Dark Souls 2 Soft Cap (2024)

1. Stats - DarkSouls II Wiki

  • 1 nov 2022 · The soft cap for dark damage is at 30 Intelligence and 30 Faith. · The soft cap for fire damage is at 60 of combined Intelligence and Faith.

  • darksouls2 wiki

2. Stat Soft Caps - Dark Souls II - Giant Bomb

  • 23 apr 2014 · Stat Soft Caps · Vigor Add 30 HP [0 - 20] · Endurance Add 2 stamina [0 - 20] · Vitality Add 1.5 equip load [1 - 30] · Attunement Add attunement ...

  • Does anyone know the soft caps for stats such as STR, DEX, INT, FTH which affect how much damage you do? I heard it was something like 65 but will I

3. Dark Souls 3: Stat Soft Caps, Explained - TheGamer

4. How does the adaptability of dark souls 2 soft cap affect the ... - BYDFi

  • 9 aug 2021 · The soft cap in Dark Souls 2 is a game design element that limits the growth of certain attributes or abilities of the player character. On the ...

  • How does the adaptability of the soft cap in Dark Souls 2 impact the cryptocurrency market? Can you explain the relationship between these two seeming

5. Dark Souls Wiki - Stats

  • 12 apr 2022 · Soft cap 1, Effect of soft cap. vitality stat icon, Vitality, Max HP UP ... Right Hand Slot 2 Damage, Total damage of Right Hand Weapon 2 ...

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6. Demon's Souls Remake stat scaling & soft caps - GG Souls

  • Stats in Demon's Souls have both “soft” and “hard” caps. Up until the soft cap, increasing stats has a meaningful effect on your character's strength.

  • Demon's Souls Remake stat scaling & soft caps. Demon's Souls Remake builds. Demon's Souls build advice for soft caps and hard caps.

7. Stamina Buff - Dark Souls 2 - Nexus Mods

  • 2 feb 2023 · Makes stamina similar to Dark Souls 1 by decreasing stamina consumption while running and increasing endurance soft cap level (SOTFS).

  • Makes stamina similar to Dark Souls 1 by decreasing stamina consumption while running and increasing endurance soft cap level (SOTFS).

8. Dark Souls III : Le Soft Cap et le Hard Cap - SuperSoluce

  • Ces éléments sont appelés Soft et Hard Cap. Le Soft Cap correspond au niveau d'une statistique à partir duquel le bonus obtenu par point alloué devient minimal, ...

  • La progression dans Dark Souls III est très variable selon les choix du joueur, et s’il n’y a pas réellement de « bonne » façon de faire, on peut quand même identifier des éléments très précis permettant d’optimiser l’évolution de son personnage. Ces éléments sont appelés Soft et Hard Cap. Le Soft Cap correspond au niveau d’une statistique à partir duquel le bonus obtenu par point alloué devient minimal, le Hard Cap quant à lui correspond au plafond maximal qu’il est possible d’atteindre, il se situe généralement à 99. Dans ce Tuto Dark Souls 3, nous allons vous expliquer quel est le Soft Cap idéal pour chaque statistique selon l’équipement utilisé et l’orientation du personnage.

9. Dark Souls 2 - MugenMonkey

  • Dark Souls 2 Character Planner. Starting Class. Warrior, Knight, Swordsman ... Jester's Cap, King's Crown, Knight Helm, Leydia Black Hood, Leydia White Hood ...

  • Author

10. Primary Stats The Basics - Combat 101 - Beginners Guide | Dark Souls II

  • 7 dec 2020 · Hard and Soft Stat Caps¶ ... After a certain level, most stats (such as VGR, END, VIT etc) start to offer fewer benefits for a greater number of ...

  • As you earn souls from defeating enemies (or from finding them on long-dead corpses), you can use them to level up your character up. There are a&hellip...

Dark Souls 2 Soft Cap (2024)


What is a soft cap in Dark Souls 2? ›

It's the point in which investing more levels into a stat would give you less returns. The softcap of Vigir is 20, but it's still worth it to go up to 30, and even beyond for that extra HP. The softcap for Endurance is 20 and should only be more if you need more Stamina or used as dump stat.

What is the soft cap for adaptability in Dark Souls 2 Sotfs? ›

The soft cap for adaptability appears to be at 39. The Bandit begins with the lowest Adaptability at 3 and the Explorer starts with the highest Adaptability at 12. Adaptability 3-10 gives 2 points of Agility, 10-20 gives 7 points, 20-30 gives 8 points, 30-40 is 7 points, 40-99 is 7 points.

What is the level cap in DS2? ›

According to this Dark Souls 2 wiki article: The highest possible level attainable is 838. With all stats leveled to 99, the maximum Health is 2505.

Is there a soft cap in Dark Souls? ›

Here are the stats in Dark Souls: Vitality (soft cap: 30 & 50) - Raise HP, very important, especially since enemy dealt tons of damage in Dark Souls. At least get 30, some people put 50.

What is the difficulty cap in Dark Souls 2? ›

Increasing the global New Game cycle by entering NG+ will increase the intensity of all bonfires by one stage, regardless of their individual intensities, until the difficulty cap at NG+7.

Is Dark Souls easy at max level? ›

You don't become an all-powerful god at max soul level. If you're playing the game long enough to get your SL up to the highest possible, then the game won't be nearly as difficult just because you know what's coming. Heck even by the time you get to NG+, you pretty much know what to expect.

Why level adaptability ds2? ›

Raising Adaptability improves action speed, such as evasion and drinking Estus Flasks. However, it does not improve the player's parry speed. Improving Adaptability also raises all status defenses (i.e. Poison, Bleed, Curse and Petrify), whilst also raising the player's HP and Poison Attack Bonus slightly.

Does SL matter in ds2? ›

Soul Level does not matter in summoning — it is purely Soul Memory that affects it. NG shares the same ranges as NG+. The Soul Memory threshold flattens out at 360M. Once you pass this threshold, you can summon and be summoned by anyone else past it, regardless of how large the gap is!

How long should it take to beat ds2? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, Dark Souls II is about 43 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 118 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

How long is ds2 all bosses? ›

Main Story - Playthroughs with Notes
Smuglear17h 26mMain bosses only, soul level 135
bmartinko17h 28mMost Main Bosses, with some optional too
OdinOnFire19h 19mSL 139- Caestus/fist only run
GaMeSDestroyer19h 20mNo DLC, No Summons, Melee Build (Greatsword +10), No Bow or magic, SL119, 17:26:21 IGT
68 more rows

Is ds2 DLC long? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, Dark Souls II: Crown of the Sunken King is about 5 Hours in length.

What is the soft cap on vigor in Dark Souls 2? ›

Vigor : From 0 to 20 vigor You'll get 30 Hp each leveling, Softcap = 20, From 20 to 50 vigor you'll get 20 HP each leveling, Hardcap = 50, From 50 to 99 you'll get 5HP each leveling.

What is the soft cap intelligence in Dark Souls 2? ›

Sorceries and Hexes require a minimum intelligence level to cast. Some special weapons also have an intelligence requirement. The soft cap for intelligence bonuses appears to be at 40 intelligence. Intelligence affects the number of Homing Soul Mass and Homing Crystal Soul Mass.

What is the soft cap for Hex ds2? ›

Hexes deal dark elemental damage and offer a good balance of offensive spells and self-buffs. They are divided into two categories: Staff Hexes and Chime Hexes, and are unique in that respect. Dark damage scales with the lower of the Intelligence or Faith stat. The soft cap for dark damage is at 30/30 Int/Fth.

What is the soft and hard cap in d2? ›

Destiny 2 Level Caps
Power Level BandPower Level ValueSources
Soft Cap1940Rares, Legendaries (non-sunset), Exotics, Vendor packages
Hard Cap1990Activities with Powerful Gear rewards, Prime Engrams
Pinnacle Cap2000High-level Nightfalls, Raids, and other pinnacle sources
1 more row
May 30, 2024

What do the stats mean in DS2? ›

The primary stats are: Vigor - Vigor affects HP and Petrify RES. Endurance - Affects HP, Stamina, Phys DEF, and Poise. Vitality - Affects Equip Load and Poison RES. Attunement - Affects Slot, Cast Speed, Curse RES, and AGL.

What is silky in Dark Souls 2? ›

The Small Smooth & Silky Stone can be used to heal the player's HP a very small amount, or it can be given to Dyna & Tillo (Those voices near the nest) to receive a random item.

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.