hew itt (D Mahcnlng) Jobs In exchange for a vote against Harter's resolution proposing the liquor Inquiry The house defeated the resolution Poul son denied he sought to Induce the vote saying he offered Hewitt some jobs In an effort to appease hostility to Governor Davey Bittinger was In the grand Jury room about 30 minutes He was not privileged to disclose what testimony he gave The house speaker did tell news papermen that Harter had never made a complaint to him relative to any bartering at votes for Jobs and that he knew of no such attempt In con nection with a vote on the liquor In quiry proposal Donald Hoskins ranklin coun ty prosecuting attorney said Poulson state Democratic chairman request ed the grand Jury Inquiry Harter has declared himself "ready to his assertions that favor itism and Irregularities prevail In the liquor department Governor Davey and Liquor Board Member Welling ton Leonard a Republican join in praising the department as a "model for the Davey and Paulson deny Harter's assertions Including his recent state ment that Davey "personally opposed anlnvestgatlon" 21 Year Old Scion of Phil adelphia amily Is Missing fill Armed Jap Pene Irate Deeper Into North China said advancing upon the tall hand some Hoover cabinet officer "Glad to see you" Hurley beamed giving Sickler the fraternity hand shake good to see you again" eeling bolstered by that friendly greeting Sickler strolled over to an other group borrowed a seating chart and sought out the table at which Doherty was seated He tapped the surprised oil man on the shoulder and served the papers Doherty he said was pretty friend ly too despite the fact that 14 pa pers were a lot for one to sluff Into ids dres coat pocket EAR Trenton Dec 16 (UP) At torneys for Bruno Richard Haupt mann sentenced to die In less than five weeks will decide tonight what effort next to make to save his lite Lloyd isher of lemington chief counsel said decision would be made In a meeting of all Interested lawyers In Somerville whether to ask a new trial adducing new evidence or throw Hauptmann immediately upon the mercy of the state court of pardons He said he had heard reports that a principal witness against Haupt mann had been proved Incompetent by records showing he swore before the trial that he was nearly blind but said nothing had been done to turn the circ*mstance to Haupt aid The witness In question Amandus Hochmuth 80 testified that he saw Hauptmann driving an I automobile near the estate of Col Charles A Lindbergh at approximate ly the time the Infant son was kidnaped Records were said to exist In New York city department of welfare files to show that Hoch muth swore in 1930 that he was al most blind and required a pension "We haven't decided what to do about that or whether to do any thing" isher said but he added that the combined counsel will con slder tonight "a plan I can't explain now but which may get Hauptmann a reprieve for 90 days or longer It Is possible that Hauptmann has no legal right to ask a new trial lawyers said and can be saved only by the court of pardons New Jer sey law specifies that a motion for a new trial must be made within six months after conviction Hauptmann was sentenced last ebruary His attorneys believe that the law would not apply If It could be proved that material testimony In his first trial was false Governor Hoffman who visited Hauptmonn ln his cell In October and has interested himself In a pri vate Investigation of the case reit erated today that he has no opinion of the proper action for the court of pardons to take and that his only function will be to convene the court It Hauptmann's lawyers ask a hear ing The court has nine members Including the governor 10 KILLED INI Stamping Out Record ire in No 1 Post Office PROTEST OVER Kkigan Chahar Province China sfiJiDec 16 The Japanese army ex tended its sway deeper into North today Incoming troops armed with bayonets and machine guns taking posts around the railroad station of this Interior gateway on the great wall virtual state of emergency Isted All city gates were closed populace feared an extension of the Host 11 1 ties In eastern Chahar to this strategic inland section at the prov ince Hampered by tne ueiac using xiom runs uf uurulng paper 'SiThe swift coup by the Japanese firemen for seven hours fought the blaze that destroyed valuable apparently gave them control of the government records temporarily stored In the new Post Office building 'Vital railway yards here It accom at Washington Here's a general view outside the building duringII? panted seizure by armed forces of the the blaze one of the hose towers stretching toward the flames on the Japanese supported East Hopeh au sixth and seventh floors of the 610000000 building tonomous state or langxu strategic A seaport and railway center 200 miles TV31 to the southeast IlBAkl I Ik 4 IV Student demonstrations against es 1 1 X1 1 Uljl ftabllshment of a seml autonomous 'government for Chahar and Hopeh I OI ART provinces broke out again in Peiping I Ilf1 AA I Hopeh province Chinese reports sold Eastern Chinese of the Baldwin Collecting Material state of for presentation To Commons Students atally Hurt In Clash With Police at Mexico City Dec (47 Presi dent Lazaro Cardenas with the army under his control and organized la bor and other Important groups backing him appeared today to have dominated completely the agitated political situation created by the re turn to Mexico of Gen Plutarco Ellas Calles While the president was receiving additional pledges of support from all sections of the country Calles re mained In his home here surround ed by guards and apparently deserted by a majority of his former allies Only a few personal friends went to call on the former and president An absolute absence of political ac tivities at headquarters fol lowed charges made In the senate that he was Involved In seditious maneuvers but Informed sources said the former president had prepared a campaign which was forestalled by the vigorous measures taken by Cardenas Emilio ortes Gil president until 1920 once a friend of calles and now head of the National Revolu tionary (government) party asserted Calles "has the gravest error of his life In returning to Mex ico and above all In the company of Luis Morones" Morones head of the Regional Con federation of Workers and Peasants andnone of the dominant figures dur ing the years Calles was In power went to Lob Angeles early last week and flew back with Calles He recent ly had been charged with responsi bility for numerous alleged crimes during the calles regime 4 hostilities were renewed in Chahar province between it Chahar troops and forces northern Japanese advised Manchoukuo The occunation of Kalkan elzure of Tangku gave Japanese and Japanese sponsored forces control ofl A counter attack on critics of the both ends of a 200 mile line extend Anglo rench plan for ending the Ing through Chahar and Hopeh prov uuvu6y 1 itajo Ethloplan war Is in prepara einces from Kafgan down through 5 1 27 run tlon by the British government 4 Thq action at Tangku brought the(jginenirng kingdom of Halle yitesmilitary force of the East Hopeh au 1 Prime Minister Stanley tonomous state set up by Gen Yin Baldwin informed sources said to 1 Ju Keng in the former North Ch na Lj conccttng material for bre demilitarized zone into acvion sentatlon to the house of commons the first time The British cabinet In token of The attackers moved Into the port the seriousness with which Britain 27 miles east of Tientsin after a brief nas recelveji the storm of criticism battle with the retiring garrison A at Geneva and in various European few mon were reported killed and capttals evoked by publication of the wounded on both sides Paris scheme for ending the war The assault however had been met In an emergency session timed carefully to take place while! News of a distinctly different the peace reservation corps under nayOr came meanwhile from the Gen Bhang Chen retiring Chinese southern front the area In which governor of Hopeh province was bc lpmmier Mussolini would garner many Ing moved south thousands of square miles of terrl i erarirmpn ri ij a i bvimcio vory 11 ine plan were Tangku stood by during the conflict accepted without reservation that it while their officers unaerwu will not be was regarded as a fore tlon between the opposing Chinese I gone conclusion comp There where Gen RudolfoGraziana Japanese repurcs aiu a lew weeKs ago was pusning persist was comnlcto withdrawal of General ntlv northward In a strategic move Bhang's forces from Tangku remov to establish an Italian corridor be Ing the last elements oi central tween northern and southern Ethlo Chinese government auuivni pia the ascist army conceded it The leaders of the East Hopeh au nad taken the defensive tonomous state of a score of coun prom Dolo the Associated Press tries distinct from the seml auton correspondent dispatched via courier omous government set up later to Mogadiscio Italian Somaliland aall Hopeh and Chahar provinces were repOrt that weary southern working In close cooperation with forces vcle braced for an attack ex Japanese militarists 7 pected momentarily from a mass of Their seizure ct Tangku followed a 40000 Ethlonlan warriors under Ras dispute over use of certain Tangku p(sta Demtu wharves by tne Japanese kwj This would constitute tne nrsv military purposes resulting In the I major Ethiopian offensive The Ethlo arrest before the occupation of thelpi army consists of three main Chinese commissioner for the TahgiUilcolumns driving forward on a front area 30 miles from Dolo on the frontier The commissioner was taken into of Ethiopia and Italian Somaliland custody by the Japanese military af Italians however planned a ter refusing to Tease the drlTe of their own If the Ethiopians wharves to the army because of vig dld not act soon orous opposition by the present oc nie Italian commander on the cupants southern front attributed to Henry ord the American automobile man TV ufacturer "private sanctions" which Deplores Inability to he gald has held up hls northward Save Others rom ire drive ord he said failed to deliver Carnegie Okla Dec 16 (47 hBd conuacvea tuxu paiu ava George Bailey young An official communique Issued at rushed four times into ms 1Wlan dwelling to save Larded an Ethiopian force rear Neg lly while six others died In flames I the southern front It add crled today: ed "there Is nothing to report on It seems a fellow could bate done I (northern) front more But after the celling feu I hag bMn oniy some action of just couldn't get the rest patrols along the Takkaze know what well do Bai ley's Wife said holding close her only surviving child Three of her OppOSCS Parking meS children two nephews and Ballejs nuriRff Christmas Time half brother were burned Dec 16 (47 bvfectlve toe Expressing belief that police lleved caused by a defective Hue fl)d lmportant The Whole family picked things to do Municipal Judge during the autumn months and saved th Wcllc announeed today $85 Mrs Bailer Vtad he w111 assess flnCS against was burned up It was all we a motOTlste for violating parking Everything is gone I regulations downstown In the I Christmas season Police action llni I neo Dentist To 'in "handing parking tags left and DClliintt I he said Is working against Run tor Governor the effort to get people out of 7 cMumbus Dec Dr their homes and Into the stores 'w mhle Defiance dentist notified In order to have them spend trlarV of State Myers today he their money to bring back jiros would seek the Republican nomlna parity" General John Bricker KjnC Rilled and OtllCrS Missing In Blaze nommee lor renOminatlon Moscow Dec 16 W7 A fire In the Htv commissioner alto has Worker's Community house at Irk as Dayton city tion xing utsk which gained headway because announced hls nt Uon the firemen neglected to bring their the Republican candl ladders killed at least nine persons Kimble the fifth said press dispatches today date fo but hls name was The building housed 160 persons tlteot of Of XreCXTf! unsuccessfully obtR'niE Uie Ransom Note Printed With Letters Clipped rom Newspaper New York Dec (47 Spurred on by a tailor's story and the grow ing belief of relatives that Caleb Milne 4th had been kidnaped for ransom officials today Intensified their search tor the mysteriously missing 24 year scion of one of Philadelphia's first families The grandfather Caleb Milne Jr retired textile magnate reluctantly agreed with the kidnap theory He had previously scoffed at abduction reports While federal men joined New York state's "Scotland In the search for the handseme young actor Schwartz whose tailor shop Is across the street from the modest Murray Hill apartment of Caleb and hls brother rederic told how a strange man accosted them last Mon day night It was to rederic that a note Indicating Caleb was kidnaped when he disappeared last Saturday night was addressed "Your brother he Isn't in Phlla delphla we got him out In the coun uuo xetter pveLuiaiacu wvugu keepele said "but he will be returned living If you will follow the letter we will send you "Available cash must come from 7 I New York Keep In touch with your grandfather and phone The letters will be signed The note was written in newspa per type pasted on brown wrapping paper It was wrapped around a Christmas card of the 10 cent type showing a man and a woman in a sleigh with a winter background and bora the legend "Greetings to you" In Woodstock NiY Miss Anita Smith aunt cf the missing boy said she was sure because of her neph habits that he had been kid naped She said he left for New York several weeks ago after living for a while with hls mother Mrs red erica Milne in a modest Woodstock house Clarence McKean New England chief department of Justice agent said at Boston federal men had been called In The disappearance was re ported yesterday by hls 18 year old brother rederic with whom he shared a studio apartment on East 37th street rederic told police hls brother left a note Saturday saying he had gone to Philadelphia with a "Dr Green of Grade Square" be cause their grandfather was 111 Mrs Louise Tarbell In charge of the apartment house said Caleb de parted In some haste after a phone Call He asked her the location of Grade Square a tiny park at 86th street and the East river 'A police search failed to' discover a man named Green In that vlcln Ity and the grandfather reported he was well and bad not sent for the youth Young parents are separ ated He and hls brothers were In the custody of their mother Mrs1 rederica Milne who hastened here last night from her home In Wood stock The father Caleb Milne 3rd came here from Boston after the disappearance was reported I ill "a 4 MW 1 1 1 9 Wi I He I i Vw 'J B' IS? IMa mu Er fr iMlIrwr IWi HI BC a i a 4 ii I1 Ajri'Srt I 1 1 A.

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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

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Job: Mining Supervisor

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.